When is rogue gonna be nerfed?

i have zoros swords here and yea i love him2 and katakuri
and some figures i watch alot of animes gym and wow thats my stuff xD

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yt franky orange and tell me how something like that whacky humor of the serie will be implemented on live action XDDD

i think i dont dare paste the clip here but u might know the scene where robin meets franky and they convince him to become their nakama XD

i have no hopes for this live action thing

ye me neither brother but luckily we dont need it :slight_smile:

the OG is live and doing well and Eiichirō Oda has stated that he will never stop making it

the og will be made aslong he lives and the guy is around 48y atm so for while still i imagine unless something else happens or his mind changes :slight_smile:

That is wrong. DRs work like this:

  • Stun 1: 100% effective, after the stun a 18-20 sec window for the dr starts
  • Stun 2: 50% effective, after the stun a 18-20 sec window for the dr starts
  • Stun 3: 25% effective, after the stun a 18-20 sec window for the dr starts
  • Stun 4: immune, but no dr is triggered for what ever noob friendly reason.

No, because that could also affect all comps without a rogue. For example WW + Boomy, Arms + Ele and so on.

What should get nerfed is rogue exclusively. Therefore increasing Kidney Shot cd to 45 seconds and remove the combo points cost as compensation would be a good start. At least if we look onto their current outstanding OP state.

On top of that, they should aim for their dmg! Rogue is broken because of their incredible control combined with insane burst and high healing reductions!

It wasn’t as broken in the beginning, because the devs learned on the beta and gave people good defense. But obviously some “famous” Rogue and Mage player cried on stream about people being too tanky, so the devs started to nerf basically everybody’s defense.

As a result: Even though Rogue didn’t get buffs, the meta shifted and made them kings again.

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and we all knew it very well!

what does it mean? just to be sure

Since I quoted someone, obviously not all of us.

It means, that a noob mage can spam poly a target that is already on full dr and don’t get punished for it. The dr won’t reset to it’s full duration.


At the moment the game in 3s is not fun for most players one Reason is rogues… The other is alot of boosting. When someone is above 1800 starting to play with rank1 or multi gladly Also not many player play 3s. Everyone can achieve in solosuffle some titles like rival or elite for trasmong if he is more casual player. I believe that there is alot of problems except Rogues, to be a healthy, fun and feeling rewarding braket.

No, the ladder is so dead that i was facing awc teams at 2.3 mmr a week ago.
Only mglads and r1 players play 3v3 ladder now to get the glad mount, no average player queues 3v3 anymore and if they do they will get bullied back to solo shuffle as soon as they hit 1700/1800

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You are right. I wrote wrong in my post, and I instantly saw it was wrong when I reread it now. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I main Assa Rogue, and increasing Kidney Shot to 45s wont nerf us. But removing the combo point requirement is a HUGE BUFF. As a rogue, my biggest concern is spending energy on generating combo points. As Assassination, Mutilate is costly, so if I can kidney without using it, I will be very happy!

The point I wanted to make before is that you want to make it more a consideration. If we can build a system that allows well coordinated Rogues to play well, but will screw with button mashers, then that is absolutely a win.

I agree that damage needs to be tuned. I have made several posts about it. In general, the important aspect is these:

  • Remove AoE on Shiv. Rogue fantasy is single target.
  • Nerf 4set Rogue bonus
  • Nerf bleed damage but buff Envenom. This means we lose the ability to get huge damage output in Arena by just DoT’ing everything, but instead we get more direct damage intended for single targets.
  • In general I would want Feral Druid to be 100% bleed build, and rogue to be a 50/50 mix between bleed and direct nature damage. Right now Assa bleeds are 90% of our damage output, and the entire Assa tree is build around mostly buffing bleeds.

It makes a HUGE difference if you can stun someone every 25 seconds to full duration or swap stun every 20 seconds across the arena team, or if you just can stun one target every 50 seconds, obviously. At least on higher ratings, where teams with rogues make a setup every 20 seconds.

You shouldn’t forget, that kidney isn’t only an offense ability that is shutting done every defense from that target, keeping it in place. It will also shut down every offensive pressure coming from that target.

So it’s basically like a poly, just with the INSANE exception that it won’t break on damage and can’t be dispelled, which makes it the best cc ingame.

The compensation with the CP removal would just be fair, because all stuns with such a cooldown usually cost no resources.

I love it when people who dont play Assa, tell me that I am wrong in how I play my class.
Nerf Kidney Shot to 45s but make it cost no combo points. Lets see what the forums look like afterwards :slight_smile:

And I love it, when people think they would know what classes I play, or if I am able to judge a class based on my personal game experience or not.

We should also face the truth and take a look onto your ratings. Rating flames aren’t usually my thing, but in this case, I am really curious how you could think, you could know it better?!

On higher ratings? 100%! On lower ratings, it would be basically the same in the worst case, but often better.

I also think it’s funny, when you come up with a change instead, that wouldn’t affect rogues as much, but mostly other comps and classes. Sure, a lot of people would love to see stuns on 30 seconds dr, but first of all, we should nerf rogue exclusively and not keep status quo by nerfing everybody.

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Combo points need to be tied to a target and reset when you attack another one again. Rogue problem solved

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But that is the most unfun gameplay ever. That was one of a very few changes that were good in my opinion.They should apply that benefit though to all classes. When I look onto festering wound design, I really have the impression that the devs stopped thinking since Ion took the helm.

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I agree. As a WoW veteran that started in 2005, I feel like this ties into the fantasy of a Rogue being a stalker in the shadows that prey on a single kill target. We should be absolutely lackluster in AoE but great in 1v1 duels, and locking combo points to a single target ties into that very well!

And it rewards planning ahead as well, which completely fits into rogue theme imho.
And if rogues are too weak after that blizzard can give them redirect combo points on a 1mn cd like before, which will reward even more good rogues

I dont care what you think about me or my rating. I have already showed in other posts that you cant tie rating to skill/knowledge. Its a correlation, not a causality. In other words, you can be knowledgeable and skilled without having a high rating BUT having a high rating requires you to be knowledgeable and skilled. Thus it is a causal fallacy that low rating equals no knowledge or no skill. When you consider my rating you do not consider my time played a class, my 1v1 capabilities, my analytical knowledge of the underlying mathematical models that determine the damage throughput of the skill sequence, my experience outside arena and I could go on.

My suggestion here is to discuss and find the best answer. I recognize that your point about hitting other classes is a correct one that I did not consider. If I agree completely, I am not sure yet, but you added some valid points to the discussion that I will think about.

Rogue is not the only class that needs nerf. For me, several points are true at the same time

  • This is (in my opinion) the best PvP expansion in 10 years.
  • DF is currently dominated by CC. Reducing them to make them more impactful when they happen COULD be a good idea.
  • DF is currently dominated by melee, due to too many gap closers. Reducing them to make them more impactful when they happen COULD be a good idea.
  • Blizzard are aggressive on PvP tuning. We are still in 10.0 and we have seen several tuning patches. This is great! We know from previous situations that the way forward is NOT to overnerf the top tier classes, but to tune them down to the majority of the top tier, while buffing the lower tiers up.
  • Rogue’s are slightly overtuned now, thats for sure. The majority of it is the 4set bonus and the AoE Shiv. I know this because a week before we got the AoE Shiv and no-one had 4set, the class was considered A-B tier according to Skill Capped. They specifically mentioned the week after the Talent changes that it was the 4set bonus and the AoE Shiv that brought them up to S tier this patch.

I would say, when someone really never passed the 1500 mark and have around 50% winratio on 1400 cr even in solo shuffle where everybody can make it without a fix team or good people from tool, I wouldn’t expect much base knowledge in the player behind.

And when you think, people wouldn’t be happy to see kidney on 45 seconds cd, with a baseline 5 seconds duration, but therefore without CP, you really have no clue what people would make happy.

Balance requires comparison to other classes, so if everybody would get nerfed by a 30 sec stun dr, rogues would be based on balance still be broken!

The difference also is, that this nerf would hit other classes and comps harder. A rogue still could swap around with stuns on a 20 second cooldown. That wouldn’t fix them, but weaken other classes even more.

Someone who claims to have good PvP knowledge should actually have that in mind.

Personally I would also buff all others defense and damage back up and start from there. That would nerf rogue passively.

But no matter what, the kidney change to 45 sec cd would be great from my point of view!

Which would mean you should be happy with a 45 sec kidney btw.

This is called fallacy of appeal to accomplishment and you are continuing the argument, despite me telling you very clearly that it is a logical fallacy. You are concluding a lot based on very little information, that in no way is causally linked (see correlation vs causality for more information).

That you have a prejudice that you don’t value arguments made from [insert group that you have a prejudice towards] is your thing, and it is a problem in your mind, not the rest of the world. Prejudice is not a solid argumentation, it is instead seen as bias, which is a negative parameter in reasoning. Since there is no logical causality between the cause [low cr] and the effect [no knowledge], we cannot reason that a person with the cause [low cr] has the effect. And as has been proven before, just because the reverse is true, aka the cause [knowledge] and the effect [high cr], doesnt mean the reverse of that is.

If you continue using appeal to accomplishment, I will understand it as you have no counter argument better than this, and that you are just attempting to cling on to the only possible win in the argument you can find.

I agree. And I have agreed before. I can sense in this statement that there is judgement again. You clearly wrote the entire answer as an attacker in a fight. There is no reason to utilize judgement when I have agreed with you, such as Someone who claims to have good PvP knowledge should actually have that in mind. Leave the prejudice out of the discussion and lets talk until we find the best answer together. Dont tell people what you think they should know, because this is a prejudice and it brings no value. Instead, be positive and state that you have knowledge that can change the discussion.

And with that, I agree on your point. You brought a good point to the discussion and I rejected my previous proposition. Let that be in itself good. No reason to use that as an opportunity to attempt to ridicule, aka You SHOULD have know this! How could you not!. The only reason you would want to ridicule here is to prove your previous proposition, aka He has low CR, therefore he has no knowledge then followed by I here prove that he has no knowledge, therefore my previous proposition must be true!

Rogue prejudice. It is fair, we all have that 1 class we hate.

It is a nice suggestion and I think it is nice you share what you think will be nice. I am more interested in discussing what could be the ultimate solution, so me questioning you “is this the best solution?” is not because I dont think you have a nice idea, but it is because I am questioning if we could come with an even better idea!

I mentioned a general problem and you mentioned a specific solution. Perhaps the specific solution is ideal, but perhaps it is not. You have a prejudice towards Rogues, I can sense, so I must spend some time thinking if I like your proposition before I can say I agree.