Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Varian would be disappointed.

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Its a game - all the best Characters can come back and they can get rid of the rubbish that you will never remember in future, like a useless King of Stormwind and his one armed bandit …

Yeah yeah we are all dumb but you’re enlightened one

Please quote the part where I said that. Because I didn’t.
So don’t strawman me.

Also: Why am I not surprised you’re a low level alt with 1 post.
Man, it’s becoming so predictable. :joy:
Stop hiding. Be an actual ‘strong male figure’ and post on your main!

The title of this thread should be: Where are the strong male figures in this thread?

The whole point of this expansion being called “The War Within” is people overcoming their personal, internal struggles and overcoming it. That’s literally what a war within is!

Strong women and soft men have existed all through our history through multiple cultures. Scholarly, thoughtful men exist, just as there are women who would fight for their loved ones. Anyone ever heard of Fa Mulan? Joan of Arc? There’s even a Wikipedia article who describe female militants existing as far back as the 1700’s.

Let others get some representation.

Also, Councilward Merrix is an absolute chad. I’m enjoying both the General and Vizier Nerubians, who are both cunning and kickass themselves. Baelgrim went out like a reigning champ burning cinderbrew and all. Khadgar has always been a strong mentor figure (I don’t believe for a second that he’s dead.) We do have men.

You’re extremely right on this.
No strong male figure is anywhere close this forum or blizzard as a whole.

And that’s exactly why we need some in the game.

So at least the newer generation has some cool point of reference, like Ken Shiro was for me when I was a child.

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An anime character? Really?
Of all the things, you pick an anime character as your shining example.

You do realize that anime exists because mangas were made for the sexually repressed japanese men who didn’t even dare speak to a woman, right?

Ouch you actually went there. I’ll go get some ice packs…. :rofl:

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Yeah an anime character, what about it.
He was strong, compassionate and badass.
And I was 15 at most, literally wanted to be like him as a child.

Guess you watched sailor moon instead?

Said it in the other thread, saying it here.

When does a characters gender play a part in the story, now again ?

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Well, I just explained that to you.

Wanting to be a cartoon character at age 15, huh?

No, I don’t like anime in general.

There’s a few exceptions:
I can appreciate some of the Studio Ghibli movies.
I thought Naruto had a cool setting, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to watch people have one fight/conversation for 3 episodes, so I gave up after 1 season.
I thought Death Note was okay.
I liked Akira.

And that’s about it.

Wanted to be an anime character at age of 15, hell yeah.
I even pull my matrass on the wall and start punching.


Glorious days.

That is quite a visual image. Though I too am emotionally attached to fictional characters. So I can’t judge you too hard.

Did you at least make your bed after you were done? >.>

Im not quite sure either, havent experienced it mentioned anywhere nor it had brought to my attention. I have one character 80 since started playing tww aswell. Havent finished the campaign, not sure if need it to play pvp. Waiting mostly on next week season to begin but I havent experienced issue for complain seen in these topics yet on my way from 70-80.

I had to or my mam would do atatatatata but with me stuck at the walls.

See. Warrior women exist to get their sons to have decent manners. Beware of La Chancla!


Hey what do you mean, Sailor Moon is total 10/10 banger. Not cool man, not cool…

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WARcraft(emphasis on war) was about rugged men waging war for decades. About roughly 4 out of 5 characters of note were basically Varian or Doomhammer or Illidan.

This was a large part of Warcrafts brand. Big scary orcs. Tough as nails men. This has changed very drastically in the last 6-8 years or so. coinciding very neatly with WoWs old devs getting in trouble for all sorts of crap behind the scenes.

Some of us do not believe that within the context of pre-established male driven narratives like Warcraft gender is or should be 100% interchangeable. Fantasy or not.

This is a very sharp divide. Having been part of similar conversations outside of WoW forums I can predict that either group will stick to their belief.

More importantly there is a large part of the community that does not necessarily mind female leads and antags but they do not think it has been done organically in modern WoW.

The female characters feel shoehorned in for representation in excess. Male characters are dying, retiring and relinquishing their power. Anduin has been around for longer than Garrosh yet is still dependent on two mommies for protection and emotional support, Alleria and Faerin. And Thrall.


You don’t think the half-elven arathi in Hallowfall are organic with body positive Kul Tiran among them, and every other checkbox ticked as well? :thinking:

You don’t think it’s organic that Alleria shows up out of nowhere in the story with a complete teenage-girl-fantasy redesign being the strongest character suddenly, while Turalyon reminds the players of Barbies boyfriend?

Maybe you’re unto something :melting_face:

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Did you lack this strong male influence IRL when you where a child or something to make you like this?

I don’t watch an anime/mango stuff not sure what sailor moon is, but clearly something not as male orientated as the one you liked, might be worth giving something less uber strong man a try.

Glad you seem less of a psycho now though, society is safer now.