Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

I want the wizard daddy back T_T

Honestly, I’ve never really liked Khadgar, but man he sure got shat on. Janna can bring a whole magic boat and completely reverse a battle on her own in a cinematic, meanwhile Khadgar throws a beam and that’s it, he’s on his knees, out of juice. We’re not sure he’s dead, but they really didn’t make him justice.

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To be fair, I think they just didn’t set the scene well. I think the point was supposed to be that teleporting the entire city is very draining and Khadgar was still pretty spent, I know they’ve established before that it really takes a toll on him, when they move the city. They just didn’t really show that well.


No they don’t.
YOU think they feel the same. It’s a you thing.

And no, they’re not the same; they still have racial quirks and such that are unique to them. They’re just not all clones of each other. :person_shrugging:t3:

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Congratulations on discovering that’s how people exchange about their opinions. And in case you’re not aware, you are doing the same. You are not the universal opinion that is objectively right and this is a purely subjective matter, even if we can discuss the reasoning behind our thoughts. Saying “It’s just your opinion” is probably the 1st IQ check in an opinionated debate.

Now do me a favor and stop replying to me.


Then promise me something; stop sharing your opinion as if it’s fact.
Word it accordingly. Cheers.

Ps: I like how you ignore the actual argument we were having - because you were wrong. :kissing_heart:

Now I wish Blizzard would create a minigame where we manage Kobolds allied to Earthen. Have our own Kobold town.

We could choose to expand their settlement, satisfy their population needs like housing, water, whatever passes as ‘culture’ amongst them, improve their Quality of Life, etc.

Or we can exploit them, hiding the fact behind a thin veneer of acceptance, engineered Kobold societal conflict and a promise of security.

The exploitative route would yield more material benefits to the player while the approach focused on improving Kobold quality od life would reward you with visually progressive nicer Kobold neighbourhood, Kobolds expressing their contentment, etc.

Then we could analyze player behaviour towards Kobolds and extrapolate that data with player ilvl, raid progression, M+ rating, overall money possessed, etc.

Wouldn’t that be interesting?

Sounds a bit shoehorned to exploit through deception given the strength difference between the kobolds and the Horde/Alliance, but still miles ahead of the current writing, I’d take it if I could.

So true though. When people can’t understand figures of speech or context in a conversation to the point that their first statement is almost “that’s just your opinion”, I see that a a very early IQ check too. You see it many times with people that live on the internet.

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I was surprised by this too. Khadgar took on a somewhat juiced up Gul’dan some time ago IIRC and Gul’dan was no joke at that point. Being the guardian as well, he’s crazy powerful and he really got wrecked by Xal’atath pretty unceremoniously.

Yeah but I mean bro did just teleport and entire city and it’s inhabitants. Give him a bit a break.

Yeah, this is true. In all fairness that is quite an achievement.

I cannot remember, did they establish how the Dalaran Teleport works?
I recall in Legion that several Archmages worked together for it.

Other than that I saw Xalatath absorb something with that amulet and remarking about the great power that Dalaran was storing.
Was that the power source for the flight/teleportation of the city?

From what I remember they all have a little bit they do, but the bulk of the work is Khadgar. I might be wrong though.

That’s why I wasn’t but hurt by him getting wrecked by Xal, the way he shot the arcane beam then sagged as if he was tired made sense in my head, but maybe I’m wrong.

Because otherwise they really failed to both show and tell.

I expect that Khadgar has more brains than to go to battle at a very weakened state. He was not stranded like Varian and did not had to fight to buy time for anyone.

How many Concords and Dustborns must fail terribly before its acknowledged that action / shooter / RPG games do benefit greatly from proper male presence?

You can have games such as Nier Automata, Bayonetta, Blood Rayne, Stellar Blade etc that are great as well.

But even those games don’t seem to hit quite as hard as let’s say… Metal Gear Revengeance, Soulsborne series, and Devil May Cry.

I’m pretty sure Marvel Rivals will also leave Overwatch in the dust but who knows.


All of them. The reason being is that similar to a parasite that kills its host and moves on to the next host. The activists that are pushing DEI and ESG simply move on to another studio and try to repeat the same thing.

Cautionary tales are ignored. Hundreds of millions of dollars are burned. More studios will shut down.

But trends should be noticed.
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:
In 2018 Battlefield 5 adds “White Man” as part of it’s profanity filter.
In 2024 programmers of Google Gemini removes white people even to the point of creating images of Black and Chinese WW2 German military soldiers.
2024 Concord refuses to allow those that played it to play White Males.

They know their audience. They know what audience wants. They just refuse to give it to the audience. Trying to get them to accept Concords and Dustborns instead.


It reminds me of a short documentary about a parasitic worm which mind controls the host snail into exposing itself to birds so that the part with the worm will be eaten by the bird and the worm can continue its life cycle in the digestive system of the bird only to repeat the cycle once another snail eats the bird droppings

You are a Blizzard fan boy aren’t you? You will protect them to the end.

I really hope Suicide squad and Concord show Blizzard that DEI doesn’t sell. It bankrupts companies.
This expansion has to many female characters and I don’t like it. From questing NPCs to main leads. WoW is already diverse enough with so many different races but it seems it is not enough because the human race doesn’t have black people :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
What about asians then? Where are those humans???


I’ll definitely call them out for stuff I think is wrong or bad - and have done so many times. So no; you’re wrong.

If the game is good and fun it will sell.
The games you’re naming were bad games. It’s as simple as that.

Then quit. I’ll sure miss your bright and shining personality.

What’s wrong with having black people?
More options to make your character is awesome.

Did you miss the asian customization options for humans?
They’re definitely there. Were added at the same time as the black options. :person_shrugging:t3:

Goodbye alt with 1 post. I will miss you. You and your wonderful single post.