Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Macho, macho man (macho man)
I’ve got to be a macho man
I’ve got to be a macho, macho man
I’ve got to be a macho! Ow!
Macho, macho man
I’ve got to be a macho man
Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah)
I’ve got to be a macho!

:rainbow::man_mechanic: :policeman: :cowboy_hat_face: :rainbow:


It’s always the same. People claim they don’t want black people or gay people or women with “forced narratives”, but what they actually mean is “We don’t want them at all except when there’s literally no other way to make the story work”.

If race, gender or sexualitiy doesn’t matter, they will only accept straight and white and male, otherwise they claim it’s “forced diversity”.

Being gay or a woman or black is only okay for them if there’s an elaborate reason for it.

Imo it’s clear what their issues are, even if we try to dance around using words like “racism” or “misogyny” because they start whining like the snowflakes they are as soon as we do.

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How does a woman playing a man’s role make ya’all feel?

Are they stealing men’s jobs? Diminishing their masculinity by taking their roles away from them?

Or is it a mere artistic choice

Some guys are able to dress up in a pretty dress for charity events and things, put some make up on maybe some glitter, but they are married with kids, what do you think of those guy’s? Are they strong men for supporting a charity and other human beings?

I remember watching a play when I was a kid, at Butlins :smiley:

It was Aladdin and a girl was playing the character of Aladdin, it was a decent show and got to meet her at the end, she was so pretty, sadly I was about 8 and she was maybe 20 so things didn’t work out. :broken_heart:

“Why We Hate”: Steven Spielberg good watching for any angry dudes out there, might help ya out


I absolutely understand why people might consider it a red flag when entertainment corporations announce that in a coming product, there will be a diverse character that breaks the “mold of the usual”. Because, unfortunately there are many examples where “diversity, virtue signalling and representation” are forced and prioritized over story, character writing or a compelling storytelling. Which imho, is ironic, since these two areas are not necessarily connected to each other and, if done right, would sell the political message way better than just forced (in lack of a better word) “wokeness”.

When you see small women toss around men twice their size without superpowers (for the sake of “empowerment”) or have a character in a fantasy game hold a flaming speech about modern political issues or sexual orientations, it can really take you out of the story, especially when these topics weren’t really part of it before.

But so far, I see none of that in WoW. Even if Faerin MIGHT have come to life due to DEI reasons - and believe me, I was also looking out for the typical “Mary-Sue” traits - she’s not even close to that. Not to mention that Warcraft always had powerful female character. Faerin is a sympathetic secondary character that acts mostly as a therapist for Anduin (so far). She’s not better or worse than other NPCs we’ve encountered in any of the former expansions, heck, she hasn’t even done anything that is overly special or even comparable to, let’s say, Varian jumping out of an airship in plate armor and one-hitting a killer robot.

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When you replace the Main cast with 90% women you did that intentionally, same as if in the next expac if they replace all the cast with 90% men you’ve done it intentionally.

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Looks like somebody is offended. :neutral_face:

So you can’t provide an example. Why am I not surprised?

So what, do u need one to feel validated? you have had strong masculine men for the last 20 years do u need them all the time??

You’re clearly not being genuine.

Khadgar, deleted (for now) to allow Alleria to have the spotlight
Magni, pushed into a corner and Moira being paraded around as a leader
Anduin, basically being hand held around by Alleria and Faerin
Baelgrimm, dies pointlessly very early on to have his two roles replaced by two different female characters.
The only male character that is still alive, present in the story, and not currently acting subservient to a female lead is Merrix

90% of the cast of this expac is female. You don’t get a split like that without it being intentional. When there were more male characters in the past it wasn’t a 90% split, so it’s a rather noticeable difference.

Who’s been talking about Faerin, you keep adding her into the conversation like anyone has an issue with her race. The only thing I personally dislike about her, is her shield is dumb, I’d rather see her just not have an arm than have this dumb shield bolted to her shoulder plate as if that would help in anyway and not just look like a bug where a piece of the model is missing.

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Khadgar was beaten probably because they wanted to show us how strong Xal’atath is and Khadgar is an established powerful mage who had lots of spotlight in the past already.

Magni is not the dwarf king, he’s the Speaker. The council of hammers leads the dwarves and Moira is the Dark Iron representative on said council and mother to the future king. She’s not “being paraded around as”, she IS a de facto leader.

Anduin is IMO one of the best male role models this game ever had currently. Finally a guy who actually deals with his problems instead of lashing out violently.


It was though.

There were like 4 female characters vs dozens of male ones.

Where were you then, crying for balance?

Didn’t need to remove him from the story to do this, shatter his staff have him escape defeated, does the same thing. The only reason to remove him, is to make is so that no one can take charge to allow Alleria and somehow Moira to be the leaders here.

She is not the de facto leader, she is a member of the council, but again seeing as the earthen first responded to Magni with great respect, it’s illogical that Moira is somehow now in charge.

Also we were here with Dalaran not Ironforge, some of the Archmages are still alive. Why the hell would any horde character care what one of the council members of Ironforge, also a unproven nepo council member who is wildly disliked by most of the people of ironforge, thinks.

If you see him as a role model I weep for everyone in you life. He’s an example of how not to be a man. He doesn’t deal with his problems, he walks around moaning and whiny and not being useful to those around him, constantly bails of his responsibilities and puts his own emotions ahead of the people that depend on him.

Seeing how I’m being called to task to give examples, I put to you the same since I’ve proven my point with examples.


Play the campaign.
He was only gone temporarily. It really sounds as if you’re not even playing the game you’re complaining about.

Ah, yes, resorting to personal insult. The behaviour of a true man.

  1. She IS.
  2. They treated him that way because of his appearance. He’s now ‘just another fleshy dude’ to them.

I don’t want to type out a whole list.
This page gives a good overview (although some of those ‘characters’ aren’t really actual characters (such as Elune) or they’re pretty minor. But, it gives a good glimpse of what I’m talking about:

Sure, I can see the logic of him wanting to step back, but still make no sense why Moira is thrust forwards unnaturally into the limelight.

It’s not a personal attack, it’s a warning from one man to what appears to be a younger man, don’t make your role models weak men that let everyone around them down.

There’s nothing strong or good about wallowing in your grief, abandoning those that need you and letting your fears control you actions. As it currently stands Anduins a terrible role model for young men, granted the story is not over yet so maybe he will become a good role model. But it’s not now.

I think anduin’s pretty strong for being able to admit he got issues and trying to overcome em…but eh.


Am I? It’s not my fault when you move the goalpost whenever people ask you to prove your point with actual evidence / examples. :man_shrugging:

Did you… even play the prepatch? Alleria was the one who chased after Xal’atath. She has a better understanding of Xal’atath’s powers. Blizzard even announced back then that Alleria would be one of the three main protagonists of the expansion - so of course SHE is taking the spotlight. (For now)

See, this was actually the finale of his “Speaker”-story. If you had paid any attention to it, you would realize that this story served multiple purposes:

  1. Giving us a reason why Magni needed to become a “Thraegar” in the first place
  2. Showing us what really made him special, aside from being diamond (Azeroth’s gift)
  3. Introducing Dagran as important character - which of course is tied to Moira, who didn’t have much screentime since her return
  4. Not to mention that it was Magni who enabled the Earthen to awaken

Magni wasn’t “pushed into a corner”, on the contrary, we watched him fullfilling his part as Azeroth’s speaker and free the Earthen, so that they would be able to become a playable allied race. He has done his part for now.

Even though that’s a beautiful fairytale, Anduin was actually counseling Alleria while he was being counselled by Faerin - it’s called “a relationship” and “caring”.
But I get that the “LOL, Anduin is such a baby, with his emotions, doesn’t even urinate on the females to show dominance”-narrative is compelling, especially, when one doesn’t understand the story.

If you consider Baelgrim’s death “pointless”, you haven’t paid attention to the story.
Especially when you look at his belief in the titans and the edicts.

Just out of interest: What do you think about Nathanos Blightcaller?

You, when you complain about “the 90% of female characters”.


She didn’t even take charge, but went off on her own (in the beginning).

Show me ONE screenshot were one person tells us that SHE is in charge. Just ONE.

Self-Irony-Achievement unlocked.

So you challenge him to move the goalposts like you did?

I didnt know you want it so much…

I gave you examples, multiple times.

How many times do you get sent to talk to her to progress the plot, how many times is it a return to Moira, how many times is she the one telling us what to do or telling others what to do. You are pretty much never told when a character is in charge, the narrative displays the leader through who is the character driving the plot.

No i change him to the same standard I’m being held to. I gave examples