Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Ok counterpoint. Imagine a game with mostly female audience. Some sweaty neckbeards come to the game and destroy women competitively or destroy balance in game. But they are whales and developer changes game to pander to neckbeards.
Would you protect neckbeards or would you say: “No protect female audience.”?

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But this isn’t a counterpoint, there is a dissonance in females taking on typically masculine and male dominated roles that are rooted in thousands of years of human history. And there are historical exceptions to this, but they are so few and far between.

TWW is basically just sidelining all the male characters, and propping up the female characters in male roles. And it’s not being done with a lot of depth either, the Lothar girl, her personality just doesn’t even make sense for her role, she’s not exactly Brienne of Tarth.

You know that we play a fantasy game with dragons and pandas?

And exactly what is unrealistic?
Women beeing strong? Or leaders?
Thats so delusional.

Its peak irony that people complaining about representation of individuaks while complaining that they dont feel represented enough anymore. They actually validate what they criticize without noticing it.

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Characters showing emotion and vulnerability is fine, people complain about Anduin but I think he’s alright to be honest. Especially during the cinematic, haven’t been moved like that since the WoD cinematic, that was pure gold. Can’t say the same about the random whiny Earthen that is worried that his clothes might get wet when you’re skyriding near the water surface. Whoever wrote those lines clearly could use some more practice when it comes to writing dialogue that doesn’t make me simultaneously cringe and throw up in my own mouth.


You’re not representing women by copying the modern trope of every other modern media franchise by making the men look incompetent and having them sidelined in order to prop up females at every opportunity, and then to just give them male roles anyway. How many women actually feel represented by just having women be men in a gender swap?

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Based on thousand of years when body strength was a valid argument to supress for example women. Has nothing to do with women beeing more or less capable of wielding a sword or lead a army.
And if you keep this track people argue the same about npcs with different skin color.
Would you also state that its unrealistic and forced because thousands of years have shown that they arent capable of having the same skills?

You will find different and similar talents and good and bad traits in people with different gender/skin color or other unrelated characteristics.

Im representing nothing. I have no focus on the gender or other irrelevant characteristics.
Im a white cis male that doesn’t have any thoughts about what gender a character has if I decide weather I like or dislike it.

It just doesnt matter.
I judge a narrative and its characters by their actions, just like in real life.

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And yet you attack others for disagreeing with you and call them racists.

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Women are less capable of wielding a sword, in 99/100 cases they would die and lose to a male, this isn’t being sexist, it’s factual. Go look at any sporting competition, go look at any historical situation, go look at any war torn country in the world today.

And you’re turning this into an ideological argument now, when it’s simply about Blizzard turning all the females into males while making all the males look incompetent and/or weak and sacrificing the strong males out of the story so the women can get the spotlight.

How far can you suspend your disbelief in a story before it becomes hilarious?

“cis” is considered a derogatory term by a lot of people, you will cause a lot of trouble and turn this thread into a cesspool if you start talking like this. Leave this nonsense out of it, I don’t care what gender you’re attracted to, what are you even implying by saying this?


Show me where i called someone racist or attacked them. I just repeatedly stating that skin color or gender have nothing to do with bad or good writing and people that complaint about unbalanced representation are the same that complaint if other groups get represented in media.

If you feel attacked by that Im not sorry.

Again, you are talking about a fantasy games.
You think the 1% chance you give a woman to be a better sword wielder is more unrealistic than pandas fighting dragons with big cows in armor as their friends?

Please stop. :joy:


You sent that as a reply to me, initially, implying that I have said at any point in this entire thread that race or gender are the issue instead of what mine, and almost everyone else complaining in the threads, point has been, WRITE GOOD CHARACTERS AND A COMPELLING STORY!!!
That’s not me feeling attacked or reading into something, that’s you making passive aggressive strawman to try and attack and invalidate the opinions of people that disagree with you.

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Good! Now do the same with characters in a fantasy game. I think you are on to something there.

Also stop reversing the argument.
If gender, sexual orientation or skin color doesnt matter, why does this thread exist.
You validate my point, thanks.

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Good point, not everyone can just pick up a broadsword and start swinging it around, I sure couldn’t, those things are ridiculously heavy. I don’t think that should have any impact on what gender various story characters are though, if we’re going for that level of realism, we have a lot of Gnome Arms Warriors to reprimand about their unrealistic behavior.

I personally couldn’t care less about how many story characters are male and how many are female. What I do care about is why the story is written in the way it is. In my experience, political activists are generally pretty awful at writing fantasy rpg stories because they can’t help but preach every chance they get.

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There are plenty of important male characters in The War Within and they all have different strengths. Thrall is in the level 80 campaign. I think Merrix (Stonevein) is a well witten character also. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Khadgar. Magni has a role. I like Dagran’s inquisitiveness. Anduin is strong in his own way, but I’m guessing not in the Garrosh-way OP would like. I’m not sure about The Weaver’s gender, but I enjoy their scheming very much.

Your example is partially flawed.

Women don’t come to men in video games and destroy them competitively. That’s quite rare because most women have different interests (not saying they couldn’t if they tried). “Competing” is something mostly men do usually.

A better example would to say:

“Imagine a game with mostly female audience. The game is directed and targeted at them as audience. Then men come and demand/get changes into the game the female audience doesn’t like.”

But I get what you are playing at.

And my answer would be “it’s the developers choice whom they want to cater their product to.”

If people don’t like it, they are free to vote with their wallet. But if the developer doesn’t care for the money because they are already making more than enough, then don’t complain that your “wallet voting” doesn’t work out on a new, fixed target audience.

And because it has been for thousands of years so means it should never change?

Humans believed for hundrets of years into gods like Zeus, Ares, Mercury, etc. Should we go back to believing into those too “because people did it before Christianity”?

Or, people believed for thousand years that the Earth is flat, til Columbus proved them wrong by actually going there, after Aristotle made the first theory about it. Should we also go back to believing the earth is flat (it’s sad there are actually people doing so…)

I work in a BAKERY. A job DOMINANTELY OWNED BY WOMEN. Am I now not “manly enough” because I work a job with high worker demand that pays me (many people in my country don’t want to work in retail anymore)?

Actually they aren’t, it’s a massive misconception about swords in movies and game. Broad swords weigh about 1-2kg and are balanced near you hand so they are pretty easy to use. Gender doesn’t really come into it when using larger swords either, for example a couple years ago at one of the major Hema tournaments the champions for longsword was a woman. Maybe women would struggle with certain fighting styles like the circular swings with a great swords, due to their waists being their widest point on the body as opposed to the shoulders for men. But in general women and men with swords is more a matter of skill than brute force. Reach is a big factor that also gives men an advantage but it’s not insurmountable.

Throughout history women weren’t seen on the battlefields much primarily because marching and carrying lots of weight is not as easy for women than men, so it was more to do with army logistics than actual fighting. Also if a woman dies it’s a gross loss on your birth rate, where as if a man dies it doesn’t

There is a time and place for everything, Brienne of Tarth was an awesome character in GOT, a typically male character played by a female in a believable way. There is room for this, but GOT did it without having to diminish the male characters.

TWW though, while I still think the story is better than the last 2 expansions and pretty good, they have made a mockery of it, it’s so blatant, girl powa expansion, by diminishing the males. The characters lack depth, especially the Lothar girl whose demeanor just doesn’t fit the role, she comes across like a mary sue, like Rey from Star Wars but with even less character depth.

There’s nothing to refute; it’s complete and utter nonsense.

That’s like asking someone to refute their claim that the earth is flat.

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I’ve only held one once and it was definitely too much for me to handle, but I was far from an adult at the time so I guess that is to be expected. Apoarently they rarely weighed more than a couple of kg, and that’s just iron. I imagine modern swords are made of more lightweight stuff.