What's your goal this week?

I’m looking forward to DM.

Straight after I do DM:East I will go try seperating Cho’Rush from King Gordok.

Either way I will get the rings and sword, respec 3/3 surefooted and say goodbye to my beautiful Warmonger.


This week I want to get 40+ and clear desolace and start slowly clearing out Stranglethorn.

This week i’ll get epic mount. About 150g to go.

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Well, 11g to go down from 30g for the mount today and Ulda cleared. Hand in a few more Ulda quests in the capitals then mop up the quest log for those nearly finished zones tomorrow. Good progress :grinning:

New goal for this week, get Whirlwind weapon. Try and get some warriors together for it.

Goals achieved!

60 last night with a couple of UBRS runs. And am now both Onyxia/MC Attuned! :smiley:

Unfortunately no drops from UBRS last night but did battle for Darrowshire and Nathanos last night and got the nice blue bow as a q reward! Topped the meters both times in UBRS too :smiley:


24 Hours Later…

Get up to level 38 (currently 37) - Pending :timer_clock:
Get to 90g ready for my mount (currently 70g) - Goal Reached :partying_face:
Get Alchemy up to 275 (currently 255) - Pending :timer_clock:

You’ll never reach the truth you seek

Finally finding some free time to enjoy playing again. After a week. :slight_smile:

Just dinged 36 last night and now have 60 gold. So I am on track for 100g by level 40!
The money is rolling in now.

Ok my goal for the next week is to get my charger!

I have the raw gold and all the mats except the arcanite bars, so I will be kindly asking my guildies to help me out with transmutes. I probably should have got them before DM released, but I was anticipating Arcane crystals to go down in price with DM release, and I was right!

After my charger is done, the next goal is to farm cloth and gold for an epic frostsaber for phase 3 :slight_smile:

Not touch the game for another week

After the leveling there wasn’t much fun gameplay anymore :frowning: ( Classic )

Onyxia down. Every boss apart from Domo and Rag down.

Would love to down Raggy and get a weapon :smiley:

My goals this week were reach 37, reach 70 gold, and get Whirlwind weapon.
I ended up being busy on both days of the weekend, so Whirlwind was out of the question.
But - I did reach level 37, and actually have 80 gold. Feeling good for getting my mount the second I hit 40.

Goal for this week is simply: venture forth into the jungle… and get Whirlwind weapon.

Well, I am 48 (almost 49) now, that means from now on my leveling is grinding furbolgs till 60… So…
Honestly, its nothing to really work towards, but sinde the furbolgs drop some nice items, I hope for some lucky upgrade drops, but i am not counting on it^^

Get my gnome warlock to 30, theyre really great for leveling, much better experience then Warriors

Well this weekeend I was very lucky to get my last 4 items of pre-raid BiS and grab my epic mount. This week I’d like to farm some gold so I can sit comforable at few hundred gold for any enchants I need for future gear.

Last week’s goal was the 200% mount. This week probably dropping skinning and taking enchanting while also farming the rest of the materials for robe of the archmage and obtaining the pattern soon after (or when I have almost everything).

Hit 25 on alt warrior (Currently 19). Down Onyxia and Ragnaros.