Doesn’t bother me. Imagine waiting for years and then plow through in less than a week. Their loss.


We play on the “Wrap up Vanilla” Patch 1.12.

Nothing we do here is legit. Its Vanilla Easymode…

Blizzard should ban you from the forum because you are disgusting. Stop crying like a girl about such unimportant things.

1 month is too long man. 2 weeks.

There are a large number of people who have exploited this bug; who, at the time, did not know it was unintended.

They had no previous experience of what it should have been to know otherwise - In fact, a few I spoke to had no idea it was unintended at all.

Even myself and members of my guild (we were all avid players of vanilla) generally assumed it was something we missed / did not know about back then.

It’s not obvious that it was unintended, like other bugs (e.g. looting the same boss multiple times / stacking potions for XP gain), as it’s fairly easy to see that those game mechanics were not working as intended.

I do not think it is fair to ban / suspend people that had no indication it was not working as intended, and those are the people that would be caught in any punishment.

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While you are generally correct, there is actually a group of players that would at least consider Raiding an Instance time and time again with 10 characters:

prospective Twink characters bereft of Mains.

But to us the whole point of the excercise would be to AVOID getting XP so the moment we notice we aren’t getting less XP (and believe me, we would notice soon, as without XP Lock we’re back to bookkeeping XP again) Twink players would stop (and curse and fret about the XP they gained ‘for nothing’).

Again, the rest of your points stands.

I can’t help but notice that at least some posters normally have no problem with people levelling significantly faster bygoing against the spirit of Classic (Questing AddOns and what not). Glad they are at least against this exploit.

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It’s easy u 2 iq why would they run 6 man dungeon again again and again obv they kenw it was bug scrub

Man the salt is real.


Blizzard never bans streamers, remember D3? They were exploiting for weeks, made a lot of cash in the AH and nothing happened to them.

Anyone can claim that it was unintentional, but how many of us form raids to do normal dungeons and ‘raid’ said normal dungeons repeatedly? If you do that, then it becomes intentional, and any arguments in defense of their actions become moot.

You claim that you and members of your guild were avid players in the original game? Then this is something you should’ve known, or at least some of you.

If you’ve played on Pservers, you should’ve known.

The age old excuse of ‘I didn’t know!’ when confronted with exploiting has been re-used so many times i’ve lost count, and it’s not just this game, but in every online game ever.

People will exploit if they can gain an advantage by doing so. It is in our human nature to seek out the easiest and quickest path to success. While understandable, it upsets the nature of the game and the spirit of competition aka PVP (Items obtained through this exploitation will have a major impact on PVP, goes without saying!), and Open World PVP.

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The assumption that I or people I knew took part in this activity is incorrect; for my part, I saw people raiding in those instances, assumed “wtf” and went on my way. It was unusual to see, but way-back-when, it was not unusual for a raid to form for UBRS (etc).

I cannot say if I would have taken part in it if I was of a sufficient level, perhaps I would have, perhaps not. I don’t know, I always find out about these issues after the fact. I always hated the levelling process so I suspect I might have.

I don’t have to have actually taken part in the activity to defend those who I feel would get an unwarranted punishment.

There is a significant disparity between bugs that are obvious to be just that, and those that are not obvious because someone has no previous experience to draw on and determine it is unintended. This is the latter, and I would make a prediction that Blizzard will do nothing about it for that reason alone.

And if not for that reason - Determining who exploited the bug seems somewhat difficult anyway, so even if they wanted to i’d be surprised if they saw it as worthwhile to do.

You are more than justified in feeling annoyed about the situation and I agree, it is unfortunate. Should Blizzard have extended the beta out to a larger number of persons, it probably would not even be in there.

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Im starting to think they made all this on purpose lol

^ Streamers :))))))))))))))

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-edit Just gotta say to all the ppl here spamming I DidNt Kn0w It w0z bug111!!1!!! If you think entering SM and ZF over and over with 15 people is normal and not suspicious then i have news for you

people right clicked a consumable potion to get a 10% xp bonus and upon clicking it again got the same buff essentially stacking it until you ran out of potions to click, every single player that did that was banned. So take from this what you will and tell me more about how they don’t favour streamers

You are ignorant if you believe that. Preach not only got banned for potion exploit he was also banned from attending content creator summit. Many other streamers/youtubers got banned throughout wow history.

The best part is our hardworking butts come home to find ourselves in a 8-10k people queue - unable to get a few levels of our own - because said exploiters are still going about their way no-lifing the game.

The VERY LEAST thing you could do is mark all the exploiters as “Low Priority”, forced to give up their spot for any legitimate player.

they are simply just rotten scum people… they explore everything they can, layering farm, anti-afk, exp bug,paying people to lvl on their char. and they knew about this bug their world first they can shove up in their asses seriously, and ragnaros shouldnt be so tuned down as he is now period.

Lk and saronite bomb = ban
Timeless island powerlvling = ban
Honor farm Darkshore, shard abuse = ban
Rollhack boss = ban
Xp potion stack = ban

People used out xp bug in dungeons in classic = no ban

Seems FAIR to me…


I would argue that the scenario here is entirely different.
the fix blizzard implemented here doesnt stop you from doing these dungeons as a 10 man, as this is 100% intended. Doing a dungeon as a 10 man is not a bug. On the other hand, the examples you used earlier where fixee so you can no longer do them. You cant stack xp potions anymore, etc…

They quite litteraly played the game as it was intended by the devs but the rewards they got where not scaled as devs intended what you are saying is like saying people that abused some op trinket before it was nerfed were bug abusing