Which side is morally better?

I am doing that? There is in fact no lore… no dialouge… no quest. no context in the campaign that shows the vulpera actively knowing and taking this choice your assumption implies… as far as i remember… I am sorry. But it has been a while since I last did the Voldun campaign and I might be wrong.

And i am going to do the campaign again and have a second look. And omg i am so sorry my point about Alliance sometimes being capable of doing things not always morally right. Got taken this far and hit people this hard.

I am way over bed time now… I am so screwed for my doctors appointment tomorrow… :man_facepalming: I have to fall asleep asap. I am sorry ive caused such an argument.

And there is no fact… no dialogue… no quest to suggest that they didn’t know about the war. That is why I am saying that you are also filling in gaps.

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You should do the Alliance missions, so you will know why the alliance starts burning the Vulpera caravans (more than justified).

are you kidding?

The sunreaver are an organization whose leaders serve the interests of the horde.
How are they supposed to start an investigation to see who was involved? The entire organization was involved :man_facepalming:t2:

At first they send us to burn the caravans with the supplies, but letting the vulperas flee who don’t resist. That’s why I laugh when they say that we kill them “indiscriminately”

The only ones who kill indiscriminately have been the horde, such as in Brennadam, in Teldrassil, Theramore…

That’s why I find it funny that the op even questions which faction is morally better and says the horde is after starting 4 wars :joy:

It is not a difference of perspective but accountability.
You and other Vulpera refuse to accept accountability for picking a fight and losing.

Vulpera have most likely lost caravans long before the Alliance and Horde turned up on Voldun. Why not just accept that these are yet another lost caravans?
Had the Vulpera acted in neutrality then they would never have made themselves a target.

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:
Yes to clarify. Your and other Vulpera’s message is: No matter what Vulpera does the Vulpera are never at fault.
:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

You are very inconsistent. If the Vulpera knew but did it anyway then it is clear their intentions. If they did not know then for a people that supposedly survives in Voldun they are blissfully ignorant of the world around them.

The Vulpera inherit the same Bias of the Horde. Ignoring that even though the Alliance was in a full scale War against the Horde. The Alliance still demonstrated restraint - or controlled aggression. The Alliance War Machine COULD have steamrolled over and through the Vulpera. But the Alliance CHOSE to minimize Vulpera casualties. Despite the open and one sided hostility of the Vulpera.

But Vulpera and their apologists will still cry: But our caravans! our caravans!
As long as there are other Vulpera more caravans can always be built.

Horde players will try to brand the Alliance by their own Horde standards.
If the Horde won the 4th War the Horde will slaughter every last Alliance man woman and child. This is a stark difference between the Alliance and Horde.
For those that disagree. The long dead Derek Proudmoore was forced into Undeath by the Horde then tortured and made a slave of the Horde to be used as a biological weapon against the civilian population of Kul Tiras. After the Horde already genocided Night Elf people they would have continued their campaign of genocide…Was it not for the Alliance.

We also saw this when because of Garona HalfOrcen Stormwind fell. The Horde slaughtered all they could, Time and time and time again the “mercy” of the Horde is shown.

Yes. It is a coincidence that the Horde just keeps starting wars and conflicts.

Because a Caravan is a Vulpera’s life, family and home.
Losing a Caravan is like your entire city being blown up.

The equivalent would be us telling you to stop crying because Theramore got erased from the map, you have lost other cities.

We do not, we just don’t like to be treated as insignificant by a faction that openly attacked civilians that had nothing to do with the war in the first place.

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If we’re going back to the core question: horde still did way more things as the Alliance.


  1. Genocided the dranei (and on some cases r@pe them, the existence if Garona proof it
  2. Destruction of stormwind (first war)
  3. enslavment of the Red Dragonflight.
  4. killing innocent Dragon welps to enforce compliance (yes, they destroyed unhatched Eggs)
  5. Forced Alesxstrasza to breed Dragons (R@pe?)
  6. R@ping civilians there and in hillsbrand foothills.
  7. Ethics cleansing in hillsbrand by the Forsaken in classic.
  8. Horde attack an alliance divsiom from behind which attack one gate of ice crown (not wrathgate-the other one) which lead to unnecessary casualties and benefits the Lichtking and sabotaging the joit efforts to put Arthas down.
  9. Massacre a shipwreck alliance crew who stuck near Kalimdor, Garrosh order it-to the disgust of cairn (happen in the books “the shattering”)
  10. Unprovoked attack on Gilneas
  11. Attempted genocide of the Gilneans people
  12. Destruction of Gilneas
  13. Bombing of an (perhaps neutral) druid school.
  14. Forceful resurrect peasant and civilian to force them to fight for the horde (silverpine and andorhal), yea, so much for free will matters.
  15. Slaughtering innocent refugees in fenris Island (silverpine) and resurrect them
  16. Development and use of biological and chemical weapons.
  17. The establishment of an concentration camp in hillsbrand, where they experimental on humans.
  18. Destruction of southshore
  19. Killing blue dragons and Steal the focus iris
  20. Development of an weapon of mass destruction with the iris.
  21. Enslavement of elemental Giant’s in the destruction if Northwatch hold.
  22. Destruction of theramore
  23. Intercepting the refugees ships and take them hostage and mistreated the PoW, using them for target practice
  24. Destruction of the valley of eternal blossom
  25. Attempted enslavement if the stormheim valkyr
  26. Attack of an Gnome camp in silithus by Goblin (happening in the book “bevor the storm”)
  27. Burning of teldrasil and genocided on the night elves.
  28. Using the blight, eveen against own troops
  29. Bombing of Brennadam
  30. Forced resurrecting of Derek proudmore and intended use of an biological weapon.
  31. Multiple cases of Slavery and forced labour.

On alliance side:

  1. Garrithos who tried to execute the blood elves
  2. Camp taujaro (confirmed as legitimate military Target by Bain)
  3. Attacking the Goblin slave ship
  4. Shooting orcs at the shore of jade forests (partially justifiable as admiral roger stated they coud and would kill you with bare arms, Orcs don’t necessary need a weapon, they coud snap your neck with their muscles easily.)
  5. Attacking the vulpera caravans

So, even if you count thins like taujaro and the caravans on alliance side,which were highly debatable, the horde as clearly a much, much longer list while the alliance is very short.

You can screen it or link it every time whem horde player try to blame the alliance with crimes


Forgot the part where they killed a ton of alliance forces at wrathgate and a good handful of forsaken actually went ahead and joined the legion through varimathras:P

Yeah but cAmP tAuRaJo

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camp taurajo


Never gets old.

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Ok, here must be fair this is something you cant blame the horde for.
Yes they Development it but it was putress and Varimathras who betrayed them and use it again scourge, Alliance and horde.

Adding also to the list; destruction of Southshore.
Intercepting the refugee ships from theramore and take them hostage and mistreat the PoW and using them for target practice.
Using the blight, evenn against own troops

Feels like your all just doing exactly what my point was against this entire time… No ones saying the Horde aren’t the baddies and are the good guys here… But the sins of the horde. Does not justify the sins of the alliance the few times they actually do bad stuff.

Few times as that may be. I honestly feel its incredibly unfair of Blizzard to write the lore so unfairly one sided such as this by Blizzard. And then call everything a morally gray area later by blizzard. :sweat_smile: The lore is written by somebody the way it has been.

And its really unfair to the horde fanbase too always be used as a villain lore plot this way. It’s incredibly one sided

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But you are yet to prove that the burning of the caravans is actually a “sin”.

True. I still haven’t gotten around to leveling trough the Vol’dun campaign again. Hang in there. I will get back too you about this one.

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Funny thing about that though is that the guy in charge of the hit of camp Taurajo actually wanted to just capture it. It was his men that sacked the place and we had to go and either kill capture (I don’t really remember which one was it) the rogue soldiers and bring them to justice. After that the captain still felt bad about what happened at Taurajo that he tried to make amends for what had happened… only to be killed by Horde dogs on his way there…

How is “which faction morally better” still a debate again?


We have a dialogue option in which we confront them and then its random if they surrender to us immediately or still attack us, that we have to kill them.

Stop this circleadmiring, blizzard always deisgn quests so that you seem to be morally right from your perspective, y’all look super childish

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We shall never grow up! Go away Dral!

This is super serious lore business!