Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

It is Disney Star Wars all over again. The Last Jedi’s Luke Skywalker. Green alien breast milk drinking hobo that gave up on everybody because of a bad dream, then faded away like a fart in the wind because he ran out of force. oh and he threw away his lightsaber.

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OMG YES ! Please this !

I am sick of your post lmao, he pays money for the game and came to the forum to use his opportunity to express himself like we all do, what right do you have to send people away just because you don’t like something? You should seek a psychologist yourself and not vent your ignorance here.


Tbh charging 40 bucks for a hero shooter, while the competitors are f2p was a stupid idea to begin with, Gearbox did the same mistake.

Biggest Reason why it flopped, not because of the DEI Boogeyman

And here you are doing the exact same thing.
I don’t have to respect him or you. If you are looking for validation inside a game you have issues and you will not find sympathy from me by showing your entitlement in public. It’s not your game. Maybe you should keep that in mind before you bare your ignorance.

they had Thrall but hes gone.

For a long time now, male characters have been more badass, I miss the era of Varian, Garosh…

The first part is nonsense, as has been discussed for 800+ posts, but the second one yes I agree with. However; I’m sure horde will get their moment in the sun (if not in this expansion than in the next one for sure).

It IS alright.
It was alright for the focus to be almost exclusively on male characters in the past, to why not the reverse?

As it was off in the past, just reversed. Where were you then with your complaints?

Yes, I would. I would have made the comment for any cartoon character.

Of course they can. Doesn’t make them any less silly (and cosplay is something that always makes me cringe, but if some people like it, let them).

What??! Where do you even get such nonsense from?!
I’ve been very clear that I don’t care what sex the characters are; if they’re doing cool/interesting stuff then it’s all good.

You are the one who cares about that. So you place men on a pedestal, considering them superior beings. So maybe, just maybe, you’re projecting here. :joy:

Well-adjusted people do divide their attention. Because what you describe is obsessive behaviour.

Except you know… He saved everyone with his sacrifice.
Don’t get me wrong; his arc was bad and the writing was bad. But again you are claiming things that just aren’t factual. Why do you keep doing that?

As you said later on, the emasculation of men is pretty established at this point. I don’t think its an agenda but more just a complete and utter lack of awareness for this sort of thing.

Men and women think differently, different ways of seeing things. Bad writers write bad characters. It’s all a combination of things. Good writers can write across the gender divide but otherwise you’ll end up with stuff like how J.K. Rowling wrote Harry and Ron getting all angsty and not talking to each other mid-way through the books.

Most lads don’t act that way, but girls of the same age do.

Anduin is constantly getting emotionally topped by strong women. He is always fumbling or being angsty or moping about being a wet sock. I would love for him to be more like his dad - just to show a bit of excitement and energy!

Dagran is looking a wee bit better. Still young but he’s got enthusiasm. I would love for him to be the next Khadgar, if the story changes again.

Aye, so it’s not just mindless sexism but also an absolute waste of effort too. It’s bad that they don’t have any strong male leads anymore but it’s also a crime that they waste so many one-expansion new strong female characters. Why couldn’t any of them be male?

Turn this around for all the earlier WoW stuff. Swap the male/female references in your argument and you have EXACTLY what was happening back then. So why was that okay?

Ok, so how is it nonsense? Who are the strong male figures in TWW? Figures that are not killed off for the sake of a rising starlet or still monitored by mum? Thrall, Turalyon, and Flynn have barely had screentime. Anduin is still moping around requiring a strong female character to lead him about. We don’t have anyone who is remotely similar to Aliera or Brinthe.

Who do we have? We have we had for the past few expansions? The Black Dragonflight tangent in the previous expansion was a breath of fresh air because the ratio is so far off…

As for the Horde getting their turn next expansion. No. That is not healthy! There’s no need to over-correct and then make the Alliance feel under represented. Even if that would happen, as undoubtedly the High Elves and Void Elves will make a point of keeping the Alliance equally relevant in Midnight.

Just hear me out on this; two wrongs don’t make a right. Again, there’s no need to over-correct. Warcraft used to be predominantly a male demographic. Now that it’s mixed, the focus should be mixed. What is wrong is focusing on a single demographic.

You’re not helping your argument here at all. What happened in the past was wrong and you’re admitting what is happening now is also wrong. People did vocalise that the past stuff was wrong and things changed; they then over-corrected and are now wrong again. We should stop doing wrong. What sort of messed up mind do you have with this “eye for an eye” stuff?

Tah, do you ever wonder why things changed? Do you think if people felt like the old stuff was ok things would’ve stayed the same?

As I’ve said, Warcraft (and WoW) were initially pretty male-dominated in the demographics. It’s now become mixed. Yet we’ve over-corrected and are now ignoring part of the demographic completely. WoW isn’t female-dominated. The representation should reflect that.

As I said, it’s difficult for one gender to write for another gender if there’s bad writing involved.

A big trope for bad writing is being too desperate for your character to be loved - especially if already established characters are ahead of them. Instead of showing patience and letting the new character grow and nestle into the community mindset organically with good writing, they resort to stupid things like removing/knee-capping surrounding characters to give an artificial boost.

Why do you call it a wrong? Most people loved Warcraft back then when it was “patriarchy” and when races were racists against each other. Now that it got overdosed with political correctness, it feels bland and low-effort. Is the “right” supposed to be now? When the writers and devs keep injecting politics from real life that no one asked for?

And the demographic is still predominantly male. Most of which would probably rather see cool stuff like the WoD introduction cinematic rather than Anduin crying for the 6th time in an hour and the ugly one-eyed one-armed black woman (totally by coincidence by the way) babysit him.

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First and foremost Anduin.

Sure, but that’s not what you (and others here) claimed. There ARE strong male characters. Some characters that you (and others) are claiming are not strong, are considered strong in different ways than that old fashioned ‘man stronk’ way.

If this is about equality; well, I’ve already talked about that.
In the past it wasn’t equal either, with there being WAY WAY WAY less female characters with actual things to do. But that was fine? Well… This is fine too.

It’s balance. Just look at it that way.

When this phase is over, we could maybe have balanced divisions. Or hell, maybe we go back to male domination for a while again just to go back to female domination after that yet again. Who knows.

It does fit Blizzard’s MO though. They quite often over-correct; looking at their past.

They are. So what’s wrong?

No, quite the opposite.
What happened in the past was fine and this is also fine.

Those who don’t like balance, will just have to deal with it. :person_shrugging:t3:

Why? I’m male and I’m completely fine with how it currently is.
I don’t care if characters are male or female. I really don’t (just like I don’t care if they’re white, black, green or whatever).
I care if the story is interesting. If the characters do cool stuff.
And in TWW, imo, they are.

It became wrong when the demographics changed. Granted, yes, it also became “wrong” when political correctness became rampant but generally a shift was needed when more than just guys began playing the game in large numbers.

I want to make it clear that what we have no is not right either. That’s what I’ve been arguing; we’ve overcorrected on things are now down the other side of the slope in the gutter of wrongness again.

We really do need more badass strong male characters again. Ones with confidence and the strength to actually fend for themselves. We could have had Turalyon, but he’s just Aliera’s accessory at this point. Dagran is still under his mother’s skirt for now but he’s growing. Still means we don’t have anyone this expansion.

Anduin is not strong. There is no confidence in the guy and he’s always being lead by some other strong female lead instead.

Thrall has been almost completely absent.

Magni has barely done anything either beyond turning fleshy again.

Dagran is still young and under his mother’s skirt.

Flynn was momentary and barely had any action either.

Baelgrim was merely there to be killed off so that Blizzard can do their usual “newly introduce female character comes to a leadership role after the previous male leader gets killed off” thing.

Moping about feeling sorry for yourself is not strong. Considering how men today still like “man strong” things, it’s definitely not old-fashioned or outdated. A strong confident man that is actually able to get the job done isn’t outdated.

Yeah, there’s something wrong with you, mate. Things that have been deemed wrong in the past are not excuses for doing things wrong in other ways now. We didn’t stop slavery to just start enslaving the enslavers.

Things are not balanced. On a tigh-rope walk, if you’re finding yourself falling to one side, you lean to the other side until you correct to a middle position. You don’t just keep over correcting until you find yourself falling to the other side. That’s unstable and pretty unhealthy for you in the long run.

What’s wrong is that they are focusing on one demographic and excluding others.

This isn’t balance though. Again, the tight-rope analogy. Another one is scales - all the weight on one side doesn’t balance the scales; moving that weight all to the other side still doesn’t balance the scales.

WoW is not predominantly female in its demographic. It’s therefore not fine to have this imbalance of focus/representation.

Then why are you hear in this discussion? You clearly do care or else you’d have left everyone alone, mate.

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I miss garosh he knew exactly what he want and he did go for it
great times in wow

Yes to address the elephant in the room.
As Activision Blizzard champion their Matriarchy. They ignore one important fact: Fathers are ESSENTIAL to the upbringing of children.

World of Warcraft always had a strong Fathers theme. Daelin Proudmoore and Jaina Proudmoore a father who sailed to make sure his daughter was okay. Only to be betrayed by that very daughter for the sake of “peace” with the Horde. Only for that same Horde to bomb Theramore.

You have the Morgraine family how the Ashbringer was corrupted by their internal problems.
You have the lost Prince of Gilneas. The King that Gilneans longed for Liam Greymane. You had Varian and Anduin father and son - then Genn trying to guide Anduin remembering what he lost in Liam.
Yes WoW mothers was there as well.

But what now becomes of Dagran? Does he not need a father? Contrary to what some might think women can not be Fathers to children.
With Dragonflight they made it obvious the direction that they were heading and the Centaurs of Ohnarian Plains: May your tribe have daughters. Matrairchy. Then the evil Nokhud being led by Balakhar.


This is true, I’ve alluded to this in some of my posts as well.

For quite a few expansions we’ve had daughters inherit from fathers and now we are getting to the point where we’re going to have females inherit from females because there are no old men left to replace.

The father / son theme has always been strong previously and it was certainly embodied in the Legion cinematic. That cinematic had everything, love, tenderness, war, self-sacrifice, duty, even patriotism. All of that without being virtue signall-y in any way.

Oh yeah, it also had Sylvanas but honestly she deserves to burn in Hell fifty layers below Arthas.

Blizzard has also shown, whether they intended it or not, the potential dangers of growing up without a father through Garrosh.

Varian dying and Genn taking over in some capacity to atone for walling off Gilneas when Stormwind needed his support the most was such an amazing story arc with tons of potential. It did not get the attention it deserved imo. I haven’t read any of the books so I’m sure there’s more depth to it there but we don’t really see it reflected in the game much.

They wasted Genn. He had a few badass moments here and there but really… think about it… you have this character who is on one hand a wise advisor but on the other hand he can turn into a worgen and become a ferocious warrior capable of inhuman feats of strength and agility. And what do they do with him? Oh yeah, bench him and replace him with a generic girlboss daughter. Who honestly cares that much about Tess?

I would have rather she got married to Anduin but Anduin is on some weird vision quest of celibacy. Just you wait theyll basically reveal he’s been gay all along as well, why not? Who cares about solidifying Alliances between kingdoms or… you know… actually running your kingdom?

I dont remember any strong male figures in the history of WoW!
Only Sylvanas has balls!