When will Blizzard give the Horde a victory

Ah, you are that kind of person. Explains a lot. Why don’t you gather a bunch of like-minded individuals and storm Grommash hold on, say, January 6th?

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You’ll probably have come to quickly learn that this individual in particular isn’t really after anything compelling to discuss. Just one out of the many that like to veil their strange intents in filling a discussion forum with… nothing to discuss about in the first place.

Hint evidence: The really wierd fierce defense of a ‘Loser Horde’ despite trying to proclaim to being a ‘Greater Horde’.

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Yeah, I got that. Just wanted to string him alone to make him embarass himself a bit.

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In time alliance bias will disappear and then we strike back at the Alliance. We will burn their cities and kill their leaders. And then we can speak again about fairness. So far Bfa will go in history as the anti Horde addon.



People like you are the reason why the Horde was ruined. Your alliance superiority complex ruins the lore for the Horde fans.

Yes… me and my… 0 alliance characters and 0 awareness or care of alliance lore destroyed the horde in one fell swoop.

You are not a true Horde fan. I can see that much. Only weaklings would support Baine and Thrall.


How’s the story discord centered around proper discussion of story going?

(And i’m done here :slight_smile: )

The Horde will be purged from all the weaklings who made the peace treaty possible. THe council will die. And Sylvanas will return to wipe out the alliance for good. No mercy. Lok’tar!

Yet still there was no Horde members that joined the Alliance ever in History, while there was Delaryn, Sira and an army of Night Elves that joined the Horde.
So, whatever you will say Erevien, Blizzard are Horde bias, not the Alliance.

Blizzard are alliance bias. Also Sira is back with the night elves. Stop being dramatic. The Night elves are doing fine. The Horde however is dead for as long as peace mongers rule us. They need to be killed and replaced with people who stop at nothing to see the Alliance destroyed.

The cognitive dissonance of thinking Blizzard is biased in favor of the Alliance, but that they are also going to write a story in which the Horde destroys the Alliance.

This discussion is on the level Blizzard writes. Why did the Horde burn Teldrassil? What did the Alliance gain by killing (I’ve seriously forgotten his name even though I probably read it somewhere in this thread…) ex-Zandalari king?

I’m someone who’s kind of “faction ambivalent”, but to me it does seem as though there is a faction bias towards the Alliance. The Horde has been forced to be the bad guys in two expansions, and the Horde has lost a lot more of their identity than the Alliance. I don’t feel as though the night elves have been vindicated for the loss of Teldrassil and putting Tyrande in the spotlight does nothing to help in that regard. However, compare that to the Horde.

Trolls? Vol’jin is gone, and Rokhan is the new leader?
Undead? Sylvanas is gone and their leadership is in limbo (I wonder if they’ll still fly Sylvanas’ face on their banners).
Orcs? Thrall ran away and is no longer affiliated with the Horde in the same way and is more of a neutral character. Their previous leader went a little hard on the “Orc first” policy and caused a civil war and ended up being the main bad guy. Who is the leader of the Orcs now? Time-travel female Thrall?
Tauren? Cairne was killed off in a book and Baine is widely disliked. I don’t think it’s wrong to have a diplomatic character myself but… they didn’t really handle his character all that well. What happened with all the internal Tauren politic-stuff? What is Magatha up to these days?

Compare that to the Alliance. Yes, the Alliance lost Varian Wrynn but at least there was someone there to take over for him. When Vol’jin was killed off the Darkspear Tribe must have been in a power vacuum. Who replaced Garrosh as representative of the Orcs? And even worse, now the Horde has to entertain the idea of not having a warchief. Going to the Shadowlands, the main spokesmen for the Horde were elves and Calia, for some reason.

I don’t think a victory will save the Horde. I think the Horde is largely defeated at this point. I’ve said it before, but it is only the will of convoluted writing that keeps the Horde going. Any chance they had for redemption was lost when Blizzard decided to shank Vol’jin.

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Oh don’t worry, you don’t need to be redeemed if we just make the Alliance as bad or worse. That’s why people are already clamouring for Turalyion to go all deus vult (lux vult? lumen vult? Eh, latin…). That’s how you wrtite a satisfying story, just make everyone miserable trash!

But this is why threads like this don’t need to exist and don’t really do anything except troll and aggravate people. Anyone who tries to discuss, or find conscience in both sides are just named trash and/or bias towards the one they are opposed against.

It is tribalism at its worst. Both are bad as each other in terms of story and what literature and content was thrown at them.

The Horde has perhaps the worst leadership system ever to exist and its logic vacuum in deciding its government will perhaps be forever incompetent if the writers decide to keep this mess of a model for the Horde and its seeming list of ever illogical leadership. (Apparently, you can only be a Tyrant and an outright maniac to think properly as a Horde leader?)

The same is on the Alliance with its seeming lack of teeth, clout or confidence of doing anything when something happens against them, doubled with the fact that they have not had anything antagonistic source from them in recent times - the most recent i’ve come to think of being Benedictus falling to whispers from an external force - thus paints them this picture of weakness whilst also having being pure and innocent.

It is the direction that has screwed both sides, not the playerbases.

You can thank Blizzard for that. They set the bar very high with the advertisement of Bfa. Remember all the commercials where Horde and Alliance players hate are supposed to hate echother?

Yes, and like all bad commercials, I don’t think they intended it to be that way.

Down the path of things like advertising that it’s cool to be a lonely smoker, I am sure the creators wanted to do this out of humour. The concept was just soured when they did not consider the consequences or how long such consequences would last.

Now they are just doing what most companies do best when it comes to embarrassing moments:

Pretend it doesn’t exist and just let it float out there.

Do you think the Horde should elect another Warchief?

There’s potential. If there is to be a Warchief, I’d say there needs to be someone with an actual brain. You can have a biased one for sure, Garrosh-esque even.

Just someone who actually thinks. And doesn’t depend on the Fanbase to decide what they should do or should not do.