Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

That’s no excuse for bad and contrived writing. Actions should be logical (either by common sense or from the point of view of the character). If the character is established to be capable of something, don’t make him stupid and forget what he can do.
You’re creating the story. You can create a scene which gets the outcome you want without making the character do something completely stupid and contrived.

Don’t apologize for bad writing please.

There is nothing wrong with having strong female characters. The problem comes from the dozens of Mary Sue characters and forced replacement. Baelgrim went kamikaze for stupid reasons so that we can have a strong female leader.

Khadgar was also made incredibly stupid and weak just so Alleria can try to save him.
I don’t really remember people having problems with Jaina or Sylvanas before the new writers started messing them up.

The first Wonder Woman was a success. Edge of tomorrow was a success and had a strong female character.

People hate the girl boss stereotype and are tired of that trope. The best example everyone goes to is Rey Palpatine. There is no heroes journey there, she is already powerful, smart and capable of everything.
That’s a boring character to focus on. There is no struggle, no growth. The character arc is a line.

It’s gender politics in a sense that it’s always the female lead made almost perfect while male characters get put down, made stupid or far less capable (even when they have much more experience) than the female.
You CAN have good female characters without degrading the male characters.

I haven’t seen the complains or how he behaves, but I’m guessing they turned him into a whiny person who’s not being able to do anything on his own and has to be helped by other (let me guess, female) characters.

So the complains aren’t about being misogynistic, being any kind of phobe or an incel like most people try to claim to avoid any form of criticism, but rather about bad writing for the past couple of years.
Look at Disney and how they finally start to realize that pandering (south park was so spot on as always) doesn’t work for business because you alienate the audience you have for one that doesn’t exist. After a while they get tired and stop giving you money. You can’t have your cake and it eat too.


Which real world ? You mean west north hemishphere which is atm in Rapid decline and complelty taken over by eastern /southern part of world ?

In 20 years western world being example will be long forgotten in this pace


There needs to be a healthy balance. I like stoic, competent, conventionally attractive men and want to see more of them on my screen.

I don’t have much interest in seeing them sidelined or sacrificed so some bland woman clad in perpetual plot armour can take over their role.

It’s the bigotry of low expectations at play at this point. Women are portrayed as just as capable as men until such a time that they need to take responsibility for their actions, in which case suddenly contrived excuses are pulled out to avoid actually holding them accountable in the same way as their male counterparts.

Sylvanas, Jaina and Vereesa should have been killed off in the same way as Garrosh after engaging in the same war crimes cited as justification for offing Garrosh. Instead, that didn’t happen and now we are seeing the long con in the form of long established male characters being slain or forced to step down.


Yeah we live in a world where people are so rational and so not controlled by their instincts that most of them are obese.

Come on.


Eh, there’s too much to go into regarding that for a WoW forum post, but I’d argue that’s minimally genetic pre-programmed “nature” and far more a mix of sugar addiction (many of us have it and just don’t realise it) and overly processed foods.

Add in a sprinkle of laziness of not making your own meals from scratch (or the inability to, such as financial situation) and it’s an inevitable result.

The food companies have a lot to answer for IMO but that’s a fight I’m not taking on!

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The same also goes for you when it swings back the other way in the future.


:thinking: cant even see your face in avatar

Where are the strong male characters? Currently I am still dancing on a mail box in Stormwind raising funds to join the battle but I shall be with you soonTM :mirror_ball: :dancing_men: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Seeing the story unfolding its pretty obvious what the cumination of this 3 expansion saga will be - windrunner sisters will be eventually reunited and will savevthe world.

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Something I’d pay to see.

Ozempic is proving that to be exactly the case.

That’s why fast food lobby launched a lobby war against IT - while this kind of drugs shoudl be stare founded for all obese people

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That’s going to be very interesting. governments have basically been pretending they don’t know why people are obese and pumping out propaganda to perpetuate it. It’s the same as the diet industry.

I don’t get hungry (or full) and I don’t like sugar. If this drug turns everyone into me the junk food industry will absolutely collapse.

I just eat the same one meal everyday at the same time. I spend hardly any money on food.

Because the food industry is a powerful industry and governments are worried about upsetting them. Governments will only act against them if they feel they’re not left any choice.


The company is located in California.


I know multiple people including couple of MDs (:friends of my parents ) who struggled with obesityvfor years - taken those kinecof drugs and without problem dropped 10-20 kg im just couple of months.

Ofc that ifcyou stop using them and go back to nad habits yoyo effect can by crazy but if you stick to diet you keep all effects.

Those drugs work inceedibly effective

Because it’s by default offensive to be a man in modern society, and even more offensive to be a white man (And fully unacceptable to be a white man in a position of power)

R.I.P Khadgar.


Too many people typing…

Including you it seems.

He barely appeared and he’s already gone. He was a really cool character and of course Blizz had to kill him off immediately.


That’s why I think it will be interesting. The pharmaceutical industry is also huge. It’ll be a clash of the titans.

It will likely also shake other industries.