Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

they kill them in pre events varian, voljin, garrosh and many more

I know just found it fun xD

Ingame between BfA and DF 7 years passed canonically, you know that? And the game always reflect more player sentiment than lore sentiment.

Like, if the Horde would destroy the upcoming Draenei city, I would be pissed off maybe for 2-3 years and after that I would just not bother anymore.

Same reason why most people these days don’t (actively) bother with the war in Ukraine after 2 years passed.

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How do you think emotions work? Do you think people quickly forgive and forget genocides? If emotions changed that quickly we wouldnt still be remembering and teach about ones wich happened a century or longer ago.

Lots of virtue signalling for something people actually did not really care about and alot of propaganda posts caused the fake interest in the first place. then people moved on to the next conflict.

But the thing is a story must be somewhat believable. If you have serious subjects like genocide in your game, you can’t be just like ignore it like it never happened. You need to use to for new stories and conflicts. You cant just be like: "we are fwends now even tho you eagerly killed everyone i cared about mercilessly, even children and women ".

The subject is just too heavy to ignore from a story point of view.


This has been happening roughly since the end of Legion. Look at who leads the allied races that were introduced then. It’s been a very steep downward spiral ever since.


tbh on allied races alliance is 50/50 xD horde is female dominant in allied race leaders though, not that I care

i couldnt resist it xD

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Honestly, I wouldn’t be too surprised if the writing team manifested their ideas by chanting ‘The power of one, the power of two, the power of manyyyyy…’ for most of the day in their little meeting room.


And this is as video game for entertainment purposes. What? Do you want to spend the next 10 years with character races overcoming their grudges instead of fighting against cool stuff and enemies?

If you want to be sitting for 10 years in a chair at the chimney, grumbling into your mustache, be our guest…

We will just ignore your grumbling then.

That would only be an issue really if in the very same expansion people would go from “I hate the genocide you did to us” to “We forgive you” within 2 patches.

It took, 2 expansions with both a rough run time of 4-5 years for the Kaldorei to “forgive” the burning of Teldrassil.

That’s more than appropriate enough. Unless you want races in both major factions hating each other for the next 8 IRL years.

Hell, if it would be realistic, the next 20 years they would hate each other. Do you want to spend the next 20 years with that “story line”?

Some do, others don’t.

In the end, it’s partially Metzens job to differ the good ideas from the bad ones.

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I can feel his influence. For example Dornogal → DornRogal → Rogal Dorn or the techpriest inspired mechanists.

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fighting against the horde is cool stuff. This stuff could result in skirmishes, trying to stop splinter faction to keep a war breaking out and failing maybe. Not all conflcits start a war neccesary. border skirmishes is not an uncommon thing between unfriendly nations. Warsong gulch is an example of said skirmishes in game.

If there arent going to be faction tensions due to stuff like this the horde might as well join the high king anduin brown nosing club and sing kumbahya together around a campfire on hello kitty adventure island

Look, I’m not saying that we don’t need faction conflicts in the future.

But as of the current story position and era, we (the player character) are hardly aligned anymore exclusively with just Alliance or Horde. We are one of the “Champion of Azeroth”. And in case of TWWs story, we and the other NPCs are there as representatives of the neutral faction Dalaraan (which went neutral again with the beginning of Legion).

We are right now not in the position of representing either Horde or Alliance. Even Anduin himself says he doesn’t see himself as the King of the Alliance anymore. All the story characters and us, the player, are only there for 1 reason. To stop Xal’atath and her doing. Because it endangers us all.

And that’s what the World Soul Saga will be over the course of the next 4-6 years. No faction tussles. No faction wars.

We fight the evil guys TOGETHER. Like it or not.

And it happened again. 4 times in a row now where a strong and famous male character throws their life away, or at least tries, for no good reason.

This time? The sacrificer could have yelled to Alleria and she would have taken out the threat no problem - but no, instead he literally decides suicide is the way because someone else must carry on the torch.

GODS, WHY?! When will it end? Why is this the story of every single zone? End of Dalaran and end of every zone following it. I wonder if it happens in Azj-Kahet as well…


Then the game should treat us like mercenaries. But that doesnt mean we cant have faction conflicts. We dont need to be the grand hero of the alliance or horde to witness or aid/resolve such conflicts. just like we dont need to be alligned to neutral factions like we are to the horde or alliance to see their conflicts

and well lorewise alot of people of the alliance should concider the horde evil with what orcs and undead have done in the past for example. Orcs love their genocide, even made a highway out of the skulls and bones of the dreanei they slaughtered, even with demon blood influence they made too many woopsies to not be concidered evil by people from the receiving end

I don’t look at games for emotional support. I got a family for that. Games are for entertainment.

Oh look.

Another one.

How quaintly tragic.


Exactly. Especially when the characters are there but theyre not the sole focus. People who complain about this type of thing are a joke

The issue is that there’s a prevalence of emotional men these days as opposed to badass chads. Let’s have both pls.


This is WoW.
Cringy one liners are totally WoW’s thing.


What on Earth are you babbling about?

Nobody is looking for emotional support here.