When will the alliance bias end

The problem is alliance bias. Alliance players will always get what they want.

You are filthy alliance scum. Delete yourself.

Unsub Erevien and take your medicine

You know it is against the “service contract”

Don’t worry. Eresimp’s dosis of copium was on an all time high level when he played the venthyr campaign and had to see the reality that Kael’thas was nothing but a power hungry dictator who betrayed his own people and supported a force which nearly destroyed Azeroth twice already. In fact all his suggestions in relation to factions and nations are that far away from the development of the game that I almost feel sorry for him…

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Simply because Blizzard needed more raid bosses in TBC for the end of that expension, otherwise Kael’thas wouldn’t have got a corruption story and he would have really been the current leader of the Blood Elves, so Erevien resents that (it’s more against Blizzard than against the Alliance, but he resents the fact the Alliance did not lose any important character, and that’s valid for later too.)

He just has to accept that Lor’themar is the new leader and got a nice amount of lore as well on his shoulders despite being not very strong in combat.

And at least Blizzard realised their TBC story mistakes against the Illidari Demon Hunters and Sin’dorei fans and put Illidan and even Kael’thas after death on the paths for redempion and penance eventually…

Huh, I’m learning a lot of lore about Erevien, I guess…


I will never accept that. Bob is just a usurper. He doesn’t deserve to lead the Sin’dorei. He needs to die period.


That is only worth something if the characters who were wronged by bad writing get the chance to return to their people. Kael’thas is the true blood elf leader. Illidan is the leader of the demon hunters. That is the established lore.

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I mean he often contradicts himself. He complains about Baine as the tauren leader because he claims him a “traitor” (who only follows his conscience and considering the events happening in BFA around Sylvanas which breaks her own rule of raising someone against his will and using him as a puppet to murder his own sister, everyone would understand that, especially with the background lore of the tauren) and wants Cairne back but also Magatha Grimmtotem. (literally played a big part in Cairnes death) You wouldn’t believe what ridiculous things I have already read from him…


She is the leader the Tauren need. The Grimtotem tribe can make the Tauren great again.

I remember him when he started posting here on the forums years ago and he wasn’t so bitter, I can tell you that at least. He was fairly neutral if I recall correctly (to the point when I was a teen posting with my mage Sorceress or huntress Velsyana usually I was angrier than him, especially for the Purge of Dalaran infinite arguments with Korae and Sacredblade :sweat_smile:), but probably after the death of Garrosh and then BfA and what happened to Sylvanas too, something broke and the situation got worse for him…

For Kael’thas, it’s almost impossible to bring him back, since he died so many years ago already. The Blood Elves have the body since he’s buried on Isle of Quel’Danas, but if Blizzard do not retcon this, his head was cut by the player. So even reanimating him with the help of the Forsaken (making him an undead, like a Darkfallen) would be very difficult (and disrespectful) at this point. If a Naaru resurrects him with the Light and he becomes an undead like Calia, you would hate him anyway just like you hate her.

And as undead he wouldn’t be the Blood Elf leader and prince we knew from long ago, anyway…not to mention unless Lor’themar spills the beans about their conversation in the Shadowlands with the people of Quel’thalas, for most Blood Elves he is still a traitor and they wouldn’t accept him again …too many problems to get him back to life, as you can see.

I remember them, although I wasn’t posting on the forums.

To be honest, I can’t believe you were so angry about it. I LOVED it from all sides. The whole thing gave the Alliance some teeth and fangs without needing Maiev Shadowsong whom at this point, is the only character with any sort of fault which is what the Alliance needs.

Now they’ve made Vereesa cry in every scene she’s in and Jaina is all about “forgiveness.” For me, it’s ruined what they had going for them in MoP. I’d love to see Vereesa have more spats with the Blood Elves and maybe even the Nightborne. Nighthuntress Syrenne and MoP Vereesa would have made for perfect rivals. (Plus show off two sides of the Hunter class.)

I also remember your talk of a “Mage Wars” patch involving the Humans/High Elves vs Blood Elves. Now that idea is obviously expanded to include the Shal’dorei, I would hope, to make it fairer on the Horde.


actually I think I had a lot of arguments and arguing with you too, but you were probably mostly playing a Night Elf back then… right?

I lost all faith in Blizzard when they repeated the storyline of MoP for no good reason. My favorite characters(Gallywix and Sylvanas) were ousted and replaced with trash characters. When Dragonglfight comes I will not be here. Blizzard has failed me too many times. I am done with this game until they start to give me what I want. And that is the return of my favorite leaders who did nothing wrong.

Not guilty I’m afraid.

I might have said something in general support of the Purge for giving the Alliance some fangs, because it’s so boring right now.

Tyrande was our hope with the “Night Warrior” stuff, but that’s been neutered, so I’m back to pinning my hopes on Maiev and Genn for giving some teeth and fang to the Alliance.

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How manys decades ago was that?

Playing the hits, eh? We’ve been through that in the german forums many times, you’ve never kept your word. :yawning_face:

Most people (me included) would probably agree that the Alliance was the “good” faction far too often. That they need to stain their hands with blood, be controversial, be the “heel” for once. What Erevien doesn’t understand is that Blizzard will not listen to feedback written like a temper tantrum of a 2-year-old and “DO IT BECAUSE I WANT IT!”-topics every other week.

What frustrates me is that Blizzard divert their attention to the Humans because they are easier to write.

That is not good, because you give so much potential to other races, the playerbase gives idea on what they could do with these other races, but they are all under used, because the writing team have no clue.

Void Elves, Night Warrior Night Elves, Worgen, Dark Iron Dwarves - these could have been great. Hell, Jaina and Vereesa were amazing for this in MoP - doing questionable acts without remorse…that is what has made the Horde interesting all these years. I actually put effort into playing both factions back then, because both stories were interesting.
But when the Alliance playerbase talks, they want to remain as they are…purely morally good and “white knight” but then complain they aren’t interesting.

To me, you can’t have your cake and eat it, chaps. MoP could have been the start of something amazing for the Alliance, but too many people wanted the Alliance to remain as the “goody” faction.


I have no interest in anything relating to dragons. ITs just boring. If the factions aren’t involved I am not interested. The Horde council leads the Horde to ruin. The filthy peace mongers and their crap have done nothing but ill upon the Horde. The day Jaina dies I will return. But not a single moment sooner.

Well…go then… :woman_shrugging: :rofl:

Whatever. Tell that to someone who doesn’t know you (= is still naive enough to believe you).

I’ve been saying that for a long time. When they showed the different Orc Clans in the WoD Trailer I was really hyped. Finally, we would see cultural differences, the foundation of the Horde, a lot of valuable Roleplay knowledge. In the end, the Clans in Draenor were all just dumb brutes led by a bunch of badass looking… fools. There was no depth in these characters, just clichés. Looked like alot of wasted potencial. Same thing for the Night Elves. In WC3, they were these shadows in the forests. Dangerous, mistrusting and mysterious. WoW stripped all that from them step-by-step. A despise for arcange magic due to the Sundering? Gone in a side-quest the introduced Nightelf mages. The only Kaldorei who opposed that was branded a villain in the novel. The distrust? Just gone, they welcomed everyone in Darnassus. Tyrande’s pride as an ancient being?
Destroyed by “Teenie Tyrande” as soon as Varian-senpai Wrynn came along and tought her “patience”.

I would love the races to be a bit more “fantastical” and less human-like.