When will the alliance finally lose?

No, you can’t. Those trainees are soldiers of the Horde, even the most inexperienced of them will still be a better soldier than almost all soldiers of the Alliance based entirely on their race - they are tauren, over twelve foot tall beefcakes.

The only two sides to the story is that Taurajo was a legitimate military target and how it being a legitimate military target affected the people that lived there. Again, like I said earlier, the location of Taurajo alone without anything else considered makes it a valid military target because you have to go through Taurajo to get to Mulgore. And the Alliance have to get to Mulgore to win the war.

He’s as good as just about every other leader.

Ah that explains actually, didnt know about the rogue agents thing at all

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Bring back my Teldrassil, and then we can talk about justice.

well you got your own city anyway plus teldrassil was already doomed even withouth sylvanas actions consiquences what was gonna come was gonne be disaster for teldrassil

It wasn’t. Teldrassil’s corruption was fully cleansed in Cata.

Justice would be putting the head of Jaina on a spike.

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Starts a war = Hero
Fights back in the war = War criminal


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Peak Horde logic :crazy_face:

Psst, horde player hate this trick.
Using acual Lore and argument

Horde players are god in ignoring lore and belive what they belive, liek no-no germans on the moon or Zuckerberg being a reptile :crazy_face:

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I wouldn’t say all horde players, but I feel like most Horde players only play the one faction and have not seen the full story.

You were literally just schooled on Troll lore a few posts ago with logic and argument. By someone who used to be only a Horde player.

What are you on about?

It’s like posting in this thread - bar a few others I actually enjoy responding to - forget what they posted five minutes ago.

EDIT: Jesus, in fact, Alannyse the one you posted to even DECLARED having a Horde character!!!

The war criminals on the Horde side are dead. Gallywix will follow. Blizzard has a double standard yet again.

Yes, but notice this pattern at the horde site, because “Horde stonks”

I`m mad when Horde players tryd to tach allaince palyers lore when its false or play down your things while allaince are presented excessively badly to give horde a exucees with lieterly warcriems.
Like the Taurajo example, heck this discusion woud be long over if players get over it, becase we had even fact it was a legitimate target by lore.
I even ckecked teh wiki which stated:
“Baine Bloodhoof called Camp Taurajo a legitimate military target and recognized that Hawthorne refused to slaughter civilians when he could have just given the order to massacre everyone”

And horde players: “muh, that wasnt a military taget, and the people got slaughtehrd on Purpose! Alliance did a warcrime muh, allaince is downright EEEVIL!”

Or Heisae with his Hottake Teldarsil was doomed from teh begnning, onkly that Alannyse must correct him with acual lorde , with a source (and link)

Baine is hated for buddying up with the enemy since Cataclysm so that isn’t actually any news here.

Alright. Let’s dissect this.

First of all, my guy, I couldn’t give a flying toss about whether you feel mad or not about faction stories or how certain playerbases react to the lore. If you knew it was lore, why are you feeling like you need to have a fit over it? Why are you rising to it?

How about I play this game too? From this thread alone, numerous times have actual arguments from Horde players been muted and ignored by Alliance players. Thus I could just as easily state that Alliance players are ignorant with selective eyesight. I don’t like to subscribe to this because:

a) It’s a story forum. Playing slapsies is so stupid.
b) The thread also has sensible Alliance arguments that had pretty cool insights, so i’d be wrong from the get-go. Don’t take that as endearment, it’s only basic courtesy.

Actually, players who have experienced the stories of both sides are perhaps the most chill and understanding/appreciation of the story and lore of all.

Don’t point out players not understanding lore and consider it malicious. The difference between you and Alannyse is that she did not go about making a vapid, immature statement such as "Horde has no brain, Horde cannot lore :crazy_face: "

When you could not even get your Troll lore right and attempted to ascribe it to the legitimacy of a war claim. Are you that immature? Do you want me to pull links into this just to point out how wrong you were?

This dead horse has been beaten so hard that its bonemeal has fertilized a forest only to be chopped down and made barren again.

Stop falling for it. It’s not funny anymore.

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He is from the german forum I assume. Those folks are festered with an alliance POV.

I``m form the german forum, that nothing new, and I’ve emphasized it in the past and never made a secret of it.
That’s why I “know” Erevien so well (just like many other German players who rarely post here, or are just silent readers most of the time).
We are even from the same sever (role play sever : the aldor)

But i must disappoint you, your statemant over the German sever ist fosterd with Alliance PoV is a blatant lie since mayority playes horde- with the exception of the above-mentioned sever.

I know how the situation is on european RP servers who are most interested in the lore. The alliance dominance is well known. You just need to check their website for it.

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You are always trying to make everyone else look bad, just relax no need for go for the throat everytime you comment here

And yes i don’t know everything about the lore i have my gaps in knowledge, i didnt know about the cleaning of teldrassil either before

and the taurajo situation was talked over calmly too and youre here to stirr up it again up, just why?

I would assume because this is not his first Erevien tread and he has brought these talking points before, we have explained them to him before and he just ignores them and repeats the tread again and again and again.

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Forget Taurajo, I am more interested in the eternal struggles of Topper Mcnabb and why the Alliance won’t recognise him for the war hero he is.