Which side is morally better?

Nha no way… there was a deal wasn’t there? Come on… I know blizzard is one sided. But there is no way the orcs where just ‘‘that stupid’’ and allowed this too happen just like that.

There must have been some negotiations and talking being done. To convince the Orcs to take on Demon blood.

Like there is no way the Horde where written just that stupid.

Read Rise of the Horde. They were 1st stupid and then power hungry. The deal was “drink this and you will get more powerfull”. Kil’jaden literally chose them because he couldn’t get to the Draenei survivors.

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my god.

I can link more things that HIGHLIGHTS MANY TIMES that there wasn’t any YOLO LET’S DESTROY DRAENOR orcs, and those who drank mannoroth’s blood with pact binding them were beyond any redemption, almost a mind control, orcs under thrall’s rule could resist demons because pact grew weaker over time, and still grommash didn’t have a will to resist mannoroth when he appeared again.

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i was legit getting worried there for a second… Like it couldn’t have been that bad and simple :sweat_smile:

Yes again. From what you linked TLDR Orcs got tricked by the Legion, they were not thretened by the Legion they got tricked.

True, there were those who still tried to follow traditions and mistrust new teachings (they were subjects for assasinations lmao), but from perspective of majority they were starving and dying (also because shadow council made sure that opposition will be minimal through assasinations and manipulations), and gul’dan offered a way off extinction - give orcs power and new land that they need to conquer.
Of course it was all schemes of demons, and point of no return was drinking mannoroth’s blood

Bombed Theramore and Teldrassil

And the majority of the Horde vocally opposed both events, canonically.

Then they recruited race stereotype x2

Ah yes, taking in the ostracised and the rejected. Deplorable.

Jaina would have completely obliterated Orgrimmar, which was at the time full of refugees, if it wasn’t for Thrall, a Horde commander, talking her down and using reason, not violence.

The Alliance have used generational racism to justify almost every action they’ve taken in the past decade.

They also rejected their own people because they had the audacity to be murdered - because Different Bad

Neither side is the good guys. Although objectively, at least the Horde are honest about it.

Alliance are the Nice Guys that kick your door in when you say no.

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Thank the forum gods Amon and Dral are sane people. Loas…

I delete my real world bs pararel now…

Oh I never questioned there weren’t any good orcs, but they were too few. I think the only good ones portrayed in the book were the Frostwolf clan and Doomhammer (they really did him dirty in the movie).

That was after they angered the elements with their war though. I mean obviously they would take Gul’dans deal after the point of no return. But also suring the whole blooddrinking thing, the promise was that the demon blood would give them enough power to destroy their enemies, Grom was the first to sign up, and the Frostwolves and Doomhammer were the only ones that were sus about the whole thing in general.

Whos Amon?

Uhm …you? It was short for Amonet. Your -the- Amon

But Amon is a different god XD.

Okey damn <.< I’ll refer to you by the full name Amonet then. No misshaps or confusion

No shortenings

Quick egyptology lesson if you are interested.

Amon (Amun) was the god of wind in ancient egypt. He later got merged with Ra and became Amun-Ra.

Amonet (Amunet) was the goddess of ehm… secterts and invisibility to put it shortly.

The more you know - GI Josse.

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the horde we know of started only 1 war (if we talking about 1, 2, 3th and 4th war). Maybe we can also count mop, where as soon Garrosh learned that alliance found new land, he decided “Le’ts paint these new lands red”

And this is the problem, that alliance never wanted to be honest about their actions, almost always it ends up being “we did it just because we think it was right, and don’t even try to convince us differently”. In my opinion this is worse than doing bad things and being honest about it.
It is like the criminal has 2 choices standing before police officer: 1) tell the truth and acknowledge his actions, I don’t know exact term for this sorry; 2) trying to not tell anything worthy and going circles in his arguments

Yes orcs didnt figure out instantly that elemental turnmoil was orchestrated by demons from outer space, (they weren’t angered by war, they were literally enslaved by gul’dan’s magic, I linked text where its stated in plain English) clear case of skill issue, if only durotan bought copy of chronicles vol 1 from eBay, disaster could’ve been averted…

Its almost like not every orc clan suffered from elements going wild as much as others, some leaders were more sane and wise than others too, some were more desperate


Pretty sure that is considered “admitting fault”.

The Siege of Zandalaar ended up with Anduin telling us how bad we did and that we should be better people. Even Jaina showed regret after that.

Speaking of Jaina… She nad Arthas had pretty big portion of the book RotLK where both express complete disgust of the orc summer camps.

Varian chewed Jaina out for what she did in Dalaran.

The only thing on the list of “Alliance bad things” is the Vulpera caracans which is still being debated on in this thread.

It does not change the facts. Vulpera have lost Caravans before. Caravans can be rebuilt.
Theramore is a lesson. Understanding the nature of the Horde.
Jaina Proudmoore sold her father and other Kul Tirans to the Horde thinking that it will obtain peace. What she got for the blood and lives of her father and Kul Tirans is that the Horde blew up Theramoore with a mana bomb.

Jaina Proudmoore and Theramoore are a cautionary tale. Nothing more.

The Alliance does not attack civilians. That is the Horde.
Vulpera might not have a standing army but they do have somewhat of a militia. Probably.

Okay even for a Horde member you are just crazy.
Leave the real world stuff outside of the World of Warcraft.
But no doubt Blizzard moderators will turn a blind eye to posts like yours. Pro Hamas sentiments as yours is telling as they are a force that is clearly anti-semitic and stated since 1987 charter their goal is to delete all Jews everywhere.

You never even responded to the point you are quoting. The Horde were hellbent on conquest. They sacrificed the lives and souls of Draenai children to flee the world that they themselves destroyed. Savagery and butchery is what the denizens of the Azeroth suffered until the Alliance was forged and put a stop to the Horde onslaught.

The Horde done worse than that. Defenceless humans were used as fuel for the fel. Vulpera membership into the Horde is a PR stunt to try and mask its savagery. Now the Horde just force their own people and others into Undeath. Just like the Scourge before them.

Choices do matter. Some want to ignore that the Horde chose the demon blood. TWICE. Then try to shirk responsibility that it was just the demonblood. It only unlocked what was already there. Evidence is Lords of War part three Durotan. They are always suppressing the monster within them.

How so? Even the Frostwolves were affected by it, which were by far the most virtuous of them all regarding that period. Hell it was Drek’thar who brough up “the elements are angry at us”.

Ive responded too it several times over… and we are both just hitting our heads against a wall. I cannot be bothered to repeat my replies to you and hear the same replies you’ve given me. Over and over and over again… Youve said nothing new. Neither have I… We both stand at the same stand point as we did back then. Your just saying the same thing. Giving me the same package in a different wrapping. And I am bored of playing your game…

Others in this thread have carried this conversation forward past what we did and are moving forwards. Lets see what they have to say shall we?

I for one have spent everything I can possibly say at this point. And everything you say too me reads the same as you have said to me before as well.

I am not here to forum PVP too the heath death of the universe.