What's your goal this week?

Should be able to reach 6000g by the end of this week

My goal for this week is to reach level 20 and tank Wailing Caverns (for the first time), but first I want to get all the quests for it (kind of an atunement haha)

Modest goal I know but it is something :slight_smile:

Catch my druid up with my friends ready for this weekends LAN!

Currently level 20, they’re 25 so only 5 levels to catch up with, and I have more play time than them!

Get some progress on gear and finish attunements to help guildies out on raids as healers are always needed.

All tho it might become a challenge as Im addicted to Maraudon gold farming.

Goals this week

59 on my priest (just dinged 58). Going to quest in WPL using 70% rested bonus

30 on my pala (28 atm) doing at least BFD en perhaps RFK

18 on druid and warlock getting all quests for Dead Mines and if time allows it, run it on both

Warrior I only level with a friend who has limited play time, hope to get at least 2 levels on him this week to level 17

Start run dungeon to get some gear/ find some mass-pvp
and have fun ofc

lmao your name and guild.

keyboard got stuck :x

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Just gonna take it slow, tank some dungeons, get some gear going, since i noticed I was still wearing level 20 stuff…

Upgraded as much as possible with Leatherworking now.

Get 60 tonight! Currently level 59 with halfway through.

Got tons of quests for Strat so will see if guildies will go with me and I’ll get my ding. Already attuned to MC and almost attuned to Onyxia. Currently need to kill Drakki for my Drakefire Amulet.

Want to also get an UBRS run in tonight. I need Dal’Rend’s MH weapon and wouldn’t mind the Truestrike shoulders either.

SO basically. Get 60 and work toward BiS. Raid on Wednesday hopefully!

Get my Rogue to 40 - currently 39 atm
Get my Druid Tanking Stockades - Currently lvl 26 and tanked DM a few times.
Get my Priest to lvl 20 so i can further their Tailoring and Enchanting - currently capped as lvl 18
Get my Warrior to lvl 10 - currently lvl 3!

Get up to level 38 (currently 37)
Get to 90g ready for my mount (currently 70g)
Get Alchemy up to 275 (currently 255)

Nothing too bad I don’t think :slight_smile:

Letting my Game Time run out.

Game had so much potential but they blew it time and time again, the whole discrepancy between the Blitzchung affaire vs rolling out Dire Maul early to appease too many exploiters and in general how it was handled was the final straw.

As there is even no news of new clean (RP PvE) Servers to adress both the overpopulation and aforementioned integrity issues there is no reason to continue having my Accounts active.

While I will probably continue to play Hearthstone for the time being, I no longer feel like Whaling for it, either - which is a shame as by itself I think the campy direction was pretty great.

I will not Delete my Accounts, not just because of the time and money which they represent but because I am aware enough that an Inactive Subscriber is ‘worth more’ than an entirely removed one and there is still place for redemption.

But for Pete’s sake Blizz, get your act together!

If you want to be a money grubbing bastard at least be intelligent about it.

Put the defunct-TCG Mounts and stuff in the Shop, finally add more Hearthstone skins to the Shop (last time you added a Hero flat for sale was…at launch?), and realize that if Classic brought in over 200% more players than Retail maybe running it (into the ground) the same as Retail isn’t the smartest idea - market diversification and all that jazz.

Could add more, won’t.

Have fun and good luck and happiness.

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Can I have your stuff…

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How is that an example of WoW Classic not living up to its potential?

Get Ironfoe.

Level up my alts to the same as my mains, although realistically that could take a few weeks.

edit … scrap that, instead level my hunter and both pets one at a time up to 20.

Kill Drakki and finish my Ony prequest :smiley:

Uhm…read a whole paragraph first?

Why I think Classic not living up to its potential in general should be clear both from my earlier writings (available to a.o.t. Blues at whom my post here was primarily aimed - if you use Game Time there is no ‘why did you end your sub?’ Questionaire) and the rest of my post.

Specifically, the discrepancy between not only not punishing but placating purely selfish exploiters and abusers of whom too many also ruined the sole RP Realm vs comming down like an anvil on a kid whose country is in turmoil is just too big for me to stand anymore - and an example because it shows in my mind that they do not care about the integrity - or even longterm sustainabillity - of Classic , at all.

And I won’t even get into the whole pile of Pooh reaction Mr ‘you may think you do’ gave after a week,.

Let’s just say I don’t like being lied to or place my trust in someone who has been proven to, to put it friendly, have no real idea of what makes Classic tick.

Which gives me pretty much either the option of getting more and more frustrated over time - as they WILL screw up again and again, two feet first, as so far only others bear the consequences of their actions - at something that ostentably is for relaxation, or just give up on it while the investment is still less than two months.

Which stinks of course, I have been pleading and waiting (never played pservers, respect the concept of IP too much - unlike Winnie the Pooh and many of the exploiters, I may add) for Classic literally for years but they dashed my New Hope to the ground and I am just so sick and tired of the whole hope-crush-hooe-crush cycle.

They don’t want to listen, even when that causes them to botch up time and again iver the years, I’m done with it.

Urgh, dude, cant you just make your standard “I quit, gimme attention!” Thread instead of trying to derail this one?

Please dont answer to this, i wont respond to you again, just wanted to tell you to stop trying to make this thread about you. Thanks…

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