When will the alliance finally lose?

Then you haven’t seen the pattern, everytime something horde sided will be raised up there will be angry alliance side people going for the throat literally. Though there has been few who have been actually respectfull and having an actual conversation too

Can you give any examples?

You can just read most of posts in this month here and either you dont see the problem or you see. But some people know what i am talking about

People are ofc passionate from both sides but it goes too far so manytimes. There isnt actual conversation other than rarely, it turns into personal attacks and other scummy things

Mostly what I see is Horde people lamenting that Blizzard HATES their faction and Alliance people saying that faction wars suck and have never been fun even if the Alliance is painted as the ‘victor’.

becaue insert drum soudn effect the alliance is only reacting to horde aggesion and is potrayed as incomptent as hell, nigh elve army steamrolled in threi homeland, malfurion stupidy knock down by axe orc sauerfang, allaince marc compeltly unpepared to undercity and into sylvans trap, cant stop the escape of zul and talanmxi and city get torched…

yeah, while on horde side, everthing is flawless…

That taht was a hugeh thing taht angers allaince palyers and what i mean if tehy realy wont balance (or fairness) if so evrthing wat the alliance went throug woud be appield to horde, tehyn tehy woud know what it mean get caried by blizzard.

Yeah cause in that point the true balance in your opinion would be that Alliance steamrolls horde and kills everyone.

Just like you said how the horde we have now is the same as true horde so it deserves to completly be wiped out?

I don’t know why i even bother talking in these forums anymore its the same toxicity and mobbing up and one sided narratives. I doubt even that people are serious it surely feels like most of cases just building reactions nothing else rather than having an conversation

This is in No way comparable. Your dishonest arguments are tiresome.

I didnt say that elsweher but ok…

But if you fair ok that horde is alowd to, but allaince not then stop talking about “Fairness”
because it woud be only fair having the horde at the start at the reciving end.

Turalyon might be the last shred of masculinity left. No doubt he will be shot with weapons grade oestrogen to combat “toxic masculinity” of course.
With Magni no longer diamond he could get it too.

I love my Hordebreaker title.
When the Horde are not facing the city guards of Teldrassil. Mere rental cops.
The Alliance army was soundly defeating the Horde army. You see this before Sylvannas rallied the Horde casting bloodlust. You saw this in the game when the Horde murdered Horde soldiers then forced them into Undeath to continue the fight against the might of the Alliance. Well one of the Alliance armies.

Battle for Azeroth was fun because it saw armies of player characters clashing across Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Horde graveyards were littered everywhere but there were some defeats as well.
The turtle people saw the worst of it. So many stories they have to tell.

Fairness means the alliance loses it’s leadership just like the Horde did.

Entitled alliance fans are the embodiement of egoistic values.

When the Horde are victorious they burned down Teldrassil.
When the Horde are in positions of power they sacrifice Draenai children to come through the Dark Portal.
The Alliance exists BECAUSE of the Horde. Defenceless civilians that are Fuel for the Fel rounded up by Horde. Then there is the atrocities on Brennedam children crying as they see their parents speared against the wall. Playthings of the Horde.

Without the Alliance to keep Horde barbarism in check. Azeroth itself will suffer. This is not egotistical.

Horde still has it’s leadership. Thrall could be returning as Warchief. Calia Menethil is what seems to have changed.

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And withouth alliance there wouldnt have been the thrall’s horde it goes both ways.

Actually it was Medivh that began events that led to the formation of the Horde. Preparation for the eventual Burning Legion invasion.

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Different horde, completly villannous faction. which isnt the same after thrall. I think it was an bit of an mistake to keep the same name considering idea was to change. But that was most likely cause it was more marketable from business perspective

Abandoning the factions would be stupid.

The Horde has always been the bad guys. Committing all sorts of atrocities.

Yes and so has the alliance this is an story about 2 factions that have both their own sins. but we have had this convo before and it turns into argument circle which isnt fun for anyone

you are 6 years too late to the party. the faction war is over.