Hardly call diff scenario.

They used a system bug (WILLINGLY) out like the prevoius ones…

They got punished these not.


Revert the xp to begin with and do it asap before realm economies get further damaged.

And i wandering why the hell i was seeing raid groups for SM didnt pay attention though.

Cats and dogs know that raid groups get way less xp whoever did it knew for sure it was a bug.

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Except doing dungeons as a 10 man is not a bug

Noone spoke about 10 man dungeons, people spoke about a “not working as intended” xp scaling, and thats what these people used out to take advantage.

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He’s not saying it is. He’s saying the raid exp bug was abused, which it was. If the bug wasn’t there, doing dungeons as a 10 man would yield virtually no experience at all.


Indeed, thank you.

So people that used op trinkets before they were nerfed were abusing a bug?

No. Those are badly tuned. Blizzard intended them to be the exact stats that they had, until they changed their mind. The raid exp bug was never intended. That’s why it’s a bug, and trinkets before re-tuning are not bugs.

Say I purposefully keep my door unlocked and allow you to enter. That’s good. I can change my mind afterwards and that’s fine too. If I forget to lock my door, and you enter, that’s a big no-no.

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I fail to see the difference though people use aspect of gameplay that is intended said aspect yields op results so op results are nerfed, the actual execution of the gameplay in both cases was not in anyway exploitive, as both can still be performed post nerf

People abused system, not banned like many others before.

Always happy to see some people more equal than others.

Seriously, I dont know which language we can speak to make you understand a simple fact, I ll try again:

-wow classic
-raid party

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The difference is about the definition of what a bug is. A bug is a technical fault which has unintended side effects. If I give you 50 gold, and then decide afterwards I only wanted to give you 5, then I screwed up. You did nothing wrong there.

If I drop my wallet and you see 50 gold drop, which you take, that’s bad. In the first scenario, I chose (stupidly) to give you alot of gold, which I then regretted and changed my mind. In the second scenario, I didn’t intend to give you 50 gold, but you got 50 gold all the same because I screwed up.

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Its not up to the players to know what is or isnt intendes by blizzard

You’re right, that’s upto Blizzard. They said it was a bug, and therefore they confirmed it was unintended.

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And since then no one has abused it as they fixed it

You keep your key under a mat on your porch. I use it to break into your house and burgle you. After that, you move the key somewhere else because it’s safer. I can’t burgle you again because you fixed the thing I could exploit. I still burgled you though, should I be held accountable for it?

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Yes because here you know you are breaking a pre established rule. The exp gains from 10 man dungeons were not considerd a bug before blizzard announced it was. Rules do not apply retro activly

The exp gains from 10 man dungeons were not considerd a bug before blizzard announced it was

Yes they were. We know this because Blizzard tell us constantly in tips and resources that exp gains while in a raid group are almost zero. If you then get into a raid group and get normal experience, then you know it’s a bug :slight_smile:

Go back in time to vanilla 14 years ago. You’d get virtually no experience from doing a dungeon in a raid group. It was different in Classic because of a technical fault unintentionally changing this, AKA a bug.


I wasnt aware that doing a dungeon as a 10 man was against the rules, guess i miss read the TOS