Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Cool. I like women.

projecting ingame what they cant be irl

Can Gnomes be strong male figures?

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Gelbin is awesome and definitely underutilized!

Yeah he’s cool, maybe it’s our voices that are holding us back…should be able to engineer some device that’s lowers our voice’s to something more deep and bassy, something that echoes around ironforge and all will tremble!

There we go all sorted guys no need to worry now, drama over!

The Gnomes have fixed it!

We are the smartest race in all Azeroth, you should have came to us first.

Yes, I noticed that, being a woman makes her immune, she can’t die.
They killed all the badass characters in the game, where do we end up with haughty ultra powerful women, or men who only cry.


For the army related posts I could say this from my pov that the biggest difference between men and women in our army were that over half of us guys hated be forced go there for year or longer and women were volunteers so they were motivated and wanted be there from the start and so tried harder, so by this logic could say they were better in this type of army.

Get help, I see signs of illness.

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People throw their disposable income at all sorts of silly things, so I’m not convinced the pricing played much part in it. Especially when a significant number of people readily bought Hogwart’s Legacy and Black Myth: Wukong on a whim.

It’s not a ‘boogeyman’ when the companies embracing the ideology are not only bragging about it at their investor meetings but openly allowing employees to attack potential customers for their personal opinions.

To say nothing of the utterly laughable and unappealing character designs. Conventionally attractive and cool looking character designs tend to draw more interest than the dysgenic looking designs that games like Concord and Dustborn put front and centre.

Then, of course, there’s the simple fact that even amongst ‘minorities’ a lot of us are pretty damn tired of seeing ‘representation’ take the form of the aforementioned dysgenic character designs.

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Makes sense these are full singleplayer titles no liveservice :poop:, Harry Potter is one of the biggest franchise, not sure what you mean by silly things? Aphex Legends is arguably the worse game than concord, but has a f2p cashshop model and people still play it.

My point is that regardless of genre, there are many who will happily throw money at any game based entirely on the character design alone. I despise gacha games, for instance, but much as it displeases me they’re ridiculously popular.

Overwatch wasn’t my usual genre - I prefer RPG’s and horror games as a priority - but I bought and played it back when it first released simply because the art style was appealing and it had some conventionally attractive men.

Of course, the game was plagued by all sorts of odd design decisions later on and laughably re-released as Overwatch 2 complete with various broken promises…but I walked away with the feeling that I got my money’s worth overall.

Hanzo, Genji, McCree, Reaper and Soldier: 76 all appealed to me outright. I wanted to know more about them and liked their designs.

I look at the cast of Dustborn and Concord and recoil, as at best they’re bland or at worst outright off-putting.

Savage. I’m very bothered. :joy:

Grow up. You don’t need a daddy figure in your game to be a man.

Show me the ‘facts’.

You are free to play one.

You know what? No.

Go look things up yourself. First of all these kinds of topics are completely offtopic for this forum and it also deals with sensitive subjects; I’m not going to risk posting links to such stuff.

Second: Every time I have provided proof or examples in this thread it has subsequently been ignored. So no. I’m done with wasting my time on posting things just for them to be ignored and a few posts later someone just repeats the same nonsense claims yet again.

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Problem isnt the “facts” but the different conclusions weve drawn. Case in point some believe Anduin is masculine, others disagree.

I liked him better in the last zone compared to Hallowfall. I guess we will have to see how it goes.

As for that infamous quest in Hallowfall where you guide Anduin out of the cave, I can see what they were going for, Anduin was being a “crybaby” because of the psychological pressure put on him by Xalatath. Its just a matter of balancing his more vulnerable moments(this also includes moments hes being the victim of a villain) with more heroics.

All this compassion and caring you say Anduin has yet it takes a really selfish person to turn against their kingdom to go off on a vision quest… for like… 3-4 expansions in a row almost. He needs to make a proper return to form soon or hell just be a weaker femboi version of arthas really.

Welcome to current year.

Leave it at that, otherwise you will anger the DIE division

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Sure. And I have no issue with that.
It’s fine to disagree.

My issue is with people using false claims. Or when they only focus on things that further their claims while ignoring everything else. It’s just a very disingenuous way to try and convey one’s opinions.

Being selfish can be fine; just as long as ultimately the hero does the right thing.
And he does. He does not have to be a perfect person. People have flaws.

Also ‘3-4 expansions in a row’ is yet again one of those nonsense claims.
He went to ‘find himself’ after Shadowlands. There’s 1 expansion after that and his return in TWW. Why do you insist on making such blatant false claims?! I just don’t get it.

Agree to disagree. I think he’s already made strides in TWW campaign so far.
And now with him finding the light again, I think we could see him being himself before Midnight hits. But who knows what they’re planning. We’ll find out.

Also: I think Arthas is highly overrated as a character. But that’s another discussion entirely.

There’s Khadgar, Anduin, Thrall, Earthen Leaders are male…

Actually, why dont we discuss this? I think it belongs to the topic at hand because Arthas is definitely considered a strong male character by many though I am sure theres a minority that might consider him weak. Many are disappointed he did not play a bigger role in the Shadowlands esp since it was somewhat implied through Uthers storyline.

You see Anduin as strong and weve had plenty of back and forth with neither side budging on the subject. Well, why do you think Arthas is overrated? Is there any prominent male character you like if we go all the way back to Legion or further?

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