Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

This we can both agree on.

Please don’t even try to rewrite history to work in your headcanon
Both Warcraft 1 Manual states otherwise and the WC1 description itself said " Real-time strategy game in which the warlike species of the Orcs come through a interdimensional portal into the land of Azeroth "

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Back to topic of male representation… Faerin is one of my favourite characters right now in the story alongside Anduin, and Moira, so I think the female representation is awesome. Alleria is in my opinion over-idealised though. However, I would love to also see respectable warrior hero character like Varian again in the story. They tried with Bael, but that’s not cool enough. I would really like seeing Turalyon as a similar force to Alleria.


There’s a lot of talking going on in these kinds of threads, and every time the summary is “I hate women, minorities and everyone else unfit for my ethno power fantasy”. A lot of euphemisms and vague beating around the bush with descriptions and generalisations do not cover up the many phobias people carry on their sleeves.

(kudos for the turn on the heels with your tail between your legs, I did not see that one coming)

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My household is definitely a matriarchal society too :joy:

Arguments worth considering.

Debatable. If you read the quests, they appear to be quite serious.
The slapstick interludes are quite short-lived.

I believe that the existence of occasional humorous quests is not equivalent to a full Fortnite session.

There is no headcanon or canon at all regarding that game.
Most of Warcraft 1’s lore is outdated, replaced by “The Last Guardian”.

The words “hell” and “hades” appear frequently throughout the manual.
I couldn’t find your description, though.
Even if it’s there: This doesn’t produce a science fiction Stargate game. It was about knights fighting orcs. Orcs, as a fantasy concept, aren’t aliens.

But it seems that you didn’t understand the central message. You have to read what I’ve written in the context of my earlier remarks and try to understand what I’m attempting to say. Try again - you can do it. :wink: The others here understood right away.

Kudos to projecting your insane set of judgements on to everyone on the forums :ok_hand:

I know this might surprise you and put your ideology into question, but people who don’t want DEI shoved down their throats at every turn don’t actually hate women and minorities. Sorry to burst your bubble.


This exactly here enscapsulates the feeling.

And they’re still living in tribal times xD
Our western societies are hard pushing matriarchy and its leading to an utter mess. Less pragmatic and more empathetic decisions that bring about the fragmentation of society and insecurity into our borders, ironically affecting those women the most.

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Sure buddy. /pat

Whose borders?

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Yeah go on patronalising. As if DEI and high position quotas arent a thing and the general social rhetoric isnt anti-male… I aint gonna drag myself into a discussion, enjoy your wokist view of life.

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Boadicea, Elanor of Aquitaine, Joan D’Arc, Isabella of France, amongst hundreds of other Medieval (& thereabouts) women would like to say “Hi”. Women in post-classical warfare - Wikipedia


That’s not a word.

Not even close to what you were talking about 2 posts earlier.
Are you seriously trying to move the goalposts THIS blatantly obvious?

You. Reacted. To. Me.
Go figure. :blush:

I don’t have one (ps: that’s not a word either); I belong in the middle somewhere; away from both extremists in this issue because both are scary imo. :person_shrugging:t3:

This I agree with you on. Presumably there was some reason for a migration from Southern continents (such as a war, or a volcano, or simply initially for trade or study). Having a back-story, is important even if it’s a character in Stormwind saying to a friend at the bar “I came to Stormwind to serve as a guard, and stayed for the beer”.

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The woke must go on!

Maybe they like the grant money from various political institutions, for example US State Dept. Funding Opportunity Number: S-NL800-20-GR-3011


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Gilnean vs Forsaken hatreds are what they are. The Forsaken have been overpowered recently.
The line of succession is normal. But before the Matriarchy expansion there are “strong female” leaders popping up left and right. Lady Admiral Proudmoore. Leading Dalaran a city is not the same as ruling a nation Kul Tiras. The female version of the prodigal son does not quite work.

Queen Talanji took over. Demonstrated leadership as there was not time to mourne her father, As her subordinate was shouting “What are your orders?!!”
Handing rule over to Tess was premature. Since they are refugees returned to their homelands. Nation building is not something Tess can do. A sovereign is different to a goverment.

This is not the “got you” moment you are looking for. More of a self own.
Like the Shimar village . A village with an 80% female to 20% male ratio where there are not enough husbands and men are snatched for snu snu.
Males are carried off if uncooperative.

Then there is the Donnugan City of Guangdong province in China.
Where 1 guy can have 3 - 5 girlfriends with women that have no problem sharing as the female population greatly outnumbers the males.

But. Patriarchy vs Matriarchy.
Infrastructure - Economy - Sewage system - Transport and logistics - Means of feeding the masses - Bread and circuses for entertainment - Nation building.
Matriarchy can not survive without male involvement. Yet Patriarchy is civilisation as long as ongoing supply of competent males and workers are produced.

Too many have the Western dream of some sort of Amazonian society of warrior women. Reality is disappoints them.
Make the time. Go to Utube “The Island with Bear Grylls Season 2”
That kind of stuff happens when things are left to female rule.
There was a woman tv media personality “Samantha Brick” that set up a female only, despite laws concerning hiring practices.
Couldn’t link it for some reason.
TL;DR version is the girls ran the company into the ground.


When Elun Musk took over Twitter - now renamed X. There was time for real work to be done. Almost all of the women resigned roughly halving the employee population.
Females CAN work together in businesses and such. But without the boys everything collapses.

Could look at Disney Star Wars. Matriarchy leadership and now the intellectual property is dead and they are burning hundreds of millions of dollars.
Competent writers and directors do exist like Amy Hennig.

If you made it this far. An essential point. If EVERYONE is a “strong independent woman/girl” then nobody is a “strong independent woman/girl”.


I think Blizzard is just overcompensating due to what happened in their company in the last decade. However, especially because of this I think they shouldn’t lecture others. They should instead focus on providing a healthy working atmosphere for their employees, and not pressure them further with activist requirements. Just let the employees breath, pay them well, and give their creativity some space.

They don’t need to signal or lecture societal stuff to us as customers, we didn’t do anything wrong collectively for purchasing their game. If they want to signal something, it’s better that they make employee happiness surveys public, and make their average wages public. That’s the correct signal considering their company history. The ideals in a fantasy videogame are not the primary problem or the space they need to show ethics.


For one; you don’t even know what a matriarchy actually IS.
For some weird reason you think that men cannot be involved in any way, shape or form in such a society. Which is of course complete and utter nonsense.

And for every bad example you give there’s a good example of female leadership.

The only thing you wrote that I agree with is this:

But I don’t know what point you’re thinking to make with that remark.

That is true but we know the reasons why is DEI and ESG.
I will explain it this way,

Look at Avatar the Legend of Aang season 1. The originals and no reboots.
The Air - Fire - Water - Earth nations were ethnically homogenous. Which is not a bad thing. Nations like Japan and Poland exist. But some people see this as problematic. These are the type of people that would travel to China and find what makes that land Chinese to be “problematic” then see “diversifying” China with non Chinese as the solution.

The activists then “diversified” the Air - Fire - Water - Earth nations in the following sequels. The only “real” solutions being head cannon of rampant immigration to said nations that changed demographics. other than DEI and ESG activists of course.

The Chinese examples is very real. The Witcher which is made by a Polish company about Polish mythology and folklore. Poland a population of roughly 98% White Polish is an ethnically homogenous country. Yet the “games journalists” criticised earlier Witcher games as having “too much white people” then “diversified” Witcher tv show from season 2 with the American (mandatory) race and gender swaps. It led to Witcher Blood Origins where the practice of forced retcons was attempted.
The Witcher reboots of earlier games will most definately be “diversified” for the mythical “modern audience”.

There are those that enjoy a hobby for what it is. There are those that come to change a hobby. There difference between the “Tourist” and the fan/consumer is that the Tourist places their own views and ideology above the hobby and intellectual property itself.

Like the “female Custodes” fiasco when almost 40 years of Warhammer franchise there has never been a single female Custodes plastic miniature or in universe appearance until the Tourists infiltrated GW then force retcons.

I was also shocked about: Where did all the Bla—ahem “diverse” people come from in WoW? Now they are “diversifying” the Elves and Gnomes? It HUMANISES what is supposed to be FANTASY races. Amazons: Rings of power done a lot of damage in humanising Elves. Since then the likes of Dragon Age Veilguard has just made pointy eared humans.