When will the alliance bias end

Umm, the Horde will tremble, before the terrible might of making tiny holes, in walls, from about the same distance as any other airborne weapons platform of the setting. The biggest strength of Vindicaar is it’s ability to quickly move people around, which is something the Telemancers, mages and warlocks can match, if not outpace.

And even then the Blood Elves have experience taking over/down much greater naaru craft like TK and Exodar.

Kurst is that you?

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Do the Blood Elves still have the explosive tech to make Mana Bombs? I know the one for the Kirin Tor Village on Netherstorm was powerful and without the focusing Iris.

They just seem very “Blood Anima Magic” focused ever since the Isle of Thunder.

Now that you mention it, the mods of this particular forum seem to be kind of lax with bans, there’s a troll on the general discussion who gets away with his trolling and gets other people banned instead. The only thing left to do is ignore since they barely act

They can be made basically from scratch to my understanding, but to get something like Theramore there needs to be some sort of magical source like the Iris or Azerite… Heck depending on the amount of Azerite it could, in al likelyhood easily blow what happened in Theramore out of the water.

True - I always thought that BFA should have shown the Blood Elves being this ruthless by sending an Azerite Mana Bomb over the Lady Waycrest Forest (can’t remember it’s name.)

It’s just frustrating because if I get a suspension, I wait it out. I do my silence time and I come back when it’s up.
I’ve always done that and have never thought of doing anything else.

I’ve never been banned so I wouldn’t know how it feels, but I would wait it out if it ever happened. I’d be too busy touching grass to bother trying to sneak back in somehow.

It’s far too risky.

I actually don’t agree with far more Alliance posters than Horde posters but if I say something that goes against the ToS and I get a temporary silence, then I do my time in jail.

When you try to argue against one-sided argumentation, the best way is to give arguments that disprove said argumentation by showing the facts that he intentionally ignores. That’s all I do. If I appear “one-sided” because of that, it’s due to the fact that (with this character) I’m more focused on disproving his claims, showing the flaws in his argumentation or expose his double-standards and cherry-picking.
If he helps me to expose him by “arguing” just like he always does, would you really call that harassment?

Well, some are “Forum Vigilantes”, other people are “Forum White Knights”. :person_shrugging: When he is commited to annoy the hell out of the communities by derailing other people’s topics that aren’t even related to “Alliance bias”, why is it a bad thing if I meet his spam posts and topics (which are btw, due to similar names, also against the forum rules) by disproving them? It says nowhere that you can’t use irony or satire. There’s also no rule that forbids me to disprove his claims exclusively, is there?
(That said, I also partake in many other discussions, just not with this character.)

How is it harassment?

Well, if it’s “worse”, I don’t know. It’s not about “different opinions”. I even agree with him at some points (which I’ve also stated before). As I said, we even had each other in discord for a while - until he flipped back to his usual disruptive behaviour - it’s the How and not the What that’s problematic (I’m sure you’ve noticed that he often deflects or deviates whenever his arguments are disproven).

Be specific, which kind? When have I violated the Social Contract in your opinion?

See, I know how this can look if you’re not familiar with him. But I really urge you to do some research. I don’t want to incite you (or anyone else) to hate or bully him. I want to expose him. I want people to see who he is before engaging with him in (fruitless) discussions.
And maybe, there’s still a tiny spark of hope left in me, that some day, he’ll start to think his “arguments” through before he starts typing.

So I (occasionally) do it because I think that he should be exposed. What else can we do, if they don’t enforce their own policy? :person_shrugging:

Not sure what you have to do to be banned or suspended here. Blizzard didn’t even ban me once when I was a teen, and back then I insulted (sometimes heavily) almost everyone who was talking bad about the Blood Elves and Sylvanas too (pre-Cataclysm period when I still was a fan of her), and I derailed almost every thread with Sylvanas and the Blood Elves too, but they did never ban me anyway :sweat_smile: :joy:

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Well back then, it was just acceptable.

These days, you can’t do that. I don’t agree with everything Blizzard has said in this regard, because everyone is different and we have a right to our individuality as people, but the ToS have got to be followed.

I got suspended for telling night elf fans that until we have a reliable source, then Tyrande and/or Shandris, were also aware of the Ghostlands spying expedition as I questioned how effective their leadership can be, if they can’t see a portion of their sentinels moving away to extremely distant lands.
Fandral cops a lot of blame, but in TBC - Sentinels still primarily answered to Shandris and Tyrande.

But I didn’t challenge the suspension - I just accepted it. Did my jail time and came back later.

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What I don’t get is why you dedicate so much of your time and energy debating with someone who won’t agree with you and obviously upsets you. Does it do good to anyone here?

Because you contribute to the spam and not the original conversation

Using the name of his character and constantly react to anything he posts makes you look bad, whatever your intentions are.

He exposed himself as a troll more than once even if he says things that are relevant and make sense some times too. I don’t think that you need to expose him at all honestly.

Simple, not feed him with attention when you feel he doesn’t deserve it

Me neither. I had some of my comments removed on the French forum because I was too incisive with a transphobic prick, but I think that even this guy wasn’t banned despite being openly insulting to any person who tried to talk some sense into him.

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I know that creatively going around the obscene language filter can get you a couple days of chill out time, if you get caught/reported.

That’s something you could ask anyone here. Why do you dedicate so much time and energy debating about a video game?
Because it’s my time and my decision. :man_shrugging:

This is a spam thread, one of many with the same name. Since Erevien is not interested in a discussion, it doesn’t really make a difference here.

That’s your opinion. :man_shrugging: Would it make a difference if I used another character to disprove his claims?

And you are entitled to your opinion. I still see too many people falling for him, who try to take him seriously. If your best take is “You’re actively trying to undermine the troll, that makes you look bad!”, I’m fine with it.

We tried that. Many times. When nobody pushed his threads, he just did it himself, until some innocent soul found their way into the forum and… it all started over.

I can confirm that.

Yeah long ago I think you could just report a single message you didn’t like (a bio-hazard symbol appeared if you did) and after a while maybe a mod would remove it…maybe :sweat_smile:

If he said he’s a troll, it’s actually to troll other people, but technically I don’t think it’s really a proper troll. Back then I trolled people as well to trigger them but it was easy to spot when I did.

I think he’s overall just a honest Old Horde/Dark Horde/True Horde (and Sylvanas’) fan and that’s it…he just has sharp opinions and ways to say things, but he has a right to it. In Star Wars a player (or even just a person who follows the movie) can be a super fan of the Empire and the Sith and nobody should really blame him for that (I mentioned Star Wars because I think Leià is a fan of Star Wars looking at the name of her character and the Princess…right?) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Princess Leia is my favorite character from the Star War universe and in 3 simple sequels, Kennedy destroyed her.

Leia will always be the name for my Nightborne Priest, because I like to think of my Nightborne being quite feisty and passionate, like Leia and Anakin, yet carrying her mother’s appearance in some way.

What I take issue with is; “Your ideas are bad. Mine are amazing. You like bad characters!” He knows I took issue with Kalibas saying that when he wanted the Night Elves and Void Elves to be in Suramar and Quel’Thalas respectively and when pushed to let others share their views, he said the same thing as Erevien. That is not a good way to hold a conversation.

If they just said “Yeah, I can see where your coming from - have you thought of this character for this part though?” I’d take that because that’s a discussion.

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The way you debate it always ends up in “Yeah I know the Horde got it bad but have you ever considered how bad it is for the alliance?” Which I can’t agree with simply because the losses of the alliance in hindsight are not that bad. A dead Vol’jin stays dead. But a destroyed Teldrassil can be rebuilt. That is the most important thing to note. When I talk about bias, what I mean is that is character representation. Mostly. You see one one side we have Jaina, Tyrande, Velen and Anduin. They are alive and they keep getting lore. But what does the Horde have? Trash like Lor’themar, Rokhan, Voss and Gazlowe. Whom nobody asked for They are C-Tier at best. They do nothing for the plot. Because they are not the original leaders of their respective races. That honor falls to Kael’thas, Vol’jin, Gallywix and Sylvanas. These characters are the ones who used to be the leaders. But what did Blizzard do with them? They got killed for stupid reasons aka bad writing. And what I advocate Blizzard doing here is bringing them back so they can become once more what they used to be. That’s all. I want a cast of leaders for the Horde who aren’t overshadowed by the marvel super heroes type the alliance is lead by.

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You confuse action and reaction. Usually, it’s more like:
Me: “Well, the Horde won the first one. Teldrassil burned.”
Me: "That wasn’t the point. You said they "literally didn’t win a single battle, which is wrong. Also, you keep misusing ‘litera-’ "

How often have I tried to explain to you that it’s not a dick measuring contest? Usually it’s you who start comparing, thereby selectively ignoring everything that doesn’t support your narrative.

Vol’jin is about to become a loa. Anyway, you know that I agree with the sentiment that Blizzard killed too many Horde leaders in the last expansions. And that I think that Horde should have at least won one of the Warfronts. What you can’t get in your head is that your everlasting mixture of spam and temper tantrum won’t change anything, as long as you don’t manage to get support from the community. Try to inspire others, not to alienate them.

Actually, Kael’thas’ reason seemed reasonable at the time, he was desperate and arrogant. And Gallywix, who doesn’t even have a lot of redeeming qualities, is still alive (<- See? Again, you don’t pay attention to the details, yet you tell others to “know their lore”)

Then do it like the rest of us in a civil manner and don’t act as if it were your story to tell! You can ask Blizzard, you can wish, but you can’t demand. If you have reasonable arguments and stop with the “OBEY ME, OR ELSE”-BS, people might actually support you.

Take this as one of the rare times when I take you seriously (that’s why I’m posting with my main):
When you want people to support your wishes, give them arguments and good reasons to do so.

When you instead chose to make it your personal vendetta against Blizzard without any regard for other players, you can’t complain about “being bullied”. What goes around, comes around.

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Left the Horde and was replaced with yet another puppet of Anduin(Gazlowe) who agreed to the peace treaty.

He was killed because they needed a filler raid boss. Back in Warcraft 3 he wasn’t a villain like none of Illidan’s gang was. They were the good gyus who tried to get rid of the Scourge. But Blizzard decided PvE was more important then the lore which is one of the main reasons why so many cool former Horde leaders got a shaft. It draws like a red line.

You really don’t need to do that. I made my intentions clear by now. My goal stays the same. And I will do anything to reach it. Which is why I created my new youtube channel. I am looking for enough support from the community so I can gather enough followers who support my believe about how to make the Horde better in the long run.

He is the perfect embodiement of what it means to be a Goblin. Hes uses his fortune to buy the best technology avaiable. Even almost killed Gelbin with his Azerite mech.

As for now Vol’jin is dead and sitting in the Shadowlands. Just like many other Horde lore characters.


That was not the point.

Speculation. Again.

As long as you don’t consider other people’s views and opinions, you won’t get the support you need.

A perfect, one-dimensional cliché.

Anyway, nobody can say that I didn’t try to reason with you.
You’ve once again proven that you are your worst enemy.
So… back to business.

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