Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Yeah huge failure nobody likes it, they just buy it cuz it’s a big franchise, by that logic saint row reboot should have been a topseller, no? do you actually look at the sales and reviews or are you just listen to your echochamber? Also yes BG3 is by your definition DEI.
It’s futile arguing with you.

You found an ally in Tah. Focusing on trying to convince yourselves and others that Moltensage is a bad person instead of addressing points made.

The God of War brand is still known. However being affiliated with Sweet Baby Inc does actively reduce sales.
This is why companies that associate and work with Sweet Baby Inc are actively trying to hide their affiliation with them. So people do not vote with their money.

Minimizing sales and playerbase is bad for business. Maximizing sales and playerbase should be the goal.

Hopefully God of War never has a TV series as Woke activists will ruin it. Just as they done to Halo TV show - the Witcher season 2/3/Blood origins. The trend of ignoring the source material to do their own show using the intellectual property.

Baulders Gate 3 I have already addressed this allows for maximising player choice. This giving replay ability. DEI and ESG almost 100% of the time is forced. Removing agency and choice from players.

Saints Row was mishandled. It became too wacky in the end and moved from it’s roots. Despite gameplay. Get Woke Go Broke exists as audiences see the intellectual property as conquered territory.

Just as someone else mentioned others will not vocally object to such things. They will just take their money and engagement elsewhere.
Driving away playerbase and paying customers is very bad for business. Since the loss of revenue has to be replaced as is the audience itself.

The “modern audience” either does not exist or can not support games - movies - TV shows once the actual audience is gone.

Despite the attacks on men and Madame Webb being a box office failure. Once looked at tickets sold. Most people that watched it was men.

To bring it back to WoW.
The Blood Trolls of Nazmir seems to be the template that current WoW is aiming for. A matriarchy. With females clearly in control regardless of titles and positions such as Guardian and High King.

Males are subservient and inferior to the females.
They were more overt about it in Shadowlands where Baine and Thrall were sat down in a corner of Oribos during the Sylvannas expansion.

Nice moving the goalpost again, it’s funny how you can post walls of text with 0 substance. Plz tell me why your colleagues feel the need to make mods for BG3 then? https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/baldurs-gate-3-anti-woke-mods.150337/

Convinced Moltensage is a bad person you continue your crusade :joy::joy::joy:

You said I moved the goalpost again. When did I move them in the first place? Player choice is important as people choose to play their own way.

You are trying to brand Baulders Gate 3 as DEI and ESG. I am saying it’s not. As it is optional not mandatory. How people play the game.

You continue with your Strawman logical fallacy. Who are “my colleagues” that you refer to? What evidence of affiliation do you have?
Modders will always mod games. Woke activists do persecute modders for changing what they were trying to push.

I’ve seen plenty of creepy mods involving darkening the skin colour of various light skinned characters in BG3. So I don’t have an issue with the reverse happening.

Either both are problematic or both are unacceptable.

That aside, players being given the agency to choose who to keep around and who to disallow joining their party in the first place not to mention being able to kill pretty much any NPC they so wish does help alleviate a lot of the more dubious aspects of the game.

For example as a gay guy it was grating that there were multiple conventionally attractive lesbian couples but the gay men were largely limited to gnomes who, let’s be honest, nobody normal finds attractive in the first place.

It doesn’t help that the character I wanted to pursue a relationship with - Halsin - wanted to sleep around rather than have an actual romance. I just ended up going for Shadowheart in the end. It helped that she was the only character not hitting on mine the moment I said something nice to them.

I never said you’re a bad person, you always think people giving you push back are out to get you. It just really seems like your branding games as woke willinilly, if the game is bad it’s cuz woke, if it’s good you either say it’s because it’s a huge franchise or isn’t woke at all.

I never said it’s bad people can mod what they like, my point was more that there wouldn’t be a reason for people to do this if it wasn’t woke.

LOL. Sure it’s not.

And Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman are objective box office hits rammed full of DEI and ESG the Girl boss.

You definitely cherry pick. But that’s not the worst thing.
What’s worse is that you ignore the things that disprove your ‘theory’.

Last of Us was a massive example of a succesful game.

What is your point with bringing up the same examples again and again?
Yes, some games or movies fail. Some don’t. Such is life.

Oh yes it is. You’re just saying it isn’t because it doesn’t fit into your ‘theory’.
Or, because like people have been telling you: If a game has such things but is still just a good game, it doesn’t really matter. A good game is a good game.

Man… You’re tiresome.


I will explain it this way.
Despite being very few in numbers LGBT people exist in every nation. Except in Western nations LGBT orientation are extremely politicised.

Manga and anime always had Yaoi (gay male) and Yuri (gay female) genres but these were always optional.
Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim did allow for player marriage and yes civil ceremony was an option.

But by keeping it optional it allowed player freedom.
Ideologically motivated people are convinced by their version of the “greater good” that they can and do justify just about anything.

Baulders Gate 3 gave players choice.
So. If people choose to never romance characters or strictly straight romance playthroughs then the LGBT stuff never applies to them.

What is happening in the West is the equivalent to making Yaoi and Yuri mandatory. Like the constantly converting straight characters LGBT.

So by respecting player choice Baulders Gate 3 is not DEI and ESG. More reasons being is that “Inclusivity” is forced most of the time and it often “Excludes” those they don’t approve of. For example: Concord Excludes White Males from their roster.

Can have multiple playthroughs of Baulders Gate 3 and not a single same gender romance. What others do with their playthroughs is their business.

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You went out of your way to try and categorise Moltensage. Your “he is not even a centrist” statement. Your bonding with Tah that consistently attacks Moltensage not address points made.

Ideologues will brand anyone right of Joseph Stalin as WW2 German ruling party members.
It is tribalism.

Modders go out of their way to mod things for a wide range of reasons. If they Mod the Woke out of games then so what?

Like when purposefully ugly females are made attractive, or overwhelmingly masculine females like masculine chins are changed to be feminine in appearance.

Why is it it only problematic when Woke content is modded?
Such as in Spiderman the outrage caused by removing an LGBT flag in game for an American flag.
Then the virtue signalling that followed.

Probably because the people who design these characters are light years away from having any trait that makes them attractive. :nerd_face: :laughing:

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Am I wrong? And you did make some really questionable statements in the past like h1tler wasn’t that bad, labelling everbody who disagrees with you as sheep, that’s not really a centrist stance is it? And again the BG3 anti-woke Mods arent’t problematic for me, that wasn’t my point, jesus this is pointless I’m out.

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You are wrong about a lot of things.
Please point out where I stated “h1tler wasn’t that bad” also what relevance does your claim have to do with this thread.

Political tribalism is what you demonstrate with your “not even a centrist” statement. Reinforcing echo chamber mentality. Reluctance or inability to have discussions or conversation with those you presume to be outside of your echo chamber.

The words you use demonstrate that you are ideologically motivated. Why must it be an “anti-woke” mod. Why can’t it be just a mod? The entire world is not Woke or Anti Woke. The vast majority of people on earth have nothing to do with either. Including what Americans are calling a “culture war”.


I didn’t name that mod :man_shrugging: besides your the one throwing around the words DEI/woke all the time.
Regarding your statements, that thread got close because of that reason, maybe you can look at your post history?

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Yes. Self inserts seem to be the trend for Woke activists it seems. I am not Starfire is a self insert of Author Mariko Tamaki and Insomniacs hideous version of Mary “the crimson chin” Jane is a self insert of one of the lead writers of insomniac.

Why hire face models in the first place when will make them hideously ugly and different to the face model on purpose.

It is a drive to remove feminine females and masculine males from gaming. Microsoft declared to Devs not to make curvy female characters going forward.

The Woke activists are openly more feral. To explain. Eve is the player character of Stellar Blade. A feminine attractive curvy woman. Something the Woke activists hated and immediately attacked. They claimed the “unrealistic depiction of women” card. This failed when the Devs introduced Shin Jae-eun the body model a living breathing woman. Woke activists attacked the Dev as an 1ncel turned out he is a married man and his wife supports him. Woke activists attacked Shin Jae-eun as looking like a child a 14 year old girl turns out she is Shin Jae-eun is 33 years old.

Despite the attacks by activists. People enjoy stellar blade and many women enjoy cosplaying Eve of Stellar Blade.

So what you’re saying is that you made a claim without evidence. So it can be dismissed as such.

One Piece has LGBT characters. But it is not Woke or DEI and ESG because it does not have the politics and ideology behind it.

The reality is that most of these activists are the real incels, who don’t fit in anywhere. They have always been weird people and they try to force the world to adapt to them, instead of adapting themselves to the world.

Unfortunately, these types of people are abundant in the video game industry.

They also called Henry cavill “Incel”, when he probably has more relations in a week than everyone who calls him that in a decade.

Isn’t it misogyny to eliminate the characteristics that most women have to make them look more androgynous? :joy:

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Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?
It’s a bit weird. Is there a reason for it?

Also: You don’t make good points. Because you only highlight one side of the issue while ignoring the other. So whatever you say, can’t be trusted to be objective in any way.

Coming from you that’s absolute gold.

Why must WoW be woke/DEI/ESG?
Why can’t WoW just be a game with a lot of female characters at the moment?


Correct. It simply erases biological females. Dare to have curves as a biological female then those that preach of inclusion will exclude you.

Even though they are a Horde race Goblin females have the best curves in the game.

Dragon age Veilguard turned out to be more Woke than the trailer suggests.

Example are given so as to what people can expect when activists infiltrate. Strict limitations on breasts and butt slides but you are permitted to have double mastectomy scars to be “inclusive” of tr4ns people.
Ideological reasons is why that ends up in the game. Bioware is heading the way of Volition studios.

Once released to the open market. Will people actually purchase and play this? Who buys games to roleplay tr4ns people? Yaay double mastectomy scars. Am I right?

There has to be a none activist in the room to ask the controversial question: Would this sell?
Not hooray for activism but will someone purchase this? Will it be in high enough numbers to make a profit and be a commercial success?


It’s a men’s world they said! Poor us rich singers and actresses, we have to raise awareness! Everything goes to sh_t…
Men are regarded as inferior now, we can’t even find a woman 'cuz they’re all gay and sh_t. Even fictional men are disrespected, can’t be inspirational no more, stoicism as to die apparently. (Stoic women though? Women playing men? Is there a third option? lol) Well, I’m all for brotherhood/camaraderie and stoicism so… I think I’ve had enough of this game. Both what you mentioned and… Bearded female dwarves… Yeah, I didn’t think things could be become any more retarded then they did but… I was wrong. No respect for common sense, no respect for what’s good and beautiful… Why shouldn’t women be represented as they were in the past? Anyways, such a damn shame, the gameplay feels better than ever. Well, can’t please everyone, target audience and all that sh*t. SUFFER WELL.

Edit: On a side note, look up “Heavenly Sword”, it’s a PS3 launch title. It’s like a God of War but with a woman, she’s not all stoic and manly though. Action-heroine done right. Heck, HellBlade! Just ignore the internet trolls, dudes are more concerned with Senua’s hair on her nape than with the game itself! lol


Big facts here.