Which is your favorite expansion?

Rate your favorite expansion, and if you want give some reason why you liked or disliked it.

Legion. Easily. I guess it’s not a hard choice since it’s the one I joined in, but still. The class halls were incredibly fun, I actually enjoyed the followers and mission table, I utterly and completely adored the art style, from Val’Sharah, to Aszuna, to Suramar all the way to Argus. All the story was really interesting, the ghost elves of Aszuna, The Nightmare in Val’Sharah, the war in Highmountain and the trials of Stormheim, with the highlight of storytelling being Suramar, which is probably my favourite story in the entire game. I loved the classes, and the Demon Hunter was insanely fun.


For me it would be Mists of Pandaria, with TBC being a close second.

Mists had the best class design in my opinion. Yes, there were some issues especially when trying to onboard new players, but I loved the depth that classes had back then. It felt like there were always some ways you could improve and eke out that extra performance. I spent much time at the training dummies back then trying out new ways to play, and just when I thought I had it all figured out, someone on WoL/Warcraft Logs would find a way to play it better.

TBC is a close second mostly for nostalgic reasons. It was also the first time Blizzard started getting out of their comfort zone and deciding that all classes should be viable.


I started playing since MoP, so mine are Legion>MoP>WoD>BFA

From a Gameplay perspective, Legion. It’s the expansion that got me involved the most with its story, plus, Suramar quest line is my favorite in the whole game for now.

From a graphic perspective, Mists of Pandaria. It’s a hard choice being Suramar my favorite location in the game also on a graphical level, but Mists was overall very good looking in ALL of its parts. I remember spending several minutes looking at ceilings in dungeons and buildings, or painted floors, yadda yadda. It’s a jewel, really.


Legion. Many legendaries, pvp templates, thunder totem (knocking people from it was so fun), “pvp” quests at towers (had so much fun throwing horde from the towers by knockback), class halls, professions. And MOP was good also.

For me Legion. Such steady stream of content, there was hardly any drought. I liked all raids of Legion all dungeons (except seat, seat can burn in hell). Liked mage tower a lot, lvled all classes and did all 36 challenges. Met some great friends there. Some of my favourite transmogs come from Legion. I loved Artifact weapon system. It introduced WQs and M+ 2 of best features added since TBC. It contained so many beloved lore characters: Khadgar, Illidan, Velen, Gul’dan, Titans,Kil’Jaden, Xavius, Turalyon, Alleria. It introduced 2 of my favourite wow races of all time: Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves. I enjoyed Legendaries (not their acquisition but their effects). It introduced Demon Hunter. It was great expansion for Paladin(all 3 specs were good). And Suramar, oh, Suramar. Most beautiful zone Blizzard ever created.Overall no complaints.


For me it’s easily MoP.
It already started great when I jumped from the ship while the whole server was stuck in the intro scenario. It felt amazing being one of the first to see the new continent.

The raids had interesting themes and bosses, and PvP with the new talent systems (and therefore classes that got a new feel to them) was pretty fun.
The rep farming was a bit tiring with all the dailies, but rewards were worth it.
The farm and timeless isle where two great additions, but Blizzard sadly never managed to bring them back in a similar satisfying way.

Oh yeah, and MoP had some of the most fun abilities, like priest’s life swap, symbiosis, around 60m radius rain of fire pulling whole dungeons, warrior banners, and my absolute favourite: the enhancer healer!

5 maelstrom stacks made your casts instant and increased the healing done by a good amount. So your healing rain and chain heal were much stronger than those of resto shamans and you could build up 5 stacks before chain heal came off CD with glyph. All this while only taking a small lose of dps by not casting lighning bolt/chain lighning. Seriously the most inbalanced thing I’ve ever seen in WoW.


Wrath. Of all the xpacs I played that was the most fun.


Legion, from start to finish it was one of the most fun expansions I’ve ever played.
Lots of content every patch. The inclusion of my favorite class. Artifact acquisition and talent system aswell as their customization were all very refreshing. Alot of lore significant moments, like the return of Illidan/Xavius/Turalyon/Alleria. And the death of both faction leaders. Even Karazhan saw a return!

Even the raids and dungs were fun.



After that kinda meh :frowning:

I might end up being very unpopular here, but I really like BfA. Most of the dungeons are enjoyable, gearing alts is okay-ish (except essences, that part is awful), the zones were fun to level in, and the occasional world pvp is fine too. I don’t care about raiding anymore, nor rated pvp. The content I do (mythic+) is very much to my liking.

WotLK was my favourite wpvp-wise (Sons of Hodir lake was lovely, but I had the advantage of being a realm first-geared tank with pocket healers, and pvp is a lot more fun when you’re winning - I know, I’m cheap, don’t care). But in pretty much every other respect, I like BfA more.

I mean, we have Mechagon. With mechagnomes. That’s an instant #1 in my book.


I’d love to see this as a poll, I’ve always had the feeling like the overall top 3 was Legion > MOP slightly behind (not much) > Wrath but I’d like to see it in numbers if it’s effectively true

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MoP because it had the most smooth class design in the history of wow.

I’d take anything over BfA though, even Legion


I’m impressed to see so many liking legion.

Legion was very good, but a few points were keeping it from being extremely good, and those were ap no being account bound or at least character bound, so using more than one spec was painful for the majority of the expansion, especially at the start.

Second, leggos items were very cool and definitely added to gameplay, but the grind was just too much, and they shouldn’t have called them leggos, also i would have preferred and enchanting like system, not a gear system, you unlock enchants and you can put them on your gear, but they do not count as an enchant, this would have made leggos more than fine.

Third, too much pruning on abilities, you know blizzard it doesn’t hurt to bring back some flavor stuff even if you don’t use it 100 % of the time, and some of that stuff is really good, imagine if shammy had windfury totem, that would be so cool, really nice utility/dps cooldown for your party, which would make shaman more desirable, but that statement applies to all classes.

Fourth, no lvl 110 talents, they had the excuse then because leggos, artifacts etc… they don’t have this excuse anymore, and no new talents is still bad regardless.

Fifth, i don’t mind titanforging too much, BUT, give players the ability to upgrade their gear up to the max lvl of titanforging, because otherwise not getting a titanforge really just sucks.

Wrath of the Lich King.
I liked like everything about it, except the Trial of the Crusader. Be it story, dungeons, raids, areas, quests, npcs, music. Everything.

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I had more FUN in Wotlk.

Legion has a very interesting and involving story though, I guess that’s one of the main reasons why so many people like it (it surely is for me!)

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BfA because war mode wpvp.

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I played Vanilla, TBC, WoTLK and about 2 weeks on my own in Cata. Then I quit “for good”, skipped MoP & WoD and came back for Legion.

It may be controversial but my favourite by far in terms of gameplay experience was Legion. All of my original WoW friends were back playing together for the first time since TBC. We even met some new lifelong friends. We raided to HC level, to the end of Nighthold (when we started struggling for guild numbers) and had 6 solid months of fun.

There were the initial legendary annoyances and some class balance issues but overall I think the expansion was superb. It also looked great and had an incredible soundtrack. The purist in me prefers WoTLK but the later expansion quality of life improvements were the reason we could hold down full time jobs AND raid consistently. Maybe not to Mythic level (except a couple of early bosses) but going from Normal to HC was still challenging and rewarding progression.

BfA - well a few of us went back just to try to rekindle some of that Legion love but I soon tired of being stuck in the toxic M+ community so I unsubbed. I felt the affixes unfairly punished support classes so I decided to quit.

I re-subbed to play Classic and I’m currently waiting in a 2hr queue, obviously.