When will the alliance finally lose?

They were Horde until Blizzard decided they needed to kill even more characters for cheap villan bat. You can at least admit the quests they give out when BFA still mattered. But even that seems too hard for the alliance fan crowd.

Kael’thas was never Horde. Rastakhan was never Horde. AU Durotar was never Horde. Orkus was a meme character.

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De jure blood elf leader until we meet him in the raid.

Joining the Horde was just a formality at this point. Read Chronicles volume 4.

He should have been the Mag’har leader not his stupid daughter.

But a cool one at that.

When we show up in Outland he’s already enslaving blood elves coming from Azeroth. He’s their de jure leader, sure, but what of it? He’s been in Outland for 4 years and had nothing to do with them joining the Horde. He isn’t Horde.

You should read more lore too. By the time of Rastakhan’s death the Zandalari merely worked alongside the Horde. His death caused Talanji to ally the Zandalari Empire with the Horde, it’s only after BfA and the Widow’s Bite is dealt with that they fully join the Horde.

And? He’s still not Horde. Never was.


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He is still better then that one eyed archer who has the charisma of a loaf of bread.

The Zandalari were loyal to the Horde by the time the zone quests were over.

Geya’rah was changed from cool booty kicker towards appeasement boot licker.


“my guy” you quite literally linked a map that is 50% influence of two things and considered that the best kind of world-building.

I really don’t need to get into why that is so bland that uncooked potatoes have more quality and texture to it.

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Doesn’t make him Horde.

Loyal, but not part of the Horde. They worked on friendly terms, but their alliance (not the Zandalari joining) was only cemented by Rastakhan’s death and the Alliance’s promise to avenge him. Read Shadows Rising, it tells you everything about the Zandalari actually joining the Horde.

And? Durotan is still not Horde. Do you have a single honest bone in your body that doesn’t rely on shifting the goalpost, deflecting answers and just outright lying?

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Some times simple stuff is good stuff. Parting the world 50/50 in a TWO faction game is the way to go and a model for similar games.

Yeah, no.

Numbers game =/= World Building.

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One faction shouldn’t have less stuff then the other.

Why not?

Alliance has less capital cities.

Less soldiers.

Less magic cities (0, the Horde has 3).

Less Gods.

All because the Horde slaughtered, or fought against, heroes of the Alliance like Emperor Dagran Thaurissan II, Prince Torteldrin, AU Prophet Velen, Exarch Yrel, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider, Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner, First Arcanist Thalyssra, Prince Aiden Perenolde, etc.

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The Horde deserves more and I will fight until we are equal.

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The Horde deserves more, but also wants equality.

So since you think everything should be 50/50 Silvermoon and the blood elves can go Alliance, that way the Alliance has a magical city. Horde can get the cracksquad of void elves.

For equality the Undercity and New Kargath should be wiped off the map in their entirety too, ofcourse.


It would be more bad writing if blood elves forget everything why they even strayed away from alliance and sametime forgetting how forsaken helped em and how horde was fighting side by side with em for years. And again this wiping the undercity narrative is this made to trigger people or are you serious about it?

But well this is again same convo that seems to go in circles even if i stay away from it while it goes into same narrative, i dont know how people have so much energy argue about the samethings all over again and not have actual productive talk

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They know I am right and they know they would lose alot If my plans ever get real.

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The problem really is confirmation bias with this, we like different things and we emphatise and symphatise of different things. It is almost impossible in anyway being completly neutral when analyzing these things

And when it comes to blizzard writing its all over the place it always had problems.
Atleast the personal attacks have gone down thats good thing, we all wouldnt be talking here if we didnt care about same world. We all just have different points we like about it

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Like blizzards let the blood elves forgett what have the trolls, orcs and undead to them and sponge over it while the deeds of a grand marshal are constantly reproached for how evil the alliance was to the blood elves

And the fact that Garrosh used them as cannon fodder that lor`themar seriously considered changing sides.
Or the same game in BFA with sylvanas just for the war machine to ensure as many deaths as possible on both sides.

In many ways, it’s a bit of a nonsense why the blood elves went to the horde and stayed with the horde with two warchiefs as warmongers.
Lorewise they only joined the Horde to have protection, allies (especiall against the Scourge) but not to be on the side of the aggressor themselves, they had neither the population nor the resources for that.

The only reason why the blood elves were pushed to the Horde - which was even confirmed by Blizzard once: for cosmetic reasons, that the Horde also has a “pretty” people”.

And you can also see that basically 60% of horde players play blood elves, and the race is by far the most played on horde sites

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50/50 split would be Alliance getting Eastern Kingdoms and Horde getting Kalimdor.

What is there for the blood elves to forget? They never really strayed from the Alliance to begin with, the blood elves in Quel’Thalas started negotiating with the Horde because the Forsaken was offering them aid; the Alliance was in no position to do so. Garithos had absolutely nothing to do with it and Quel’Thalas as a nation left the Alliance shortly after the Second War and had pursued a policy of isolationism before and after that brief stint in the Alliance.

They shouldn’t forget how Sylvanas then used that aid to blackmail the blood elves into joining the Horde’s war in Northrend, when they simply wanted to rebuild their ruined homeland after their civil war. Nor how Garrosh wasted countless elven lives in his wars across Azeroth. They have repeatedly considered joining the Horde already.


And put a tonne of people asleep because everything and nothing has to be equal. Even in anything serious or ‘fun’ your plans will always come with the mandatory resolution of 50/50.


Well, yes. That is quite literally the idea they’ve been trying and driving. In MoP, it led to the Darkspear Rebellion and it had Blood Elves a part of it against Aggressor Number 1. And for BFA, and I say this with a lot of distaste, Aggressor Number 2 had less work representing rebellious notions because somehow she had eyes and ears on everybody so every Horde leader couldn’t do much or at all. The Blood Elves weren’t the only ones having to wrestle that.

God, playing Horde in BFA was frustrating in terms of faction story. I actually enjoyed machine-gunning Blood Trolls in Nazmir as a world quest more than that mess. Oh right, and rolling Azerite Gear. :nauseated_face:

Let’s be fair here. If every race added to the factions were attributed and only dedicated to the base reasoning, then we would have bland out-of-game lore to contend with.

Blood Elves may have started off as the ‘Pretty People’ addition, but that does not mean anything they have done or ever will do is automatically discounted, disinteresting and ignored just because of their prior base reasoning.

That’s like saying Humans are only Alliance because Blue and Orcs are Green. And nothing else matters.

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You are glossing over the fact that the Blood elves joining the alliance was originally tampered cause treachery of night elves and sabotage, they were close coming back in
And the sylvanas necklace questline was pretty important friendship between the blood elves and forsaken. After that sylvanas helped em to get to the horde

The rivalry between night elves and blood elves has been prevelavent ever since

Also the pretty race argument is right too, the choice of blood elves joining to horde was an gameplay perspective thing cause in truth not even horde players realise the fact that most of people dont like playing ugly races and really rare people see beauty in the uglyness or other things like i personally do. It was really important gameplay wise for the whole horde em coming in

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