Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Oh, god beware. Characters showing struggle and emotions, just like a real person.

How dare they? How dare Blizzard try to make realistic characters, instead of more anger-issue driven men which only show angry, angry, shouting and even more angry like Varian and Garrosh?


Glare. … … … :muscle: :muscle:
Flex Contest!
Your Muscles are cold, Twiluna!


Rock hard :muscle:

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:muscle: More Muscle than fur! I can weild double two-handed weapons bigger than me!

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No, it’s not I don’t like a storylines. It’s I don’t like poor writing in a story I’m paying for. There’s a significant difference between personal taste, and objectively poor writing. That’s what WoW and recently14 seem to suffer from.

Anduin’s been a cry baby for years and generally is hated. They basically only keep him around to be an E-boy and now he’s a damaged E-boy. The problem with him, is they never really show the trauma he went through, he got mind controlled but it was all resolved so quickly that it’s hard to sell the level of damage he’s displaying, which doesn’t make you really sympathise with him. He shows zero traits of being a Hero so he’s just a dislikable wimp and alot of people will see him as the games representation of men, much like how women were represented in movies in the 50-70’s.

The new “Girl Boss” Characters are shallow and ham fisted into un earned positions, the Current lead Alleira, outside of some weird fetish artist rework of her, is acting like a moronic child instead of the ancient huntress she should be. Cunning, wise, precise, these are some of the traits we should see from her. Instead, she’s Neurotic and irrational. The writing feels like someone said, we need an all female line up and didn’t give a damn how or why the characters are there. Basically the typical complaints people have about DEI checkbox ticking instead of writing interesting or compelling characters.

Overall, it’s a business decision to replace the entire main cast of an expansion with women, particularly adding in a disabled black women gives them a massive boost to their ESG score. This is not some tin foil theory, you can literally see what the criteria for increasing a companies ESG score is, they don’t hide this, if you put in a black female disabled character your score massively increase, if you put in a straight male it goes down. The decision was being made to get more money from ESG funds and not for the purpose of telling a good story to the players, that’s the issue.


Hated by whom? Anduin being hated is news for me personally lmao.

Brain rot spreads…

Garrosh on other hand was full of personality (he is constantly angwy and called sylvanas female dog once) and earned his position as warchief (thrall just gave it to him freely).
I’m not entirely dismissing your point, there are certainly “conservative man abandons his postion so that progressive women can take his place” theme hangs in the air in story, but my god can atleast one of you stop sounding like insecure dudes whose self-worth depends on whether he sees oiled sweaty orcs on screen or not


Did you skip legion by any chance? She uses void and even ate a void windchime. Of all the characters she should be neurotic and irrational. Shes dealing with alot of void whispers after all.

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also what’s problem with her design, she looks very cool and unique, not in sexual way that is

there is an edgy cool dude on screen by the way, it’s called my character

This might come across as passive aggressive but I honestly don’t mean it in that way, but go and watch the lotr movies. Or read the books, Aragon is the pinnacle example of a male hero. He displays all of the heroic traits. Competence, Confidence, Humility, Mercy, Empathy, Honor and Loyalty. He knows when to let others shine and not to need to always be at the for front, he also shows emotions constantly, but you’ll note at no point does he whine like a baby, even when he’s fearful of his past (as in of his heritage) he’s still actually helping as a ranger, just doesn’t want to be the king, but he doesn’t just bugger off to cry all the time. Which is what Anduin does.

This is the problem with the terrible blizz writing department. They are incapable of writing a character that subtly displays their emotions which is what people do, and what interesting characters does, they display their emotional state over a period of time. They don’t just irrationally trauma dumb on everyone constantly. Well, based on seeing alot of the blizz staff lately I imagine those people probably do irrationally trauma dumb on people constantly so I suppose in that way art imitates life.


Yeah, if she was behaving like the legion Alleria things would at least be interesting, but she’s not. She’s behaving like a 14 year old girl that put a blue streak in her fringe cause “I just super edgy like that and you know my intrusive thoughts and stuff.” It’s cringe AF. Where’s her plan, this ancient warrior, protector of her peoples grand plan seems to be, step 1 Brood in the edge of the scenery and find harbinger, step 2 give up all element of surprise give away your position and shoot an arrow at a being that just blew up a city and killed the world most powerful mage… Genius.


Lotr movies are good at anything but having complex multi-layered characters

No, Geralt of Rivia can be example, aragorn is very much similiar to how blizzard writes characters.
I rewatch lotr trilogy atleast once in a year by the way, it’s my favorite movies of ALL times

TWW does exactly that, balegrim is first example, it’s really good character for how short his story was

Alleria’s storyline in legion ended on her consuming dark naaru, alleria that you’ve seen in legion didn’t have problems that current alleria has, her actually reacting on the fact that she hears constant whispers and struggles to lose control is good, not bad, because it shows her actions having long-standing consequences.

Wow has always been half humorous and I agree. Its a fun game, I refuse take it too seriously even tho I do appreciate the whole entity of it. Also If anything there could be more one liners.

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Yep the windchime gave her alot more void juices. Its been ages but even then there were quests telling how the void whispers troubled her and the windchime did not make it any better

Let me fix that sentence.

“Anduin’s been a cry baby for years and generally is hated BY ME”.

That’s what you actually want to say.

Oh, yeah. Sure. All the struggle we see him go through in TWW campaign is apparently “nothing” in your eyes.

Lemme guess. You are no man for subtlety. If a man has not a massive mental breakdown in front of you, you can’t read the signs. Got it.

As for Shadowlands… You remember the DLC was developed during COVID? People hated it. The Devs hated working in uncertain conditions. The product was horrible in quality.

You can’t take a shallow DLC that was created with major IRL setbacks due to events out of Blizzards control, and use that as justification of arguing “Anduin bad character”.

nah anduin is disliked by plenty of people you see complaints about him whiny all the time for many years


Happy players don’t complain. And as a matter of fact, I see barely complaints about Anduin usually, even during Shadowlands. Back then people didn’t say “Anduin sucks”. They criticized the “Anduin is now cheap Lich Boy or what?” decision for his character.

That’s a difference.

And honestly, who cares if 5% of all WoW players complain about Anduin when the remaining 95% see no issue, don’t even comment on that topic or even like the direction he is going as a character?

In the end, Blizzard can’t please everyone. And if they don’t want to please people like you, then perhaps consider to just leave it at that?

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There are critiques for him like “anduin is christie golden’s pet character” or “anduin was wasted in shadowlands” but whiny? i see this only on forums occasionaly and in asmongold’s twitch chat.
I mean, he doesn’t have breakdowns and he doesn’t complain about life, he’s not whiny at all, on the contrary he constantly composes himself.

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Character has no emotion. Mary sue
Character has too much emotion wah stop it blood and thunder mindless smash :joy:


First of all, he’s been a whiney cry baby for years and years, let’s not pretend he’s suddenly just going through trauma, his mental schism is weird to a player because it feels unwarranted based on what we saw in shadowlands. Yeah what he went through was rough, so has what everyone in WoW has been through.

Shadowlands was not made during covid. It released in November 20, which means it was funcitionally completed before covid and the last touches were done during covid. It’s a cop out the devs tried to use for a gabage product.