Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

reading this makes me think WoW is becoming a Gacha genre. we don´t want men in our waifu game! and if there are any men in our game then we riot!


You’re not far off. I avoid gacha games like the plague for a number of reasons, not in the least due to how predatory the financial practices involved are.

Though also due to the number of man hating autogynephiles that flock to such games.

You see a lot of them here, too. Often the same individuals reducing every female character to ‘mOmMy’.

Speaking as a gay guy, the most homophobia I have experienced has incidentally come from their ilk. You’ll often see them rushing to accuse anyone criticising a female character for terrible writing or horrific crimes as ‘hating women’ too.

It’s just strange. It’s very easy to strike a healthy balance and most people would be happy if that were the case.


The most ironic part of all of these threads is that if the game was filled with male characters with barely any female mixed in, not only would you people not even let out as much as a peep, you’d also dismiss and ridicule anyone asking “Where are the strong female figures”? Pathetic.


This thread proves that part of this playerbase is out of control.

I am ashamed to share this game with you. :weary:

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i still need to get used to your panda avatar x.x I miss the gnome

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It is getting abit silly and I say that as a woman who finds alot of the comments about this childish and clearly misogynistic however…

it does seem that the vast majority of leaders are female to a disproportionate amount. Even when they are races that lack any male/female characteristics (so could be referred to as a generic ‘they’) like nerubians or gnolls they are still female!

Just make it a more even split, please!


Well, it wouldn’t be the same if you had to reply to Pippy instead of Tah, now would it?
So, it’s for your own good. :kissing_heart:

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I highly doubt that. It’s largely irrelevant in the context of this setting, though, as it has always had plenty of female characters at the forefront. It simply wasn’t embracing a predictable and laughable trend of killing off men and replacing them with women instead of pursuing a healthy balance.

Which, at the core, is precisely what most seem to be requesting in these threads.


Was expecting this to be when he communicated with Azeroth at the start but the way they did it was cool and kinda better then i expected tbh

People asking for inclusion have always been dismissing with “who cares about representation” kind of responses in the past, but suddenly it’s a big deal. That’s what’s ironic about this. I personally couldn’t care less if the characters are male or female, I just find these topics ridiculous and the double standards laughable.


Reminds me of the trolls in BfA, their king was supposed to be pretty amazing lorewise from what we knew of him before the expansion. But he got killed of for the sake of his daughter we knew nothing about


I’m pretty sure that the female chars are also meh at this point. Like i said under another post, we really need someone in the story who can get sh*t done without any cringy one liners.


Viz the first tww cinematic…Khadgar and Aleria.
I was hoping she will be some interesting character…but from the first line i was like…“omfg Sylvanas 2.0” :roll_eyes:

Not really, well not quite. Nelfs had genocide lost their homes and families. Anduin blud first lost his father during legion, then had to lead a war after a genocide at the ripe age of 18, then get captured, in after life, have domination magic pushed on to him, which in lore is QUITE f-ed up. And was made to kill innocent and fight off his own allies, while being one of the ‘purest’ characters in the verse.

Even irl ptsd and stuff can take some years to mend from, in a fantasy verse where magic makes it so you can’t tell whatever or not you really enjoyed murdering your friends is f-ed up xP Admittedly devs didn’t make a good enough of a job to portray the genuine horror of domination magic.

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I think it’s because blizzard employed more gays lately. Gays think its cool to put female characters in the centre of the story.
Btw ‘gays’ is not used offensively in this post, why would you use ‘gays’ offensively lol. We all like gays and what they did to World of Warcraft


Yeah i got to agree with this on anduin. He always used to be wimpy, but now he got a real reason to be troubled.

But i bet he will snap out of it very quickly just like how the night elves seem to have forgiven the burning of teldrassil. Such a massive genocide should leave some heavy lingering feelings of revenge or wanting justice for quite a while with alot of people


my lil dud was kidnapped as a child by onyxia at the age of 8 even xD tbh I am surprised he haven’t gone insane and joined some villain faction at this point

This is the only real valid complaint I have read here so far on the forum.

The issue is indeed not female lead characters being a thing but the over-representation sometimes.

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he was fine tho, should be a more distrustful of strangers handing out candy next time. But i guess mommy and daddy did not get to teach him that. Not every person who goes trough something bad automaticly has ptsd

Yeah, that burning could have been used to fuel an actual good faction war (unlike BFA) providing reason to continue being hostile towards each other. Hell, they could’ve made the Alliance start messing with the Horde so we don’t have the good blue and bad red side like we always do.

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