Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

All this with men in charge… (looks at photo of last meeting of EU prime minister/presidents etc 1 woman, 13 men).

Someone is pulling your strings here (and it’s not women, who are STILL behind in terms of average salary, amount of time spent on domestic duties on top of work hours etc etc etc). Start thinking for yourself, outside the female weak/man strong box that someone is encouraging you to remain in. As someone else posted, we are moving towards a more co-operative, less competitive world. Change is happening. You either adapt, or don’t and remain unhappy whinging about something you cannot deal with.


So many dudes with their female elf characters complaining about the lack of the strong male characters.
You can’t make this up.


Not me. I’m a strong male in a Murloc onesie.


It’s not just strong male figures, there’s no strong female figures either. It’s all the girl-bosses surrounded by whimps. Neither has strength nor charisma.


why do you need strong male figure when I am here?

Look at my belly, look much power in it.

They are two sides of the same coin for me lol. Look at the gargantuan list of food additives in the most simplest items in a shop and how little unprocessed food there is. Also relabeling stuff people become more aware of.

We got used to everything being on shelves and abandoned our own food growing and now we SOL.

Who needs manliest man lore characters when i can play as one myself.

How often do you (soy boy genz soft kids) need to be told, crying like a child and expecting others to solve your problems is not a man showing emotions, it’s a man acting like a child.

Showing emotions is fine, letting your emotions control you and prevent you from solving the problems in your life is not being a man, it’s being a child.

Anduin is supposed to be a leader, as a leader, your wants your needs your emotions, are secondary to those who you lead. That’s the difference between a good leader a petulant child or a tyrant.

The Female “Girl Boss” characters are being shoe horned in, in the most cringe self insert way. Not one of them other than Aleria actually deserves her position in the story. And lets talk about they took a being that’s hundred if not thousands of years old and turned her into an edgey 14 year old with 0 IQ or tactical skill.

Yeah 10/10 garbage. I honestly didn’t think someone could churn out a worst storyline than ff14:Dawntrail this year, but it appears the wow dev’s said, hold my fruity cocktail.


Though Shadowlands didn’t show it in full, Anduin was tortured, and mind-controlled into near-killing other people, and almost destroying the world. Have you any idea how that might give anyone a nervous breakdown? Have you NO empathy with anyone who’s gone through the things he has gone through in his still-young (19? 20ish?) life? Do you not remember what it is like to be uncertain?

At least Faerlin has now allowed him hope that he can permanently regain the Light. Repairing a broken soul takes time. Be patient, young padawan!

Like it or not, no man is an island. He’s not “expecting others to solve” his problems, he’s working through them, with help. He’s only expected to be a leader by dint of birth. He may yet grow into one. One with empathy, as well as strength to wield a sword.

That’s ideological BS from an era when humanity had less knowledge about biology and psychology.

I can’t stop you to stick with your knowledge from the past centuries. But you are rejecting science to a degree there.

Anduin himself says he doesn’t see himself as the King anymore. He DOESN’T WANT to be a leader anymore even.

You are forcing your IRL expectations on a digital, fictional character made for entertainment purposes.

Your entire thought process is irrational and flawed.

“Oh no, I don’t like a storyline in this video game I play, therefore it must be bad. It surely can’t be my own taste causing this disconnect in the experience”

That’s all I read here.


Multiple playable races have experienced attempted genocide first hand, in some cases on numerous occasions.

He’s royalty and has strong ties to many leader figures and resources that regular men and women enduring strife could only dream about having. So it largely falls flat.

I do have some sympathy for him but again, other characters have lost far more than he has and simply have to learn to grin and bear it.


probably thrall if one of the 2 has to go. Wasnt there a whole big vision thing from velen in wich anduin was supposed to lead the light both horde and alliance against the void?

I’m 100% sure if one of these 2 has to die it will be poor old sad thrall taken out to behind the barn and shot in the back of the head

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Thrall would probably be more at risk of being eliminated if Metzen hadn’t returned to the company. I do not think he would allow it.

It’s the likes of Rommath and Lor’themar I fear for, especially since the game has a weird aversion to killing off women or holding them accountable for their shadier actions.


I wonder how much creative control metzen really will have, and how much he can salvage from what was planned before his return.

they have been replacing alot of characters with the next generation. So what are the chances thrall is going to get offed and replaced by durak his son

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they hired activist


It’s hard to say. I am personally hoping that there is a greater degree of course correction in the coming years. On many fronts, the pendulum is already swinging. Games that double down even harder on this nonsense such as Dustborn, Concord and Forspoken are consistently selling poorly.

Games that are partially infested with this nonsense sell fairly well still and games that are bereft of it entirely sell incredibly well.

I’m fairly optimistic simply as an enthusiast of history on the basis that we may see things worsen for a while but ultimately the people pushing this nonsense always, without fail, that overconfident and push too far and then find themselves shunned.

The rot is deeply embedded but the process of more people speaking out against it is already in full swing. In no small part because it’s tiresome when fun hobbies are hijacked and injected with propaganda by perpetually unhinged activists.


oh someone certainly is. and for anyone who thinks its pretty obvious who it is :slight_smile:


ah yeah - we evolved past it.

and yet somehow tinder has proven beyond resonalble doubt that 80-20 rule exists and is used every single second all around world :0

but hey - lets ignore the reports with literaly bilions of entries in database :slight_smile:


DF wasn’t very masculine either, you have to disconnect from the story and play if you enjoy the gameplay, the story has become a collections of memes while the writing follows the same popular modern tropes that are ruining every other TV/movie franchise.


This topic does ruff some feathers for sure…
But im glad that i wasnt alone noticing this.
Theres strong independent woman around the corner in every single zone and faction since start of BFA. It is getting a bit silly not gonna lie. Every time theres a question of “We need new leader”…every time the leader became the girl you have been doing quest with trough the entire zone or story.

Its all strong independent queens everywhere and when theres a guy character -it dies soon, its an idiotic incompetent moron or hes a villain or became one half way trough the questing.