Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Do you know who or what kind of ppl works on blizzard last few years? …


Good parasites do exist, but they aren’t always very obvious! The nicest parasites are the fungi which you can eat, like mushrooms or food and drinks made using yeast, like bread and soy sauce. Some fungi are also used in medicine, as antibiotics. Leeches and maggots are grown in special laboratories and are used to keep blood flowing or clean up dead tissue after people have had accidents!

Lots of people apparently.

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Aw, damn. Now they gonna have to move the goalpost again!

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Diversity is good if done for the purpose of creating something new that didn’t already exist. I’ll give two examples in movies.

Black Panther: There has never, to my knowledge, been a main stream African superhero movie set in Africa. This was fresh and new visually, it told the story of a culture completely different to the mainstream. It was interesting and the characters were played by great actors and story hit on the classic heroes journey.

The little mermaid live action: They told the exact same white European story that we all know but this time they had a black mermaid. It’s the writing equivalent of black face. If the goal was the have a live action disney princess story about mermaids and they wanted a black character, why not tell a mermaid story that comes from the continent of Africa. Africa is really really big, there’s many cultures and they have their own fairytales, you don’t need to just retell white stories and paint characters skin.

See the difference. One is diversity of thought, the other is diversity of skin. Generally speaking if you only care about skin, you’re on the path of bigoty.

The same can be said about gender, if your purpose is the have a strong female lead then make a strong female lead that fills a space in the plot, not yeet out male leads or neuter them so that you can force a female into the previous characters role.

They also wrote the female leads acting like narcissistic morons that don’t behave as a character with their backstory should. This wouldn’t be an issue if they would let this be acknowledge if other characters around them called them out when they made mistakes and screwed things up or acted without thinking. However the writers refuse to allow anyone to tell the female leads they’re wrong. Without introspection these characters cannot grow or develop.


I do, and I agree that one is more interesting in concept than the other.
I’m just not someone who worries about what colour the main character’s skin is UNLESS it matters to the character.

Like in your example; Black Panther is a black character. He’s the king of an african nation. It wouldn’t make any sense for him to be white or asian, for instance.

For the mermaid it doesn’t matter. She’s a mythical creature; so what does it matter what colour her skin is? It doesn’t matter to the story at all; so I don’t care. What I care about is if it’s actually a good movie. That’s the important part to me.

And I actually enjoyed that movie, honestly. I never saw the animated original, I must admit.

Same with WoW. I don’t care whether a character is a man, woman, black, white, green, whatever. I care if I find the story engaging and interesting.

And with the TWW campaign so far: I did. I found the story to be more engaging and interesting than BfA, Shadowlands and DF - just to compare it to the last few expansions. Part of that is the pacing and the frequent cutscenes and part of that is what’s actually going on. I enjoyed it.

I don’t know, I personally think male characters are better written when they’re allowed to be vulnerable and show their emotions—like Anduin in TWW.

Past male characters have all felt a bit samey with all their “me big, me strong” talk.

Not everyone has the same idea about masculinity as OP.

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Genuine question: why must diversity happen for a reason? Why can’t a character just be black? Or a woman? Or gay? Especially when the same people who preach “diversity for a reason!” somehow never question when a character is white, male, or straight.

People are just born a certain way. I don’t have any “lore reasons” why I’m a woman. There is no big explanation why I’m LGBT+. I was just born that way. Why can’t fictional characters?

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I think the problem people have is he doesn’t emote like a man, instead it’s like a teenager. All he does is brood and moan and cry. Generally speaking when men, in particular good men, share feelings, they’re task orientated. As in, solve the problem in front of me then deal with my feelings about it. Anduin doesn’t do this, he’s selfish in the sense he wallows in his emotions at the expense of others.


…You don’t know many men, do you.

Either way, that’s a bit of a nonsense take. Men are not some mythical creatures who all share the same personality traits. Their personalities can be diverse, my dude. If anything, Anduin’s gig in TWW makes him more realistic and well-rounded.

You should look up the “muscle” section on gay twitterhamster. There’s lots of roided up muscle men on there taking things very heroic and selflessly.

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There’s always a reason for something, you cannot say it’s not a conscious choice to have 90% of the characters be female. So then it comes to, why you chose to do that.

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Then why don’t we flip things around and start asking, “What is this character’s reason for being a man/white/straight/cis?”

Things would sure become more interesting.

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All modern psychology would disagree with you, men and women behave differently and personality traits for men and women are pretty well defined. Anecdotally I am a man.

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Sure, give me a couple links then. Prove that good men don’t mope lmao.

Edit: Also, shouldn’t we maybe take into consideration that Anduin is deeply traumatized? Maybe you should look into PTSD, if you’re talking about psychology.

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there he is
my man

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This all circles back around to the poor writing though. because as far as a player has seen Andiuin’s trauma is no greater than about 80% of the NPC’s or WoW. It is only recently that the WoW writing team have took the approach of all characters break to pieces when suffering from trauma. Which I think we can all agree is stupid since there’s a great variety in how someone handles trauma, not everyone breaks into a weaping mess which seems to be the only way blizz’s writers handle trauma.

Sure feel free to look up the heroic archetypes, it’s been around for millennia and has stayed consistent cross culturally. Moping and wallowing when there’s action to be taken is the antithesis of a hero. Don’t get me wrong him wallowing in the dessert even him leaving the kingdom during dragonflght and being all emotional I have no issue with. People deal with trauma differently although most men tend towards aggression, not all but most. The world and kingdom were safe as far as Anduin was aware, the man he left in charge as regent is a good man and loved by the people there’s nothing wrong in him trying to sort his emotional state in the mean time. However, the way he has behaved in the War within is not heroic nor is it how an example of a good man should behave.

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So your source is “Trust me bro!”


No my source is go read about the hero archetype, it’s stood the test of time and been found to be cross cultural so is generally considered a good indicator on what is considered a hero to humans.

You’re argument come starts from a faulty position that there’s is no such thing as good and evil. Which is why you should read up on that before you make further claims. There’s cross cultural examples of good men and good women. Hero’s are simply the good characteristics and behaviours taken the the extreme, same as villains are the evil characteristic and behaviours taken to the extreme.

Where the hell did that weird assumption come from? :joy: