No you attempted to derail the thread with your Israel and Hamas talks.
Whatever your real world politics might be you should keep that to yourself. World of Warcraft forums are not where to discuss it.
Disliking the lore and how events played out is one thing.
But you can not retcon it away.
It is not about you I think but what you are doing.
So now you play the martyr for possibly violating Terms of Service?
It was a wrong comparison and seems like you just wanted to virtue signal a possible Pro Hamas and anti-Israel stance.
Keep the talks of wars and such in game. The World of Warcraft.
This should not be an outlet for real world politics of real world wars. This will very quickly devolve into a flame war.
Where exactly is the real world equivalent of “demon blood that makes you want to murder and also literally destroys the world” ?
You cannot compare the Orcs from RotH, 1st war and 2nd war to anything in the real world. We simply do not have a comparison for that sort of evil. Yes they were under an influence, but still. How do you really stop that, in a humane way?
Alright, after assembling the pieces of actual lore and story about warcrimes with the help of the comprehensive list made by Kurst
Also I would put here Jaina’s actions in MoP;
and if actually the alliance acknowledged their bad actions as it was listed by Amonet
Then we might have come to the point of more clarity. It seems to be that compared to the horde deeds, the alliance had fewer points where they were acting bad (if follow the actual events in the game and lore). And also it seems to be that only crimes the alliance did not acknowledged are probably about vulpera caravans and Garithos situation is kinda murky waters, but it would be better if alliance actually called off for that after wow vanilla events started, something like the king decided to do redemption act towards the high/blood elves for the Garithos’s actions, like sending help to rebuild their city and just trying to show that something Garithos did would never happen again.
After all, seems to be that I was also misunderstanding some facts and lore points, I did not watch all the cinematics and did not know some parts of the story.
So if anything, the alliance could still be called for extermination of vulpera caravans and maybe they should have been putting Jaina on trial for both actions in MoP Dalaran and bfa. But if we talking about bfa, it was kinda wonky, as I remember everything started from Sylvannas burning Teldrassil, then Alliance started Siege of Undercity, then Sylvannas decided to sack the place with blight so the alliance forces could not claim the city. After that, Talanji escaped prison and Jaina was thinking, we need to make Zandalar pay for it, because I dunno, she was just crazy. Although Zandalari were at odds with alliance since vanilla maybe, but there were no open wars as I remember, and Talanji escape would not be really bad, bad on you if you could not capture her early before she left the stormwind.
This, don’t bring irl tragedies here, unless you want a ban hammer casted on you
Your selectively choosing where I drew my pararel. And I am rather dissapointed that you choose to do so… But here you go…
The pararel i drew from was how the war between the horde and the alliance has had the Horde doing allot of evil towards the Alliance.
But that does not excuse the Alliance commiting warcrimes agains Horde races in return as legitimate. And I thought you already got that given previous replies…
Moltensage joins in and suddenly you jump in all of a sudden like you never got my context or what I was saying all along.
Not every clan had ogres attacking them because of the disasters and floods. Frostwolfs were also one of the most bound by tradition and spiritualistic of clans, again, it’s not like orcs were entirely innocent, they were savage primitives shaped by harsh and unforgiving world (to put it mildly, draenor sometimes reaches katachan levels of flora and fauna cruelty lmao), they weren’t pacifist in heart for sure, but being savage and primitive doesn’t equals being evil, we clearly seen that orcs are capable of doing good, and that their traditions pre demons weren’t based around conquering or muder, but being of in-tune with world around them
The Orcs were just the weapon Kiljhadden used to murder the Draenai with.
Since they would flee whenever the Legion found them, dooming the world they left behind. Once the job was done the Legion did not care of the fate of the Orcs.
To correct Kurst.
Garithos was a part of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Similar to High Exarch Yrel it is a completely seperate force to the Grand Alliance.
Camp Taurajo was a military target acknowledge by Horde leadership. Whose civilian populations was set free. What became of their fate is not the concern of the Alliance. Overzealous Alliance forces were executed.
The Sha do more than influence but they can literally posses their host. Not just feed on their emotions. Taran Zhu the Lord of the Shado Pan was possessed by the Sha of Hatred I believe and had to be freed of its influence.
So these surrendering Orcs were victims of the Sha.
Vulpera Caravans was supplying the Horde war machine. The Vulpera themselves were never the target.
Jaina Proudmoore was not a part of the Alliance until Battle for Azeroth. Just like Talanji and the Zandalari Trolls was not a part of the Horde until Battle for Azeroth. Meaning that any and all actions of these people have absolutely nothing to do with the Alliance or Horde.
Extermination is not the same as restraint. Vulpera casualties was minimized.
There is a theory that Blizzard moderators selectively enforce their Terms of Service. Two-tiered moderation.
Ok 1st point Vulpera caravans, we are still debating if they knew about the war or not. Even so It can go both ways if it’s warcrime or not depending on the situation that led to the burnings for which there is no lore.
2nd point about Garrithos. Why would the Alliance answer for him? Garrithos was 1st not part of the Alliance when he did what he did because there was no Alliance and 2nd why would the Alliance of Stormwind owe elves reparations for something Lordaeron did. We no longer have Lordaeron in our faction, you guys have it.
Yeah the key difference here was that A) Jus before the war of Thorns the Alliance tried to make piece with the Forsaken by reuniting the living with their undead relatives and Sylvanas just went nutso and started killing everyone (including her undead) and B) We went to Undercity for Sylvanas, not to destroy the damned place or kill the Forsaken, evryone just wanted Sylvanas to answer for TWoT.
Ahm nope, the Zandalaari were preparing their fleet to join the Horde in their war against the Alliance, hence the bombing of the fleet, secondly the Horde stole some really important artefact from KT and we managed to take it back, and 3rdly the Zandalaari were housing the Horde.
What warcrimes were committed against the Horde? Also we were talking about the summer camps were you said that it was immoral and wrong, then I asked how you would have dealth with the orcs then and you brought up IRL. Then I pointed out that you cannot compare the orc situation to IRL.
I never did get your context. You never did answer what you would have done with the orcs or what IRL corelation we have to “evil demon blood” to justify a comparison.
My goooooooood. I can’t anymore repeat the same Over and over again with you people. Just scroll up and read me and moltensage’s exhange… Like we have -ALL- been here and done this. over and over again.
But I never said they were evil pre-demon blood. I said that they didn’t leave much options to be dealth with after the demon blood. It was thanks to the summer camps that they finally got pacified and gave way for Thralls age of orcs.