What's your Forum Users tier list?

I think I deserve being carried around in a palanquin (look it up if you don’t know what it is) by 4 handsome male pandaren.


Crowbane speaking to Blizzard Customer Services…


we are the brotherhood of ancients


You know my oldest son has just started work in a residential home - are you one of his inmates?? :rofl::rofl:


Not yet. Or I don’t think I am :wink:


Damn. You people are old.

Am I really among the youngest WoW-EU forum influencers?


The old Blackadder episode- 'sense and senility ’


I’m under 23, and it’s insane, that I’m considered young in a video game tbh. However, wow is just an old game I guess

Wow i miss the forums for one day due to the flu, and we already have a tier list.

Well Punyelf and the rest of the MVP’s are ranked highly due to helping confused gamers, and im legit confused half the time.

Forum troll too for making me smile

The people who post food gifs are waaay at the bottom for ruining my diet (im joking)

Schadenfreude, one of the German words that made it into English

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Interesting how the term differs from language to language.

In Hindi it is written as you did. In my native it is just plainly “Sänfte”.

Don’t forget “kindergarden”! Which is ALSO a perfect summary for this forum sometimes… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think you are being generous- please don’t insult kindergartens like that…:rofl:


Speak for yourself (well sorry, not you actually) :sweat_smile:

I’ll turn 25 this April but feel like a 55 years old in heart (and mind).

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wow is just a old game in general. the teens who played in vanilla are now old and have children of their own.

i was just a child when i started wow in cataclysm/Wotlk and now im in my 20s. (mentally im still a child tho)

And when I joined in S2 BfA I was around 19. Now I am (counting this year) soon 24.

I feel like from this response conversation that the average age for new players drastically shrinks together.

Kids these days talking about forumdwellers without even mentioning Lswindrunner, who made movies and dramapieces in wow and what not. Classic. Never thought hed actually quit


I wonder if he’s still around but under another name.
There was also the guy whose name I forget who kept having ‘ideas’ (though he used a different word that I don’t remember).

Erevien, Kentarro and Elunaera, anyone who I can have a good chat.
I like Asjon the Orc too.


F - danellos :wink:


I may be mistaken, but i think she was permabanned for some reason or another. Shame really if that was the case, she was on my Bnet

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