When are we removing the sword from Azeroth?

As BFA began we were under the impression the expansion would be the literal Battle for Azeroth as this massive sword had punctured our world and it was bleeding out.

We’ve spent a good few years listening to Magni telling us “ye did it Champyun” after we applied a few band-aids to her open wounds and killed a few baddies who were leaching her blood and yet that sword remains.

For perspective on our characters power and the NPC’s (lets not even mention Sylvanas at this stage) powers, we have defeated an ersatz old god in the form of G’huun, subjagated one of, if not the most powerful sorceress’s in existence, and literally fried an old god responsible for Deathwing.

It now goes without saying that we have adequately demonstrated our powers and finesse in tackling problems presented to us, and yet this massive sword still exists? Did we not do enough to save Azeroth, you know, the whole point of Battle for Azeroth? Is that story going to continue?

I know realistically we are taught that if a foreign object is embedded deep we should probably not rip it straight out lest we bleed to death but that thing has been sticking in Azeroth for 2 years and that’s gotta be gangrenous and infected by now…

Food for thought…


I like it where it is. Now it just needs to be remodeled so it looks like me and everything will be fine.

Think of it as Azeroth’s Mt Rushmore, instead of four presidents it will be me.

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Make it a giant statue of Chris Pratt and I might be on board.

No! Only a beautifully chiseled face like mine shall be honoured with a grand statue!

Is it more than just a huge rock now that we’ve drained it of power though? A big rock embedded in the planet doesn’t seem much worse than some mountain. We only really have Magni’s word that it’s a bad thing and I’m not convinced we should trust someone who stands around breathing in geothermal fumes all day.


Only it’s not a big rock, it’s a massive cosmic blade still embedded in the planet. A mountain is a “growth” if you will, of the planet. The entire expansion has been about saving the world and beating down a carnivourous slug and a giant blob with too many eyes and legs for me to care for.

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My theory is at the end of SL we will fight side by side of wounded lady Azeroth and kill Jailor with the sword we pull from Azeroths chest. :crossed_swords: Then we all move to wait next expansion and playerhousing.

Have you been called a cougar on the forums? No you have not.

Just accept fate that my glorious visage will soon tower over Azeroth.
Once you accept it, you will begin to love it.

blows kiss to her adoring public

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I like boys now.


I’m with my sin’dorei brother on this one…


Just remove it alltogether tbh. It hasn’t had a purpose since after legion. It’s just there now to be cool stuff. But nothing to do with the actual lore itself.

Considering what happened when the titans pulled Y’Shaarj out of Azeroth, it’s safe to say it’s better to leave the sword there. I know the whole “Azerite is blood” compels you to think about Azeroth like a human body but it’s probably not like that.


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Their is no swords, you all get kill by Argus and everything that happen after is just your torment.

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We should just put the sword in the scrapper and hope it gives some expulsom


As long as we can dip into that bust… I’m fine with it.

Of course!! It’s meant to be inspiring!

blows kiss to yet another fan

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Maybe sylvanas will remove it in SL final patch? who knows?!

Blizzard have said they have plans with it, that’s all we know so far.

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