When will the alliance finally lose?

The death of so many Horde leaders is just unfair.

So many great charachters gone and even charachters that had some potential left. But it has been story since classic times

Even new characters aren’t safe Blizzard has a catch for wanting to harm Horde personalities.

Vol’jin had to die as to make room for Sylvanas as your new warchief.

The last thing Alliance wanted is to see a lesser version of the lich king as a warchief of the Horde.
Vol’jin was an interesting character and I would’ve loved to see the developments between him and Zandalari and perhaps also Amani instead of BS we got in BFA and SL.

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No he died because alliance players would complain that only Varian died. Also Sylvanas left the Horde too so it was a double loss while the alliance lost nothingt at all.

And so many cool characters underutilised.

Like Jorin Deadeye, son of the famous Kilrogg Deadeye. Appeared in TBC for two quests or so, then in the orc heritage… and thats it.

Less lore than frikkin’ Girl’Thrall!

I remember alot of backlash about Voljin dying too, though.

People felt that Varian’s death was epic and “compensation” for the Horde losing Garrosh.

My dude, BFA was 6 years ago. There’s no “current events” about it.

The Horde was the loser. That needs to be balanced.

Its balanced, horde started multiple wars and alliance won them.

Starting a war not necessarily means you gonna win-ask the germans.
They lose twice-do you thin that need to be balanced?

If you want balance then the horde must get ridiculously clubbed and lose at the first place but since I and others know you, you don’t want that-you want a situation in the horde is always superior and flawless

And if the horde woud get first clubbed in such a scenario you wouldn’t be satisfactory since horde lose-mimimi allaince bias :clown_face:.

And as i remember correctly we had that discussion (as many else) already un the germans forum And you didn’t show any insight even then.

It is not balanced. The alliance keeps winning every war while the Horde leadership is obliterated fully every few years. Your dishonest arguments are annoying.


It was balanced. The Alliance got almost no plot in BFA except ‘Jaina thinks the Horde is bad again’. The war was started and ended by the Horde and was as much a civil war as it was a war against the Alliance.

The reality is that BFA was just dog water. You seem to think Alliance players were just sitting happy the entire expansion whereas actually they were mostly lamenting the fact that they had to sit through another faction war where their side got to sit around as the passive Stupid Good faction, conduct an attack on Zandalar which is kind of a wash, wait for the Horde to bicker themselves into peace accords, then have Anduin stand in the middle of Orgrimmar and give a happy speech as though the Horde didn’t just launch a war of aggression, try to exterminate the Night Elves, then have of them paint themselves as the wounded party.

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I don’t see any balance here when Horde is completly broken now cause of these events and none of the alliance “good guys” died. It is funny with wow writing that when horde does something nasty they will get punished for it and when Alliance does something those actions will be white washed and even written like “it never happened”.

If you look afterwards what happened cause of bfa horde is completly messed up and even charachters pushed in the narrative that have no reason to be there. And still cant see why people are angry about it, i dont know what to tell you then.

It would be funny to see this opposite, one expansion Alliance leader goes nuts and starts another war and then after it major charachters are killed or kicked off. Then some forsaken charachter takes the leadership of human faction in alliance. While Horde faction gets new city which is build by alliance charachters cause of war reparations


Exactly this yes we can agree.

Do you want 1,5 years of that, as “funny” as it sounds right now? Because that’s what you’re calling funny here. You’re talking about saddling us with another full addon of :cow2: :poop: to make a point about fairness. No matter who won and who was whitewashed, the plot was just not a fun experience for anybody. WoW’s patch cycle doesn’t have room for quick points about anything. It’s always a slog.


The Horde got the shaft since MoP was over. How meany beatdowns are enough until the pendelum swings back?

I worded it wrong in a way, should have explained it better thats what exactly what horde fanboys have had to deal with these years. I dont personally want it , all i want an good story that actually has some resemblance of balance in narratives. But it would be surely fun to see how alliance side’s fanboys would react to that if they got same treatment as long as horde has got it

On that I can agree. I’m just wary of any calls to bring back the faction conflict, when that idea has been so thoroughly ruined. I would very much appreciate seperate questing with seperate persepectives and methods and equal quality, though. I’d rather have less quests than less perspectives.

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For me the best way forward would be if they started to focus more and more on perspectives of different races and their charachters like they used to atleast try.

Rather than now it seems overly simplified, The world is kind of feeling devolving more and more smaller with not that many different charachter perspectives or race’s having their own identities or reasons. Id personally wouldnt like big on conflict but id like it go into back cold war state. It makes lot more sense when there is 2 factions with completly different ideologies and races having their own reasons why they are the way they are

I don’t think there was ever that much ideology to begin with, and what little difference there was was killed when they kept expanding the factions again and again with new races with new cultural incompabilities that were glossed over. And that is without accounting for the observation that racial differences are clearly being minimized, with Forsaken becoming nice, the remaining orcs going all Thrall, goblins finding appreciation for workers rights and all that nonsense. There is no ideology that connects the Tauren, the Elf, the Panda and the Goblin. No, not even “survival over all”. There is no ideology that connects Void Elf, Lightforged and Kaldorei.

The bloated factions we have now are entirely artificial constructs that only work, as long as we don’t think about is. Which is why war and civil war are so monumentally stupid ideas, since they should highlight every crack. I totally agree on making ractial stories. And since we won’t get 20 sets of different quests, making one set for Alliance and one set for Horde is viable. But as far as I’m concerned that is not because there is so much unifying within Alliance and Horde, and just because telling two stories with two sets of characters about the same plot will necessarily have the effect of creating more perspectives.

Thats true too it strayed too far from the original idea, Though originally goblins came to horde cause alliance bombed em so there was an reason to join up. They just have kept adding races to there for gameplay’s sake and then original races are losing their reasons why they were like they were and why the horde got together. This story might have strayed too long ago from the right path