Didn’t Preach get nabbed for it? As well as a bunch of other streamers? Streamers aren’t safe from it either.
They probably didn’t roll out a ban because they don’t care enough about Classic and in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter (we don’t even have a decent economy up and running to ruin).
They fixed the bug, people can’t do it anymore, job done.

Yup that means blizz gave free reign to players to exploit and abuse system mechanisms…

And they can just say: "bruh you didnt ban xyz peole that time "

So yeah heard it people, lets ruin the game!

I agree - Blizzard can pretty much ban anyone for anything they feel like since their TOS is purposely vague. That doesn’t change the fact that the examples you gave are terrible instances of people getting banned because of mistakes Blizzard made and the players couldn’t have known of beforehand.

I think majority of peoples didnt even noticed something was not right.

Seriously, Do you really think people did not know? how dumb are some of you.

They knew, Hence why they were doing this all the time, Raid = less xp, always been that way. Common sense should tell you guys that if you bring more then 5 people to a 5man dung it should not give the same amount of XP as it is cleared alot faster.

This balance have been a thing always, more people = faster clear = less xp per player.

There is a simple solution to this, Ban people who did it alot, It can easy be tracked. A handful of guilds prob stood for 80% of it. Eventually roll back their characters by 20 levels.


Where is the ban for using CAPS!?!?

Being 60 faster affect server economy too, you have access to best resource spot and control of it sooner.

Why do you think everyone race to 60?

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