Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Because you’re starting point is that there’s no such thing as an archetypical good man.

Uhhh. No? Not at all?

Do you guys not have dads?


I’ll just re clarify my position then and see if maybe we’re in at least partial agreement.

The issue I am pointing out is not with Anduin suffering or even being emotional and disappearing for a few years to deal with his trauma, it’s that there is nothing heroic or praise worthy about a someone who when faced with a situation that demands action they wallow in their own grief and do not take action. This is weakness not someone being strong and showing their emotions.

Take the cannon suicide attempt, I flat out, refuse to call that an attempt at heroic sacrifice.

  • He defeats a nerubian,
  • Goes to use the light
  • Gets scared because of his trauma
  • Doesn’t actually try to use the light, decides others can use the light I’m not needed
  • Jumps at the cannon.
  • Surrounded by enemies and he makes no attempt to fight back, just backs into a corner and gets captured.

This is cowardice not bravery.

Bravery would be the following:

  • He defeats a nerubian,
  • Goes to use the light
  • Gets scared because of his trauma
  • See his allies are in trouble and bolsters his determination
  • Attempts to use the light, whether is works or not is irrelevant to the next bit but for argument sake say it doesn’t work
  • Jumps at the cannon to make it miss
  • Surrounded by enemies and he fights back standing his ground until he is eventually swarmed.

See the difference, they could keep the plot exactly the same, but the characters behaviour goes from whiney coward to a brave hero.

Being a hero is not about not showing trauma or emotions, it’s about rising above your issues, know that others are more important than your feelings.


I bet you are familiar with gay corn (pink haired gnome tells a lot), but I’m talking about classic fantasy like Conan the Barbarian or WH40k.

What if, one has nothing to do eith the other. I dont think quality of the syory has anything to do with having to meet quotas.
Not gonna pretend that my opinions are facts tho, that would be ignorant.

This is not a viable what if. Bad timing for it to be when the whole DEI trend in in full swing. That’s one. Two, it’s painfully obvious when something is meant to adhere to a DEI checklist, especially since the people who promote this crap don’t even make a minimum effort to truly integrate it in the respective story electing to call those who question these things as bigots and racists.

The problem is that the expansion is done and even if they will make changes it will take up to the last titan to see some changes but i doubt that. Considering Metzen is currently working on 13.1 Content we are still going to see male characters getting killed or potrayed as useless while strong women will annoy you to death

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No you don’t. You just want to demand stuff. If you people cared enough about this you’d do something about it, help make it happen. Instead you just sat on your butts and went to people who had their own projects and demanded they change them or else you call them racists or whatever. If you people were truly so passionate about making games more diverse you would have gotten off your butts and did that.


Yes the Fruit bowl, paintings and male succubus x)))

This is literally what happened tho? People who were told to “do something about it,” did. Which is why now games are finally becoming a little more diverse, including WoW. :slight_smile:

But games becoming diverse is bad thing.

Look at every release that is promoted as modern game for modern audiences with diverse cast. They sell couple of hundreds copies. Now look at games that don’t care about being diverse they sell hundreds of thousands if not milions of copies.

Only games like wow or LoL that were released 10+ years ago because of old players that remember good old times. Being diverse is a liability not an asset.


But they didn’t. They just made it so it’s taboo not to feature diverse characters.

Might have more to do with the nature of the AAA industry/corporate greed.

Lots of game devs have spoken out against the industry and execs lately and some gravitate towards smaller companies like for example Larian Studios. Baldur’s Gate 3 happened to be a pretty good and also diverse game.

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If there wasn’t a problem with all these story and character changes related to “inclusion”, why’d they need to rebrand their DEI department that pushes all these ideas into the game to “Inclusive Growth”…?

I quote the article (look it up cause i can’t link)

"Former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern aka Grummz shared the newsletter from Activision’s new Head of Inclusive Growth Casey Morris.

Morris wrote, “We have some new ‘news’ to share. Going forward, we’ll be changing the name of our group from DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) to ‘Inclusive Growth’ to represent the dynamic and strategic work our team is doing to bring inclusion and equity to our People, Candidate, Game Development, and Creative processes across the business.”

“This change to use Inclusive Growth also better reflects the dynamic and amazing audience that plays our games today, and ensures we are growing in the right ways with our community,” Morris added.

He concluded, “This adjustment does not impact one of our core values of Championing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&). That work and value remains critical to our culture. This change simply better reflects our strategic people and business opportunities as we look to our future.”

Unfortunately it seems like they still don’t care enough to actually change the root issue their audience is voicing, but rather just try to avoid responsibility by rebranding the term DEI.


Unfortunatley no, as far as I know.

Anduin is not masculine. He is a broken man who doesn’t know what to do with his life. Just let him die (He is such a useless character since his teenage years) and make Turalyon king with Greymane as right hand.

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A company becoming diverse will bankrupt it for certain(just like that Australian female cafe which went bankrupt really fast). Sony just lost 200 million for example.

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I just reached a quest where an NPC is corrupted and it’s meant to be a big, tragic moment and then Lillian Voss of all characters shouts out that ‘THEY ARE NOT THEMSELVES!’

I won’t lie, I burst out laughing and it really killed whatever tension and tragedy was meant to be present.

I’d note it is the second time so far the game has been strangely vague and performative about a character’s gender. The first time involved Faerin refusing to refer to her slain friend as being either male or female.


Why care about gender instead of looking at how the character acts?

Personally I´m generally not impressed with the quality of writing - I would not expect anyone of them to act the way they do with how long things has been going on, or the world we are dealing with.
Or for that matter how the player character reacts at times - we are veterans going up against multiple world threatening issues by now, and we still ask dumb questions or “get surprised” at a dragon having different forms.