Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

The anti-woke division is whinier these days.

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No thanks.
I’m fed up with these kinds of discussions as it is, honestly.
(but just a quick one: it’s not about him being a strong male character or not, I just think he’s very boring and one-note).

Don’t forget that the big message he got, his whole take home in plot from this, is literally the EXACT same plot point from the Legion Raising a king cutscene. I need to be a leader but not like my dad. Great more writers daddy issues into the plot, that’s what the game needs.

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This is part of the problem. People just want to have fun playing their videogames.
Keep politics out of gaming. Including identity and gender politics.
Tetris or Blockblast is probably the only games not politicised…Yet.
Black Myth Wukong is a refreshing change as it is just a game. Not preaching a message or meant to be an allegory of something.

Even though both halves of Varian was put back together, the strong willed vs weak willed. He was never the same after Black Dragon shenanegans.

Anduin was always different to his father but not in a bad way. When Moira kidnapped Anduin and Varian caught up to them, Varian was about to end Moira and c*t her throat. Until Anduin pleaded for him to spare her.

Explore the absence of Tiff Wrynn this could have made him more hardened.
When you mention writers with daddy issues it seems that self-inserts are the trend so should expect: bad dads writing to come.

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Careful now, you try to avoid building a wall in tetris, clearly a woke agenda.

You people sure only seem to have a problem with videogames when people of color or a female lead exist in them.
But when gaming was “White Christians preaching” it was totally fine.

Sigh. Another one trying to gaslight.
It is possible to be a biological female and NOT be a feminist. There are even biological females that reject feminism and even anti feminists.
It is possible to be Black and not be Black Lives Matter.
It is possible to have non White characters that have nothing to do with Wokeness.

“people of color” has always been part of gaming and there have been female leads as far back as 1987 Metroid with Samus Aran. A) Those that actually play games and B) Actually know what they are talking about.

I am answering this way to demonstrate that people like you have no power. The brand the other person as bad for daring to disagree types.

Why are Black women now being portrayed as masculine and androgynous?
Sheva Alomar is a feminine woman. You don’t know what Faerin Lothar is from the trailer.
Why are Black Women being shown as disabled? Faerin of WoW and Neve of Dragon Age Veilguard.
Able bodied Black Women have worked fine since the 1990s possibly earlier than that.
You expose your dislike of White Christians for some reason. WoW has it’s own religions outside of real world ones. It seems “okay” to bash Whites these days.

It is a silly comment. By someone that does not know what they are talking about.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


So because the black and female leads don’t fit your image of them, They’re “woke” and “agendas”? You do know disabled people exist in the real world right? You do know masculine women and androgynous people exist in the real world right? Do they not deserve any representation as a lead character? Or are they a minority so who cares?

Oh please most of the games story and what many consider its peak lore is just Christian fantasy; Crusades and the chosen people vs the wrong “vile blood” people.


Prince of Persia the Lost Crown. Looking at the image alone you can tell it is DEI and ESG.
Race swapping the Princes. Going for the Killmonger Haircut that is being forced everywhere. So just tend to leave it alone.
Yes people can choose what to purchase and not be bad people for it.

The cult of representation must see themselves everywhere in order to enjoy or even engage in content. This is why the likes of IGN appeals to people like you.
That reviewed Black Myth Wukong NEGATIVELY because it does not have DEI.

Over 10 million people purchased Black Myth Wukong. Gamers inside China and in the West are enjoying Black Myth Wukong. Yet the Chinese story of Journey to the West. Does not “Represent” any human demographic on planet Earth.

For the Cult of Representation it most be impossible to enjoy Black Myth Wukong until it represents those playing the game. But to the sane and well adjusted they can enjoy it just fine.
Games are not meant for mediocrity. If they were then Concord will not have been cancelled 14 days after release.
Sonic the Hedgehog. This Blue Hedgehog “Represents” nobody and yet people of all demographics and orientations made it a box office success for Sonic movies 1 and 2.

Do you see that it is possible to enjoy content without being “Represented”?
How did non black people enjoy Grand Theft Auto San Andreas?
Maybe people just want to enjoy content. Just want to be entertained. Not preached do, no Cult of Representation.

You are making zero sense. I think the Forsaken should have left you in the grave. Even among Undead there are defective products.


Are you on something? The story for the most part was nothing to do with chosen vs the worng, it was a very human story that focused on general moral values/sins. For example Arthas and Illidan both exceptionally talented indiviuals but they fell to greed, to arrogance. Their lacking Humility lead to their downfall, displaying that weather king or pauper, brillaint shining beacons can also fall to depravity and villainy.

WC3-WoW anyway.

When you look at WoW (Vanilla) There’s no chosen people, or good people. The Alliance are ###holes and The Horde are also ###holes. That was the point that made the game world feel so real, no one was particularly good most people were self serving and good when it was convenient.

There was no moral grandstanding we see today were certain characters always have to be right even when what they’re doing was wrong they still end up right.

Ive not seen anyone in the plotline of the characters of this video game to have said to be feminists or expressed any political topics otherwise rised on this forum about the game. Its video game with fantasy setting set in this world or warcraft and anything in its fantasy is possible and not related or limited by anything of real world.

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I don’t believe that to be the case. What qualifies as ‘anti-woke’, anyway? Most people just want to be able to play a video game as a fun hobby in their free time without being preached at by out of touch, deranged ideologues who want to ‘force new thinking’.

Their words, not mine.

It doesn’t even appeal to many of the same minorities they claim to be championing, as a lot of gay men - myself included - are simply not interested in the idea of being subjected to tokenism or being portrayed as some lame, overly performative stereotype of what ‘progressives’ believe a gay guy to be.

There’s been at least two writers - Christie Golden and Madeline Roux - who have aggressively attacked men and the concept of masculinity on their social media accounts whilst representing the game. The latter went further and added racism into the equation by extending her attacks to white people.

So, yeah, technically many of the characters are at least at times written by those who clearly have a biased agenda and a lack of tact/self restraint.


Simple disagreement. If you’re not championing Wokestuff then you’re anti-woke it seems.

Ah then your argument is against the Cult of Representation.
How can you as a self described gay man POSSIBLY enjoy any content without gay men being represented?
Life has a lot of spectrums and yet there are some on extreme ends of all sides.
Like it or not LGBT people have become the main focus of something.

Ideologically motivated “writers” will always inject their ideology into anything and everything possible.
Kelly Sue DeConnick is another. Simply cautionary tales.
There is a reason why sales drop when it is learned that a company has worked with Sweet Baby Inc. Players knows what has been forced into the game.


Yes, they have, all sorts of humans existed through history, some murderers, molesters, but that doesn’t mean we want them in video games. Strong women are cool when they are written right, and soft men are not cool, period.

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Did you just compare soft men and strong women to murderers and molesters…wot

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That’s what you understood? Seriously?

I understood all of it but thats what you did. Like this is how a comparison works

So just because I don’t like furries and I won’t play games with furries or as a furry it means that furries are the same as strong women and murderers? You are allowed to not like stuff, you know?

Watch how people will defend Anduin graphically defecating himself because “Fear is a human trait” or something.

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You can dislike what you want but sayinf theyre on the same level as molesters and murderers is kinda…yaknow, kinda icky