Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

No, it’s Character that acts like a whiney 5 year old is tedious to deal with. Every one has issues, being a man is about sucking it up and getting the stuff done that needs to get done. You can feel down, you can feel sad, you can talk about it to your friends, but drowning in your misery and crying about it like a child is not helping anything and that is all manchildduin ever does.

Also, it’s act like a super edgy 15 year old and everything just works out for you even though you constantly do bone head things. Mary sue.

Take the start of legion, the alliance and the horde work together, they have a plan the alliance will drive them to the portal on the ground the horde will flank with the rangers from the high ground. Throughout older expacs, there was constantly cutscenes with these character using maps making plans, general tactics being involved. This is a fantasy series about a world constantly wracked by war and destruction, with a new main cast of ancient warriors, that talk and act like a CW show characters. They constantly just run around letting wild rampart emotions drive their actions, not one of these “experienced” warrior makes a single tactical decision.


Hopefully Metzen can fix this… in the next 7 years or smth…

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Your post is misplaced. I was talking about the OP wanting more 1 dimensional strong man characters to feel validated. I am talking about his emotions, not the in-game characters.

The in-game characters are entertainment. I don’t go about making forum posts about how i want them to behave on my head canon so i feel better.

I hope so too

Alright, in that case take my comment not directed at you but the people disagreeing.

Hmm. is that the same topic that vanished a bit earlier?
It somehow feels more… civilized.

Yeah, she is not only a female, not only a black female but also a disabled transgender man.


No one care about what you are sick of.


It will never stop until Blizzard reverses course.

Nor will the huge amount of upvotes for them.

Or, alternatively, if the game dies it will stop as well. xD

The best you can do is ignore it.

Faerin isn’t transgender I think? What?

In fact I don’t think TWW has any transgender characters. I may be wrong, but I don’t think so.

I beg to differ, Boromir from Fellowship of the Ring has a very underrated and important arc. Of course you’d need to watch the directors cut to get a full grasp of it.

In fact I would go as far as to say Boromir comes very close to the perfect male hero.

On the other hand Aragorn is stoic to a fault but he is brought up as an example of the quintessential male in fantasy for a reason.

In any case, let me compare Boromir to Anduin for just a moment here. See, if you watch the extended eds Boromir has quite a few emotional scenes where he seems lost and distraught. In fact, he is either on the verge of tears or actually cries in some of the scenes.

Despite that these emotional moments are contrasted by scenes of heroism, particularly his famous last stand. Anduin just doesn’t get to shine that way. Any heroic feats he has performed are being overshadowed by the sheer volume of ‘emotional’ talky talk fee fee scenes they depict him in.

I do sincerely believe a lot of us low key expected Anduin to grow out of his boy phase and become more like his Father… especially since the story sorely lacks that classic stoic male right now. Very badly.

If you’re an old school fan of Warcraft lore from the good old Warcraft 2-3 days you know that every faction leader has been a badass. Thrall, Grom, Varian, Arthas… just to namedrop some of the classic heroes many of us grew up with. For the last few expansions or more that strong presence has been lacking.

Anduin’s lack of badassery was to some degree compensated by Genn Greymane by his side. But now he’s retiring and Tessa is the Queen. Yeah, we have another Queen as if we haven’t had enough Queens as of late in a franchise that used to be about brutal wars between orcish warlords and humans.

In any case I’m sorry, but girlbosses just cannot fill the void left behind by the more stoic male heroes that have all either died or retired.

You can shout and scream sexist or misogynist all you want as far as I know nearly every show and movie and franchise that decided to replace its classic male heroes with new and ‘improved’ female heroes(Star Wars, Marvel, Terminator just to name a few) has tanked and drained the goodwill of its established fanbase. Nobody went to see Furiosa and it was actually good movie that was ill-timed. Allegedly nobody went to see it cause of recession. Yet everyone suddenly had money to go see Bad Boys and Deadpool vs Wolverine.

Luckily for Blizzard WoW is a game first, storytelling vehicle second. If this was a netflix show it would scarcely be more respected than the last few seasons of Game of Thrones at this point. They might as well hire Mindy Kaling as a writer and nobody would notice a difference.


This expansion is depressing.
I liked ONE moment in it, I’ve played it entirely (three quest away from 100% all quests, cause they are bugged).
That ONE moment was Magni, I loved the emotion there.

The rest?
Pretty obvious who it was designed by, and for who.
And I will get hated for it and called this and that if I express myself further.
I’m a woman with a lot of disabilitating problems; And I am tired of this BS-soup they’ve cooked up…


I admire how the sole orc warrior is carrying the whole point of this topic, trying to explain it and tanking several ppl who are refusing to understand it. Cheers, brother.


Where? In the Shadowlands. Denathrius.

If you’re referring to me, I got you fam. Never stop fighting Big Zug Zug

But yeah I think alot of people have voiced the same opinions. To be honest I don’t even care that much about having a male character. I’d just love it if they had one character that had half a braincell and didn’t brood about like a emo kid, the main characters making plans that isn’t just, I’m going to run around chasing a bad guy that can teleport at will, has the ability to blow up a city at will, but don’t worry guys I’ve got an arrow…

I’m a straight dude, one of my favourite books is about a super hero who’s gay. He is however a very well written and interesting character, a badass that’s enjoyable to read, and surprisingly is not a cliche where every gay character has to be flamboyant. It’s almost as if, it turns out you don’t need a character to look or be like you in any way to relate or view them in a positive light, but that can’t be right twitter told me so. :rofl:


That’s incorrect.

The male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen are the dominant factor for brain chemistry. They are the biggest impact on emotions, fears, and phobias through their influence on various brain regions involved in emotional regulation.

Testosterone affects areas like the amygdala, which plays a role in fear processing and aggression. Higher levels of testosterone reduce fear responses, which contribute to higher risk-taking behaviors and even influence the management of phobias, particularly those related to social interactions and performance situations.

Estrogen, on the other hand, influences mood and emotional responsiveness. It interacts with serotonin and other neurotransmitters that are involved in mood regulation. Fluctuations in estrogen levels lead to mood swings and affect anxiety levels, which can exacerbate fear responses or phobias. For example, some women experience heightened anxiety or mood swings during periods of the menstrual cycle when estrogen levels fluctuate significantly.

Both hormones modulate the stress response, mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, influencing how individuals react to stress, which can indirectly affect their experience of fear and phobia. Testosterone and estrogen significantly modulate brain function related to emotion, fear, and anxiety, thereby influencing emotional states and responses to phobic stimuli.

If a female writer consistently writes male characters with emotional profiles that diverge from high-testosterone stereotypes—such as aggression and dominance—it could be argued that they are projecting their own emotional experiences onto these characters.

This might be seen as a form of self-insertion if the traits these male characters exhibit are more closely aligned with the author’s personal emotional expression.

TLDR: It’s bad writing


I’m only a couple hours in, lvl75. So far every strong hero character has been a female, every sacrifice or example of incompetence has been male. The story is a lot better than Dragonflight/Shadowlands tho, but Blizzard following the modern trope in movies/tv/games of giving females traditionally male roles and sidelining the men isn’t exactly original.

Testosterone was not found, once again.


Yeah it is getting a bit too obvious what thier agenda is.


No evidence of this.

This stance is the most stupid. They released a chart of their subs like last year. if you adjust to take away the classic/hardocre andy’s, retail wow is less popular than it was at WoD. So yeah, alienating you fanbase and telling them if you don’t like it leave, might not be the smartest of design choices.


Y’all had like nine expansions’ worth of strong male figures. Time for something new!

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