Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

You know who I haven’t seen in a while? Kadgar, whatever happened to him?

Bolvar Fordragon was COMPLETELY emasculated by Sylvannas with Shadowlands.
The Lich King that rules the Scourge dominated in a one sided fight.

Not objective. But I remained on the same point.

It is simply the trojan horse. You’re not a bad person that is against “diversity” are you??
Kind of reasoning.

As an aside, Concord didn’t just fail to sell in any notable capacity it is being shut down later this week and any units that were sold are set to be refunded.

The pendulum is swinging. So hopefully the development team and investors behind World of Warcraft are taking notes and seek to find a healthy balance moving forward.


He bought an all inclusive holiday to the void from Xal’Atath

Yeah, and it shows that they can’t make anything interesting on their own. That’s why they have to infest established games that people used to love.


Yeah it was insanely pathetic what they did to Bolvar after like a decade of him becoming the lich king and barely doing anything in the main story.


Concord was officially cancelled by Sony after 2 weeks of it’s release.
It cost $200 million and was absolutely full of DEI an ESG. They purged white people from being characters in the game. Not by accident.
A week after release it lost 95% of the player base.

Ideologically motivated never cared about making money.
Does DEI and ESG actually sell? Will they learn from cautionary tales?
Activists in Volition murdered Saints Row with the Reboot and Volition.
Like parasites that kill their hosts they will continue to quadruple down no matter what the outcome.

It is the Disney Star Wars Luke Skywalker treatment all over again. Tear down the male to elevate the female.
Bolvar Fordragon was not only a military leader but a statesmen that ruled the Alliance for a time. Sylvannas alone could never be a threat to Arthas the Lich King. Which is why the ENTIRE faction of the Forsaken was not just her Arrow - as in weapon but then became her “bullwark from the infinite” aka shield from permanent death and out of WoW hell.

My initial impressions on the production resources spent on portraying Kobolds were similar to yours.

Then it got me thinking - we’ve been regularly exterminating them since WoW Classic and we know the effects of that - efficient but temporary.

Maybe we should try befriending them after all?

The shown notion thah kobolds feel the same way other intelligent races do is in on itself meaningless, at least in my eyes.

But what if we make them like us and then use them as cheap, unskilled and disposable manual labor for the Earthen?

They’re too stupid to know that they are being exploited - as long as we act friendly towards them and not abuse them, they will perform any high hazard jobs we tell them with smiles on their snouts.

The Earthen population is very limited. Kobolds, on the other hand, come in throngs - the fact that we have to thin their populatiom is the best evidence of that.

Exploring such narrative themes and the morla quandries that come with them would be very interesting, at least for me. Assuming it is done in a nuanced and mature way.

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This would be better, I mainly just hate how they try and make them cute, and voice them to be like stitch, not their weird jittery crackhead looking things with candles on their heads.


I think that a problem with “modern” storytelling is that they try to hard to humanize the non-humans because some people somehow got into their heads that the non-humans in fantasy series are somehow associated with “minorities” IRL

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Arrrr, yeah that old chestnut. The Orcs are an allegory to black people line of thinking. Those people fail to realise that if you see an Orc and think in anyway that’s a parallel to a black human, you’re the racist.


That would certainly be better but the writers will never have the backbone to do it. Gotta keep the “modern writing” (trash) for the “modern audience” (nonexistent).

That’s what the current ideologists at the top of the world are trying to push yes, but no one with a bit of common sense would think that, which is why the writing feeels so sloppy on that regard.

This is incorrect.

Anyway; I like their new voices.

How boring and basic are you?
I think having different individuals among races is cool and not to mention logical. Not everyone is going to be the same. Not all humans are the same; why should other races be?

In my D&D campaigns I also don’t make ‘all of a species’ evil by default. Sometimes there’s individuals or tribes who had different experiences and were lead down another road. Much more interesting than making them boring monsters who are all the same.

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It all boils down to if someone can craft an enjoyable story and characters or not. All else come after.
Most people will shut down their suspension of disbelief as long as they are having a good time

Sure. And for TWW they’ve succeeded as far as I am concerned.

“How boring and basic are you?” => procedes to make all races the same.

Either try to engage in a discussion without strawmanning or keep it down. I’ve never said that all the individuals of a race should be the same, but currently all the races feel the same.


I am glad to hear that. Personally I have paused for now right after we reach the Dorne hub because I am still busy with Wukong.
But I will sink my teeth to it.

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I’ll give them this, the writing is an improvement on Shadowlands and Dragonflight. Imo TWW, is at best mid and abit cringe at worst, the Moira, Magni bit did make my blood boil but I can deal with it. grit my teeth and get through.

Where as by comparison, DF was Bad at best and cringe to death at worst. Shadowlands was mid at first then descended to complete uninstall garbage

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SL was terrible because the writing was terrible but it also took itself way too seriously for how badly written it was.

DF is also bad but it doesn’t nearly try as hard as Shadowlands, you can kinda tell the writers didn’t try very hard, despite the cringe in the details.

So far, TWW is alright, it’s good at large and so-so in the details, it is certainly better compared to DF but not by that much.

The Earthen looked like a “machinical” race to me at first but ended up being fairly similar to human as the story went on (so another race in the human-like dumpster), the machine earthen could have been interesting but were not developped as much in my opinion, they end up being another “race/subrace that got corrupted by evil powers”, the Arathi are pious lightsided humen who deal with void and shadows, and who got their Scarlet Crusade Arc absolutely out of nowhere, which sucks because the light/shadow clash from a religious/faith side hasn’t been seen in a while.

The Nerubians are cool at least, thank god the story is supposed to revolve around them.

I won’t talk about the main characters because no one of them is compelling.

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Yeah I think that’s a fair assessment of the overall story. The other thing that’s abit of a problem other than the butchering of MC’s is the lack of thought the devs/writers seem to have towards established lore IMO.

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