Which side is morally better?

This is true.

Essentially the Alliance and Horde are both good.
But Bliz writes in these massive moments to drive a narrative and they don’t always make sense.
Why did Sylvanas go burn the Tree? because it looked cool and they tried to retcon it to be a master plan of the Jailer (making Sylvanas look stupid).

It’s a plot driven story rather than a character driven story. Characters do things for plot reasons whether or not it fits their character.

It used to be Jaina was the sensible character and she spoke out against Arthas culling Stratholme.
But now she’s just a vengence harpy.

Don’t forget orcs destroyed their homeworld.

It’s true: blood elves. And you’re missing so much about it.

You have to put some more alliance bad acts, like slavery of orcs once the war ended.

Slavery of orcs as opposed to complete extermination…

It wasn’t slavery, they were prisoners of war, and they shall be happy they just put into the camps, the alternative was extermination which was a highly possible since kul tiras and Gilneas push for it.
Especially the orc came as invaders, wage war, murder, pillaging and r@ping.

Even horde hardcore can’t deny that was the humand did after all was pretty human and the orcs have no right to complain about it.

Do you even hear how effed yo you sound?<.< And yeah they where slaves… they had literal slave pins in Durnehold.

Can you all stop being insane and come back to your senses? Like we all agree the Horde did evil things…

But the crap you guys are saying… come on.

Ok how would you deal with aliens that destroyed their world and came to your world to A)Exterminate you and be B) take over your lands. Build them houses? Let them carry on killing and… well you know that other very bad thing?

Also keep in mind that they would have probably destroyed Azeroth as well if they continued. The only reason they got pacified was thanks to those summer camps. I mean yeah it sounds really messed up but thats what the lore says.

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There are literally real world pararels to this happening right now?.. Like I don’t wanna pull this card…

But if hamas where the horde? And israel the Alliance? Do you really think IDF is justified in murdering over 30.000 more civilians in their response to their 7th of october terrorist attack?..

They have murdered more civilians than the russians combined in the ukraine war…

Like come to your senses guys this is not healthy… We’re talking about a written fantasy lore world here. Not the irl world.

But surely you can all see that not every thing the Alliance?/west/nato is always good and justified.

Oh god I will regret this. :man_facepalming:

Idk about this comparison considering that the horde literally burned multiple human kingdoms off the face of the planet. More like if horde were the mongols or something.

Its a rule of cool driven story, literally.
Keeping my fingers crossed that worldsoul saga is thought out from start to finish and we’ll have consistency for atleast 3 expacs in a row

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Well… Considering what ive been told what legitimate military targets falls under… this entire thread…

I could pull all these arguments off and apply the same rules to all of the heinous atrocities the horde committed to the alliance too…

And legitimate them as justified.

Just snap out of it guys… I am sorry I had too pull this heinous card.

No there really aren’t.

I mean can you “real world” the getting high on a drug that 1st turns you into a murderous psychopath and corrupts the entire planet.

I give up… You guys win… :man_facepalming: You cannot be reasoned with… And you will forever think I am the one in the entire wrong.

Or you know you can attempt to justify the whole “blood of demons that literally turns you evil and corrupts the planet”. And that is in the text not like the Vulpera’s schrodinger knowledge of the war.

Yes it was obviously portrayed evil in the story, what’s the drift


If i overcome this I could literally become the next UN general… Loas.

I feel like both of these stances and question are one and the same so il try answering them as best as I can…

But you really aint giving the Orcs and the Nightborne enough credit here…

When faced against a cosmic super power that literally threatens you to join them or die? What do you do?

Do you stand and fight and just perish? Or do you tag along and stay so you can fight another day? Thats what both of these races did faced with the overwhelming power of the legion as they both did at the time…

Like I dont understand what you expected the Orcs and the nightborne to do against the legion? How could they hope to defeat them alone?

1st of the orcs didn’t get threatened. Kil’jaden pretended to be the ghost of Ner’zhuls wife and told him to make the Draenei extinct, the rest of the orcs were like yolo. Without that the help of the orcs the Legion had no way of getting to Draenor, it was thanks to the orcs that started opening portals and even then it was a real struggle to get only Mannoroth trhough, so idk where you are getting that “they were threatened”.

2ndly lets humor the notion that they had absolutely no choice. Ok they still were bloodthursty, still wanted to take over Azeroth and still would have destroyed it thanks to the fel. They got defeated, how would you stop them from continuing?

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