For all melee classes. Yes. Locks are garboshait in large PvP fights and mages can blink out of stun and trinket fear.
hows ur imaginary witch hunt of premades going nowdays? has blizzard blocked u yet? start posting from ur horde classic main, we all know u got one.
and honestly, u mention ptsd from pvp before on a different post, but it kinda seems to me that premades touched u somewhere u didn’t like, and instead of reporting actual exploits like walljumping u chasing imaginary premades. ptsd much? OHH NOEZ 5 ALLIES ARE RANK 12 HERE LETS REPORT OBVIOUSLY PREMADE, MY 90% WINRATE MIGHT BECOME 80% OHH NOEZ
start posting from ur horde classic main, we all know u got one.
Doesn’t matter. My points stand on their own, regardless of faction.
But as a special treat to you:
Bring it.
Alliance like to blame their own weak will to win on built in horde advantages. Problem with this is that it gives them a loser mentality where they think it is impossible to win and thus they never win. They are already defeated in their own minds. Weaklings.
Unbind all your stuns, go pvp for few months, than you can return here and post something about mentality, victimisation whatever.
No balls? Thought so.
it is simple really. Horde like to drag a game out to at least 60 minutes so that they get a solid 3k honor/hour. They dont understand simple game mechanics such as the honor decay.
You are so off, i dunno where to start from. But repeat yourself that if it makes you feel better. We slaughter you because we dont know about honor decay and are very unwise. Yep. Ok.
No balls? Thought so.
We always knew that u dont have ones. The ballzy guys dont complain, they fight.
Also have it ever occured into your very thick skull that increased horde stun resist has something to do with the paladin stuns? Just may be? Because horde doesnt have ones? And it will be sort of unfair, especially in big battles? And may be it was changed LATER when both horde and ally had palas? Mmm?
Im fighting alot, ty.
I don’t even complain, just pointing at someone call opponents “Weaklings”, while have gamebreaking advantages other them.
Funny how forum drowned in your tears about alliance AV premades.
Why you didn’t just fight and get gut.
It even was not autowin for those premades, roughly 70%.
So its horde who have no balls at all by your own definition
Its because alliance dont press there trinket genius.
You kinda solved the reason u buggers lose alot, all by you’re self.
Why is that Horde recall to their base in masses?
Why do Alliance not recall?
Lack of FACTION PRIDE/WILL TO FIGHT and obessed with honor min max/ultra low queues after lose.
What is the problem?
I played my first AV match today (Yes have reached lvl57) and we won.
So from my perspective ally win 100% and horde suck balls!
Now jokes aside.
What horde dont seem to get, is that this version of AV was never intended for pvp. It is the pre-tbc version we got. With riddiculus honor and reputation gains. It is “designed” to last no more than 10mins win/lose. because that is the most efficient way to get honor and rep.
It was made so because thye also removed rank requirements from pvp gear (except for weapons) so that people could have easy acces to gear, making outlands a little easier on them.
you will get washed away with negative reactions because blizzard managed to reduce the overal playerbase to a 80/20 horde/alliance ratio
WoW: Classic forums in a nutshell.
Why you didn’t just fight and get gut.
Oh, yeah, you sure about that? We DID fight and git gut. Do you know how many premades afk/out in my games? After the initial shock about premading overall we started to wipe them in our base. Do this 2 times, the premade with its imba high morale probably disbands. Why? Because their precious honor/hour flies out of the window.
Words words.
At least 3 new threads everyday has been created by crybaby hordes about av premades and blizzard nerfed alliance.
Why dont you go train your stuns resistance, it takes skill as i heard.
Orcs stronk, leave this intellectual stuff to gnomes.
all the good alliance players specially what are only hardcore guilds are playing wsg? and the horde is more splitted cuz of long que times while u get instand invites in wsg what is much faster to honor grind like all guilds top 20 alliance guilds are not playing AV anymore
Words words.
All your posts are jibberish anyway, yet you throw that at me. Keep living in your victimhood, and i go die in bgs trying to get better.
Is this an imbalance on the terrain of the BG?
If that was true, Horde would have dominated on Private server AV and they didn’t. It’s a Classic thing, as in the players. The vast majority of Alliance seems to be PvE players that give up after a push and just wanna win or lose fast so half the team go afk. Probably mainly due to instant queue.
Alliance fear long battles and Horde fear short battles so Horde will win if they defend.
Call it terrain or whatever you will, but when alliance are stuck at SH with horde attacking the ressers there are no way to escape, same at SP where you are attacked in front and from above. At IW bunker theres no way south if you re north of of it and horde on their way down. On horde side you have none of these chokepoints, there are always a way to escape. And yes, I play both factions, done AV, WSG and AB since Vanilla.
Touched a sensitive spot mate. No matter how many different explanations people have posted on your thread, in the end recalling or not recalling it’s a player made choice made by players that rather blaming anything else other than the choices they made.