What's your Forum Users tier list?

I agree with you.


People don’t like being told that they can get better so they lash out instead.


They just don’t open topics to find a solution, just support and a shoulder to cry / complain on.

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I really don’t think this thread is a good idea … but I will just mention Forumtroll and Flatearth. I have no idea whose alts they are (whether one person or two) but obviously people who spend a lot of time here as they always pop up in appropriate places and make me smile.


that sounds about right for people wich dont visit the forums much. Its the same with people leaving bad reviews. the only reason they even bothered with a review is because they wanted to complain

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dejarous could be s tier sure…

but their own nature works against them there… and they would not care if they were s or f tier… very much the same as me…

for that they do hold some respect from me.

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110% this lol.

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interesting that you are most fond of 2 trolling alts.

Yeah you definitely don’t care what anyone thinks :joy:


Self awareness is not a strong point on that side of the tracks :grimacing:


i hate smarmy comments not the context of them and you guys feed them in droves…

speak about me all you like, you do not know me like u insist you do.

doesnt bother me or upset me…

i just hate people who think they do. despite not knowing me in any real depth at all.

its not what you say its the person you are.

i dont hate what you say i hate you.

Did I ever tell you that one of my favourite Green Day songs is Walking Contradiction… :eyes:

And back on topic: I forgot about Nefarius :unamused: worth a mention as a top tier poster just for the mog.


We obviously think differently. I think it’s funny when someone makes an ridiculous comment about someone or something, Flatearth will turn up and when trolling or forum trolls are mentioned, in comes Forumtroll. Maybe I have an old-fashioned sense of humour.


Dayum, reading this thread makes my toe nails crawl.

And we Draenei don’t even have toe nails…

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You just have a good sense of irony that is all and you do not need to explain yourself to others.


Hmm… it’s a hard choice, really a hard choice.

  • S: Alysea - she’s been a good fren ever since we met, and the prettiest redhead elf.*
  • A: Puny & Ananda - I place them together as they are both helpful and nice MVPs who don’t get enough love, and they earned their title.
  • B: Souly & Neffy - they always make my day with a funny RP of sorts. Half the reason I log the forums.
  • C: Starney & Tesla & Robo - only reason I cannot place them higher is really because I have to make a difference. (In fact all of them would be B tier, or even A!) Food thread rules.
  • D: Halicos and Kanrethad - but mainly because I seldom see the former, and the latter is relatively a new contender in the food thread, so nothing negative if you read it :point_right::point_left:
  • F: the creator of the like clones - please, get a life. It’s really sad.

Special mentions go to…

…for their funny posts right where it’s due. I always rofl when I see a comment from them! They’d get a B tier on my list.

*= Souly would debate over this, stating he’s the prettiest and then I’d flip my red hair straight into his face before he armpits me and screams, “who waxed this elf’s hair?!” before sending an angry Bnet message to Neffy.


i agree they are funny, but the reasoning for them in the first place is not.

not judging ofc.

i guess we view them differently, it takes a certain mindset to spend time trolling a forum in the first place and its not a positive one.

yea im aware people claim im a troll.

im just being true to myself and honest despite of peoples feelings.

S tier respect for that comment.


I agree with you! Flatearth and Forumtroll are absolute comedy gold. It’s just some people have had experimental surgery to have their sense of humour removed and the side effects of that are pushed onto the rest of the world when they drain the energy from every environment they enter whether IRL or online.



Not sure if people won’t feel offended by this… :sweat_smile:
Like, the whole rank a bunch of people thing, there was drama around someone making a d&d tier list in the forum discord(I won’t name who)