Where are you Blizzard?

Ignore the uprising long enough and you’ll have a rebellion.
Ignore the forums long enough and you’ll have a dead game.

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They only listen when enough people unsub or stop playing for a long enough period, sadly.

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Whenever blizzard say ANY THING, The community takes it as absolute certainty and set in stone, So blizz is just not typing any thing out, because of fear of saying something contrversal or something that they will have to backtrack on.

Which is why i said the “When they do have something to announce, they usally do so.”

As they need to be 100% sure what they write is gonna be correct before they do so.

Also i’m sure they read the stuff here… they just don’t say “Feedback is read and accounted for” on every thread.

So like 80% of the whole forum should be filtered with only 20% being relevant feedback.

i used to work for a cable company in technical support.
the word “yes” did not exist in our dictionary because our words ARE the company’s words. what the employees say, any employee that interact with the customers, is considered a promise made by the company, a promise liable by law.
for example: “i can assure you we will do everything we can to assist you with all your needs”. its basically yes, but not really.

if these employees tell us anything that, if read carefully, says anything that is certain, these employees must not work there.
their job is to interact while never telling straight forward thing that can be claimed as facts.

by not interacting at all, they are simply not doing their job. its a BAD thing.

if players interpret an employees words, its his problem. the fact still remains the company “never said that”.

There are other ways to communicate instead of answering specific threads, there can be blue posts highliting some topics thats being discussed. There are many ways for interaction with their community.

Yes a monthly update just highlighting what’s going on - and especially that they’re aware of certain issues, that they may or may not have solutions for right now - would go a long way.

Right now people feel completely ignored, and if that feeling persists for too long, you just stop caring about the game and/or anything Blizzard.

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“Blessed” is a nice way of putting it

i started to think that they really have no people to communcate with us

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I don’t have a % for it :smile:

And we aren’t talking only about General discussions here. There is Class forums, beta/ptr, bugs, technical issues. This is all feedback.

During beta people were actually giving good feedback and I haven’t seen a single blue reply to either of them.

But yeah you are right but those sections of the forum are the 20% i was talking about yesterday.

And that 20% matters and it should get some attention.

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Yes exactly those are the relevant ones because I speak from experience of being a long time forum dweler general discussion is mainly for people to vent their anger and to make friends with other ppl and some to troll others because they are bored.

Btw i like your char name Bayonetta/Ceressa <3 she’s one hot mama.

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For a corporate entity such as Activision Blizzard, the sales of SL matter, which were in record amounts I think. And the stock price matters, which is also at a all time high.

So basically, Blizzard is doing good. Customers seem to be satisfied for now, having reigned in such a big amount of revenue leads them to believe that things are more than okay and that they’re doing a great job(seriously).
After scoring that big, everyone has gone to the Bahamas for 6 months.

The game and Blizzard’s relationship with the players is not that intimate after all these years. The superficial matters more now, that’s where the focus is, that’s where the business(money) is.

If we want to have WoW as we know and love. We will need to do another community project, a private server, like Nostalrius, but retail. That’s the solution.

We must assume they dont care about our concerns and opinions since they never reply to anything.

We do not need them to answer every topic. We need them to do a proper balancing. Which means.

For PvE perspective DpS difference between “top” and “bottom” spec no more then 10%.

From PvP perspective each spec should have 45-55% winrate in skirmishes and in rated arenas and those winrates should be public information.

Right now we’r not even close to those numbers.

Blue responses are rare, if it’s something straight forward they can help with, and another poster hasn’t already answered it, sometimes you see them. The bulk of the blues on the forum are moderators. Customer Service forum has blues that can assist with some issues or advise with things that don’t require a GM. It also has knowledgeable MVPs/Other Posters who like to help answer too.

A lot of things discussed on the forums can only be changed by a Dev. Devs do not post on the forums often. Our feedback is passed on and when a Dev does post it is more likely to be on their home turf on the NA forum.

Most information is duplicated on all the different region forums. Personally I follow Wowhead/Icy Veins for news on my discord (as many discords do) and I follow Blizzard CS and World of Warcraft on Twitter. This covers most bases (of information being released by the game).

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In my opinion thats the problem. Devs should communicate on the forums more regulary on some of the issues and feedback being posted by players on a daily basis. Why cant we get updates on issues they are working on and the status without giving specific dates? A monthly update should be enough for keeping the players updated and engaged.

Also regarding the EU and NA forums, there shouldnt be a home turf. Either have one forum for everybody or treat both of them equally.

I think they’ve tried a lot of stuff over the past 15 or so years… and eventually came to the conclusion that… it’s just pointless :smiley:

Because such a small % of the playerbase is on the forums, so it’s not really worth the time and effort to cater to that small %, especailly tho to what i said above, that the forum dwellers take every thing said as set in stone and absolute facts.