Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

“I’m a meat popsicle” - Korben Dallas

Yeah this is sad. There was only one character i liked in story and they killed him.
Right now we have zero strong, masculine, stoic characters and at least three whinny hormonal teenagers in bodies of 30-70 year old guys.


Or villain, or corrupted individual on his way to become villain half way trough the zone story.
The entirety of Hallowfall feels like youre on Taylor Swift concert. Such a waste of visualy 10/10 zone.

>he thinks he can have badass male characters in the year of 2024.

Think again, kid.

Why do people so often these days malfunction and break down completely because the units they observe are unequal in number. Is it an illness or disease?

PS. Having only finished the campaign last night, I have to admit I am very happy with a lot of the characters they introduced into the plot; and it has nothing to do with what body parts they may or may not have.


Aragorn during LotR is in his eighties (minus any defects of aging) and has mostly finished his mental journey. Especially in the books.
He is more of a Paragon than anything a real human can relate to.
The people in LotR that we can generally more closely relate to are the Hobbits and the more normal humans with their ups and downs.

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Male alliance characters history in TWW so far:
Baelegrim - dead, to be replaced by new female stormrider
Khadgar - probably dead, replaced by Alleria in story leading
Anduin - crying over everything for 3rd expansion in row, getting babysitted by strong female character
Magni - lost power, replaced by Moira in narrative
Random npcs: evil, traitors, get eaten by female.

0 possibility to allegiance to anything, this game is husk hold by the dungeons and raiding. Success in this way of game developing is being shown rn as Dustborn, Concord and many more fails spectacullary.


Alleria is older than Aragon and acts like an emotional teenager. The point I was making with my initial comment of Aragon as an example as a hero, is he displays the heroic traits, throughout both film and books.

More than that they had a purpose behind what they’re doing. Even the “bad guys had a goal.” WoW current writers aren’t capable of writing well, so instead they focus on short team plot hooks at the expense of the story as a whole.

For example, they wrote alleria standing on the roof top takes a shot at her enemy Xal’atah. Because it makes her seem bold and decisive in that moment. However when you look at it in context to the world. It makes Alleria a moron who gives away her position endangers her forces all to shoot a single arrow at an enemy that she has no reason to believe this would impact. There was no reason for her to take that shot other than she hates Xal’atah, so basically she’s selfish, she prioritises her own ego and emotions over the good of her allies. Great new lead we have here. You might say well that’s her journey to master her issues, but the problem is they refuse to acknowledge that she’s a moron, everyone’s blowing smoke up her *** every 5m so she can’t develop, she’s wonderful stunning and brave :face_vomiting:

Same with Xal’atah. Instead of writing an enemy with actual goals, they basically just have bad guy does evil stuff to be all evil, goodies chase them around. Eventually when someone is literally forced to come up with how this expac will wrap, they will put in some deeply stupid end goal for the big bad that is inconsistent with the different things they’ve done throughout the expac.

Remember when the bad guys had an actual goal an endgame that the alliance and horde would act to stop. People will try and say “this is only the build up expac to set things up” This is how the new writers have written the last 3 expacs in a row. They don’t know how to formulate a good story or overarching plot. They are not particularly talented and focus on short term over dramatised moments that make the rest of the game look clownish because they ignore the context of what’s going on around them. Take DF ending, “Maybe this is how we should have been the whole time.” Really Kalecgos, Vyranoth killed some of your allies, like there are people here who have legit lost love ones to her. There’s bodies all around us, your dad and uncle are dead. But sure man sure, do the stupid line about this was all meant to be.


Tolkien made characters actually act like what their age is, unlike whoever writes modern WoW


A chart without any real numbers.

Guesses are not facts. People literally counted the pixels on a digital scaled chart and divided it through the on-screen distance or something. The “estimate” by the community is so wild and inaccurate, that’s like doing a math exam and measuring a miniaturized graph and taking the values of your ruler over the (not shown - in this case) values of the graph.

People made a guess based on their false calculation and pretent for it to be true.

Here said image for reference:


And just for the record, Shadowlands was only so high due to WoW Classic numbers and Retail numbers being counted together.

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You don’t need the numbers you can take the exact chart and shift the data point to remove all data points from Classic season of discovery then look at the chart. What happens is the chart shows the line as lower than legion, this isn’t about checking for exact sub numbers, what it shows is user interest in retail has dropped massively and DF did not do any kind of recovery.


This is true. The camaraderie between the hobbits and to some degree the rest of the cast is what makes LotR truly stand out even today(other than being the grandfather of modern fantasy that is).

Well, the closest people to Aragorn in some way I can think of from WoW are Tirion and Varian. Both got killed off fairly early on in the Legion expansion which I’d argue was the beginning point. Tirion’s death was especially stupid. Oh yeah, and Vol’jin was taken out of commission as well to give way to Sylvanas. Dude never even got to do anything cool as a warchief.

WoD was that last burst of testosterone with all the badass warlords and Maraad before the inevitable injection of testosterone blockers and estrogen into WoW’s DNA.

I wonder if the timing coincides with some former WoW developers getting into hot water due to… well, allegations not going to specific about that just in case. Haven’t looked that deep into it but I’ve a hunch it may have precipitated the changes that we see in full swing today.


This 100%.

And its even more funny if you notice the irony in people complaining about “forced” representation while complaining that they are underrepresented.

I couldn’t care less than what gender or preferences a character has.

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To be honest I think you’ll find most people are complaining about the quality of the characters added not the gender. Take this thread at face value it’s a complaint that the only men in the story or whiney man babies or morons. I personally think the issue is that everyone is written as a moron and the writing is atrocious imo.

The narrative writing got worse, at the same time as blizz started adding more female characters. However, people should not corelate the two issues, they are entirely separate. The increase in female characters didn’t make the writing bad. The writing is bad and they just so happen to have increased the number of female characters. If they were an all male MC lineup people would be on here complaining about the same thing, terrible writing.

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Those don’t exist in Blizzard anymore, if you look around, there are more bearded female dwarves than men lmao.
Aside that, the writing of the characters is also pretty bad.


I guess I played a different expansion than.
Whats with Magni, Kadghar, Thrall, Baelgrim? Also there are lots of “strong male” side characters in side quests.

But still I cant get behind why people even care what gender these characters have.
If the writing is the reason, the gender has nothing to do with it and there would be no reason to mention it all the time.

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The amount of manliness Baelgrim had makes this whole post useless

And if you would have eyes, you would see that Legion had even more massive drops after the first year in player count, despite being “praised” as the massive success after Wrath of the Lich King.

What you fail to see is that barely anything regarding “girl bosses” or bad writing had to do with that. What had to do with that was parasitic systems like borrowed power, massive grind and such killing the fun of the expansion over time.

There’s a reason why Ion said that the initial perception of Artifact weapons was great and then quickly dropped when people felt more and more like they have to “compete by constantly player, otherwise they drop behind due to infinite grind”. Hence they stepped away from the System in Shadowlands and we have the talent trees we have now since Dragonflight.

There are a lot more factors in play here. But it’s quite ironic that you claim things by leaving all the other relevant info out. And you know what’s that called? Denialism.

And it you would actually look up numbers and data, you would have found website articles like this:


The website clearly states that in the year 2023 the official Warcraft twitter account did conduct a “survery” with roughly 300k participants (which is still a lot, even if it is just twitter), to see what most people enjoy (ironically they don’t need to do that, because they have already tools to examine the player count themselves).

Of those 300k players 52% said they are playing Dragonflight mainly at that moment. The Survey was conducted on 10th December 2023. When we look at the chart you references, that’s shortly before the big spike comes in the year 2024 on it.

Now, saying “that’s all season of Discovery numbers” would be a stretch, because as google states, Season of Discovery WAS ALREADY OUT 2 SEASONS AT THE TIME OF THAT SURVEY.

Phase 1 of the Season began on November 30, 2023, Phase 2 on February 8, 2024, and Phase 3 is set to be released in the spring of 2024.

So, your entire claim crumbles because you got the dates wrong and your claims are inaccurate.

Also, I hardly believe that Season 3 of SoD was A MASSIVE HIT and that to such an extent that it would overshadow retail.

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Again look at the chart that you linked before. Remove all Classic SoD spikes, move the retail spikes next to each other it will show you exactly how it looks. I can show you but for some stupid reason I’m apparently not allowed to add a link to my messages

https ://imgur.com/a/kP82ZjN
remove the space, that is the same chart with the Classic and SoD spikes removes showing just retail, no adjusted scale on the move so the drops and peaks are accurate to the original. Again this isn’t for sub numbers it shows a declining interest.

Because if every women was an oversexualised moron who fell over every 20s and acted like a bimbo I’d be complaining about that. too.

My points pretty consistent. They have written all the characters poorly. The female characters are either narcissistic mary sues, handed what feels like unearned leadership positions and/or act like morons. All the male character are infantile morons, constantly dumping whatever their current emotional state is into the dialogue. Attempt to make heroic sacrifices that are either stupidly unnecessary or are actually suicides attempts in the guise of heroic moments, looking at you here anduin.

I would be happy with the cast remaining the same, if the writing wasn’t on par with a year 9 creative writing assignment.

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