Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

We dont fight women. We fight possessed women.
In the past we fought possessed men (fel).

Blizzard is obvoiuslly obssessed with gender, but so are you.

Going through trauma and slowly finding the Light again, while fighting your way through every adversity sword in hand, is weak? What’s the guy supposed to do to be strong, sit down on a rock lifting weights and whistling at girls?

I didn’t know pointless sacrifices voided masculinity certificates. Somebody tell Hector he’s not a strong male hero, because Ilion fell anyway.
My man went Independence Day on a swarm of Nerubians, but that’s not good enough. These maleness standards are getting way out of hand.

Are you playing TWW? Magni is exponentially more central than Moira, both in his relationship with Dagran and in the events surrounding Azeroth and the Earthen. He’s in the spotlight of several narrative beats, and what’s his weakness supposed to be? Caring for his grandson?

Dagran and Anduin have zero common themes or traits, apart from both of them being soft-spoken, which is bad I guess? Maybe strong manly men must growl and stomp their way around instead.

There are, in fact, more male characters in the expansion, and some of them are pretty cool, like Merrix or Kyron.
Khadgar apparently gave his life to save Alleria in a last stand against Xal’atath, but you folks are going to say he’s weak because he lost to a woman.
Maybe I’m too pure, but I don’t get the point in the first place: heroes are heroes, and they’re a model and an inspiration for people no matter their gender. This entire topic is nothing more than a childish and pointless uno reverse on the representation discourse. A girl can draw inspiration from Illidan, a boy can learn heroism from Alleria. Stop making normal things weird.


I put to you what I said before, they aren’t telling better stories they’re telling soft stories. They ignore their own lore in most of their stories, they’ve turned kobolds into cutsie disney characters. They blew apart Dalaran, did they even thing about the violet hold and the unspeakable monstrosities it was keeping imprisoned I guess they’re all lose now across Azeroth?

The writing is the typical soft modern slop we’ve come to expect from companies that have gone the way of blizz, disney, ubi, they care more about a real world political opinion than the world they’re supposed to be crafting. That’s not to say you cannot have poltical intrigue in a plot nor is it that it cannot mirror real life, but injecting your own real world issues is detrimental to world building.

Let me give an example of this, Wizards of the Coast have been pulling back on Orcs being these barbaric brutes that people hate. They are doing this because some hack journos wrote a bunch of articles claiming that Orcs are an allegory of black people. However, black humans exist in the forgotten realms in fact the character art for the default fighter is a black man. So someone is now changing a core part to the world because someone else, thinks racist stuff, and the clown show begins.

It may seem insignificant but world building is like a jenga tower. When you have something like, Orcs are brutal tribal hordes that murder and pillage and WAR. Well then when you create the human towns, you know they will have forts to protect from roving bands of Orcs. They need merchants to supply these forts, so you’ve going to have to have travel routes. As soon as you take away Orc running around being menaces, well what’s the point in the big fort now. The rest of the world you’ve built crumbles because you’ve ripped apart the fundamental building blocks without replacing them with anything.

In WoW For example, I would love them to retcon the lore and add in another human kingdom that is where black humans originate in the game, A it gives completely new lore, and B is resolves the issue of how do you get black and white humans evolving in the exact same environments. Same with Asain kingdoms. Diversity is great if done well, it’s terrible if it’s done ham fisted and sloppy.

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I was going to mention him at some point as being the only strong male of some note right now.

He may not be a warrior but he doesnt need to be. A male character does not -need- to be overtly macho. He just needs to show he is capable of finding solutions to problems with whatever means are available to him… without being a crybaby while at it. Merrix is a problem solver.

Dagran and Anduin just dont come off as strong characters in comparison. And Anduins need for guidance at every step of the way is vexing. He still isnt even half a man Thrall and Varian were at half his age.

Dagran may be excused cause hes a teenager but im just not fond of the whole… glasses and freckles look. They have clearly made him look cute and coddled. The younger men are simply no allowed to be badass anymore.

But but Anduin has trauma. Guess we all will just forget about Thrall being born into actual slavery, in an interment camp…


WoW Players making fun of NPCs because they look like “Nerds”.

And here I thought I’ve seen it all.


I think this is likely just a generational difference, those of us who grew up in the 80s-90’s and were nerds were horrifically bullied for being so. When we played games we wanted characters that were something to aspire to in a way. Modern kids don’t really have that, being a nerd is far more accepted than it was and so they don’t have that same escapism requirement. I don’t like him because he’s wimpy not because he’s nerdy, he just doesn’t really seem to have a spine (So far in the story.)

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Are you insinuating we all look like soft-bodied nerds with glasses? I can fully assure you, I do not, and neither do many I have met. WoWs playerbase is pretty diverse.

But even if I entertained your little micro-aggression here and pretended that I look like a goofy nerd so what? Ive been playing Warcraft games because I enjoyed seeing characters like Varian, Illidan, Arthas(honestly how many times does this need to be said) what I or anyone else looks like has no bearing on what they want to see or play as.

I cannot help but notice you guys are starting to get a little passive aggressive with your snide remarks directed at actual players such as myself.


Sounds pretty soft and whiny to me.

Thank you for noticing my feelings, appreciated.

First off all we don’t want different, we want a return to form. This is this bolix that is going on accross all nerd hobbies atm where people are coming in changing it then going “you just want different things”, it’s so disingenuous. You would be in the right if I wanted the game to change from the original vibes/themes to suit me but it’s the other way around.

And not once have I mentioned anything about faerin that’s aself tell on your part that you think I dislike her she was actually the best part about hallowfall bit except the over disny pixar face they gave her, but they do that for everyone now sadly cause of the art change over the years.


I think it’s just the humans and some elves, because orcs and trolls, goblins, gnomes, tauren dwarves all still have wrinkles and facial expressions, just seems to be an issue with the way they made the human and elf faces that they all look like playdoh with zero expression. The female faces are far worse for it than the males.

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I absolutely would do anything to have Daddy Illidan back. My Illidari misses her mentor.

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That is actually quite interesting results, thanks for sharing the sources.

I am now more interested into if there was also any survey about why they responded that way (their personal justification).

For me personally, I feel that the “Second World” helped keep the “First World” rational due to it being an important countervailing force

He is most likely going to have to show up in 1 or 2 expansions down the line.

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I really do hope so. I miss his rebelliousness and his suave demeanor. That smirk causes so many problems and I love it.

He is hanging around with the Titans, so if the Titans decide to take action for better or worse, he will not just stay to look at Sargeras menacingly.

There is also a chance that someone will drop Sargeras the bombshell about how the Nathrezim took him for a fool all this time

It would be very funny if he turns against them and takes all their power up there in space.

I think that would not be a very interesting twist when we are pretty much setting up to fight them ourselves if the teasers are to be trusted

Maybe I’m in the minority here but I didn’t enjoy what they did with Illidan in Legion.

He was meant to be a self-serving bastard who crapped his pants the moment he realised he cannot hide from Kil’jaeden… in case you followed his story in WC3 TFT.

Instead they turned him into fel jesus who was always the good guy all along basically. No, he wasnt, he slaughtered villages and loved it because he was butthurt over being exiled.

Edit: having said that I loved the old Illidan, he was a great character despite basically going from being an anti hero to villain more or less yet his arc was different enough from Arthas.

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