To be fair he’s got Rommath and now Hathorel (when he returns?) to do that for him. Both strongly distrust the Kirin’Tor and Jaina for past hostilities against the Blood Elves. So you have them to show this angle from the Blood Elf perspective at present.
Personally, I kind of like that Lor’themar plays the diplomat and takes the pragmatic approach, because it adds variety to the roster of notable Blood Elven characters. By doing so he’s providing the opposing points of view in how to tackle a given situation when compared to what his contemporaries might otherwise suggest. From what he’s demonstrated so far, the fact he doesn’t let his personal pride or emotions cloud his judgement makes him an effective leader.
All the notable characters would otherwise be homogenous and boring if they didn’t have the ability to think independently and come to their own conclusions first, rather than taking the same unified stance from the outset. Especially those in Leadership roles. It provides room for differing perspectives to form which we need more of not less. In the case of Lor’themar these play out between himself and his immediate advisors like Rommath, Halduron, Aethas, Liadrin et al.
They get barely acknowledged to even exist. The only time Lor’themar listened to Rommath was after Aleria nearly blew up the Sunwell, while Hathorel has even less than that.
The Blood Elves have largely been an afterthought, with their characters being basically boiled down to Lor’themar simping, Liadrin becoming a human paladin reskin and the Windrunner mess.(all three of whom are mostly isolated) So the potential problem you mention i would say is currently a reality, in the other extreme.
Originally I wanted to say more in this thread but I’ll say they can’t even get blood elf voices right anymore. Liadrin’s apprentice sounds like a generic mid-westerner crossed with Thisalee Crow, even when they touch the Sin’dorei they dirty them. No I’m not just mindlessly hateposting either. I despise it when a culture, language, vernacular or accent of a race is forgotten.
I tried not to be negative so I looked in to the story. They then have her casually travel to the Shadowlands the literal after life to eventually speak with Liadrins adopted father who’s resurrected as another form of life. Just let that slowly sink in. This is the quality the team produces.
1st of all Blood elves will never leave the Horde. Just give it up already.
2nd of all. The problems the Blood elves have started when they decided to axe Kael’thas. Twice. Without Kael’thas the representation of the Blood elves in the game are barley noticable. With Velen you had the Argus shenenigans and all the rich Draenei lore we explored while we went to Draenor. The Blood elves don’t have this kind of privilge. They are essentially humans with pointy ears. There is not much faction pride to be produced from such an environment.
After Kael got his redemption arc fruited we need to take him back leading his people like he should have been from the start back in TBC.
Blizzard needs to stop deleting important lore characters from the Horde side and give them the spotlight they deserve. The same way Jaina was allowed to shine In Bfa.
That is the only way for the races of the Horde getting some net positive development. Stop catering to the alliance community and give the Horde something to be proud of for a change.
Salandria’s very young I think, probably just a teen, so that’s probably the reason for that kind of high-pitched voice…
but voices are also a general problem. For some reason all Void Elves sound very british for example, while as former Blood Elves they shouldn’t have that accent. Tyrande sounded like a Troll with a deep troll accent for the whole duration of MoP (especially during SoO). So yes languages and cultures are often forgotten or mistaken.
But even if Kael came back the problem is still how they would write his character from now on… he wouldn’t be proud and pragmatic like he was in Warcraft 3 anymore anyway I think…
He tells you to adress him as sunking. His onclick title is still Lord of the blood elves. And he stills talks to you about svaing the Sin’dorei. For me is is still the same prince he used to be in Warcraft 3.
I just hope they won’t kill Liadrin now they have a replacement ready. Liadrin is one of the few decent characters the blood elves have left. She shouldn’t be killed just for the sake of it.
The core thing for me is that the Blood Elves are Quel’Thalas and Quel’Thalas is the Blood Elves.
This is even more emphasized in the upcoming 9.2.5 story.
I don’t want to tread on that leak so much (those of you who do, go to MMO Champion - they’ve already decided that Quel’Thalas is being shared between the factions), but it feels so off to give the Alliance something that is actually core to a Horde race. Quel’Thalas is the rock and foundation for the Sin’dorei.
Quel’Thalas is the nation that aided and got the Shal’dorei to join the Horde. Yes, Sylvanas fans can say that it was Sylvanas who gave the final word on Suramar joining the Horde, but Sylvanas didn’t do any of the negotiating, nor did she take part in the Suramar campaign. All of that work was done by Liadrin, Lor’themar and their Blood Elven forces.
Don’t worry that will not happen. Blizzard just can’t make a race switch the factions. It is literally impossible gameplay wise since they would force all current blood elf players to leave their guilds and such. Those people on MMO-C are not very smart it seems. they just want ti push their deus vult Lordaeron agenda. Your typical male human paladin behavior. But it will not happen. Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. And Quel’thalas belongs to the blood elves. That is the status quo and it is not going to change any time soon.
I’m not sure what leak you mean, if it’s the whole being called back by Liadrin in *.2.5 I think it’s just that the next plot point will happen in QT, I don’t think it means that the area is actually going to be shared for anything more then the *.2.5 storyline quests
If it’s another leak you mean I can’t exactly find it and would appreciate a link if possible
Uh what? Can’t find nothing about that on MMO-Champ or Wowhead?
As loath as I am, I do have to mostly agree with Erevien, Tirisfal Glades, half of Silverpine Forest, three quarters of Hillsbrad Foothills and half of the Western plaguelands are Forsaken territory and Quel’thalas is blood elven territory.
Blizzard has shown they are willing to change the status quo though, but I think the outcry of the Horde (the most played and most popular faction) if they’d give the blood elves or Forsaken the night elf treatment (losing half their territory to the other faction) would be too big!
It’s not even for any other race except blood elf since it’s the continuation of the heritage questline!
What the night elves endured is not going to be permanent. Darkshore was retaken and soon they will build a new city. I am certain of it. Night elves will get their due. They just need to be patient.
Truth be told I would just quit the game if they made Quel’thalas alliance. But I trust in Blizzard not to mess with blood elf fans this way. They would lose alots of money if they managed to screw us off too badly.
Well the question here is what purpose in the story it would have. If it’s just hollow shock value like basically every single time it happened so far then it would be terrible, but if it’s a vehicle to kick the blelves up their rear end to get their story properly moving again after like 8 expansions then it doesn’t have to be terrible.
But the issue is, Quel’Thalas is the rock and stone of the Blood Elf race.
It feels off for any revamp to be given to the Alliance. I mean, what would the Blood Elf new intro be like? Where would it be? These are questions that nobody wants to answer, who is absolute in wanting Quel’Thalas to be an Alliance zone, talks about.
The issue is, if those people can’t do that, then I don’t see how Blizzard can make the idea work well.
They can make it a contested area, under certain circumstances like Void Elves infiltrating it or other aliance aggression, for the purposes of making it a story. That said it would be refreshing to see an attack repelled once in a while, even if it is at a cost. (Say having to get rid of the Naaru influence within the Sunwell by whatever means it takes.)
They might modernise the tech behind the zone and incorporate it in the broader world, however it’s kind of unlikely they would do a cata style remake of the leveling experience. If anything they’re going to make it another phase, with a bronze dragon squatting there to move you between the variants, in order to incorporate it within the contemporary storyline.