Which side is morally better?

i was literally still in here watching you writing a giga reply too me -.-

the war since cata and then tne 4. war.

oh yes…we saw the big mobs of horde, espacely of tauren and druid who opdes the action by their warchief…NOT

The germans and therir Me.th, in form of pervetin…or commenly known as Panzerschokolade (yes…the germans invented Methamphetamine)

and we explaiend like…4,5 times, she wanst during that time part of the alliance, so not an alliance crime…

i must intervene and say, we dont know exactly, even rell was digusted by the order…poizt outs thery are unarmed but still obey the order and the soilders open fire.
It was moraly debateable, tehy were unarmd…but like mentioend above and noted by rogers, the dont need wepons to kill, so…its the trolley dillamer

Do you ever feel like… We kinda deserved to get banned? Like we are taking this game way too seriously? And we are incredibly childish like Dral said?’

I honestly do xD like omg… We need professional help.

I dont think we getting banned that fast…
for erevien it takes 4 Years in the german forum for this kind of dicusion.
And even tehy took the time for this racial…were fine

How so? It’s forum for the game and it’s story. I come here specifically to talk to people seriously about it and yes that includes heated debates, that is why I am here.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t have more important things IRL or don’t have other things that I care about, but what is the point of discussing those here on a gaming forum for a very specific game.

I mean… the both of us… we are all here treating the lore and the game… Like they where real life events and actions done by real people…

Too be held up to real world standards… me included.

Like its just a fantasy game… the lore isnt real… its written by somebody… And yet we are all here discussing it like they where real events.

Horde want to blame Alliance for everything. Horde will blame the Alliance for High Exarch Yrel if they could.

Collaborating with a hostile power in a time of war is enough to shift from a neutral state. But Zandalari also had to answer for their aggression.
The strange thing is accepting that the Alliance actions are justified.
With the Zandalari fleet the Horde could have heavily damaged the Alliance. The Alliance had to take that option from the table. The Zandalari civil war weakened them more than the fall of Rhastakhan.

Some are playing coy and refuses to accept in game events.
Demonblood is a choice and excuse. But Lords of War part 3 Durotan. Helps to reveal that the Demon blood only revealed what was already there. Wearing the fur of the Frost Wolf he slain as a constant reminder shows that they are by their nature a savage people.

But demon blood excuses everything the Horde done. Horde atrocities once scrutinised Justifies not just the existence of the Alliance but the measures the Alliance might have to take.

Taran Zhu immediately challenged the Alliance. That the emotions and such we bring to Pandaria the very land itself responds to us. The peaceful serenity Pandarens kept it in check but the raw emotions the Alliance and Horde brought broke them free or woke them up.

Just staph… Omg… the lore is the lore… the story is the story… it was written the way it was… and none of us can help it or influence it.

We’re all taking it way too seriously.

I am trying to apply IRL logic to in game events or the lack of, because Blizzard is incompetent in their story telling (especially Denusers work). This is how I approach any story.

We’re all given the lore and the story and context of it that we are given… Lets stop fighting about it… Omg how retarded are we? We are being spoon fed a story here and we are fighting about the morals and what not about it like morons.

Its like a bunch of kids arguing about daddys bedtime story. Lets stop this. And be happy with what we’ve got.

I am sorry for my part in furthering this fight. But I realize this arguement with you all is so stupid… the lore is written and decided by sombody else. The events happening in them are not real or done by real people.

I mean you are free to leave this discussion if you are no longer interested.

For me, I really love being right and I 10000% know that I am right that the Horde are the morally bankrupt faction.

That being written by someone intentionally and you all not being that at all… as clearly seen by your replies together in this thread alone.

I hope you feel real good about your self :sweat_smile:

What do you mean?

-.- I kinda wrote it in my reply but… That the lore is already being written by someone. In the way that is has been. And is being is intentionall. And you thinking you are right even 1% out of the time because blizzard wrote the lore in your favor and against the Horde 99%

That being said… I still think that the times the Alliance commited evil and where the bad guys. they did.

Yes so what? if It wasn’t written that way I wouldn’t be claiming the things I am.

Is there something I am missing or ?

neither factions are good or evil.
there just data that are forced to portray a “story” and both sides are victims of the mercy of the story writers.

applying moral standards to them is applying our worlds belief to a fictional story were natural effect are absent.
by all the actions horde and allience did by now they would have been in many splinter factions. as with real standard morality doesnt have to bound with race and atm all races are bound to their faction. you dont have for example a choice if your a orc and dont agree with everything the horde does for example you can join the allience as a orc.

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Well you already told me you wanna head cannon blizz lore they didn’t make to fill in the gaps so…

Which I pointed out that you are doing as well. Again no where is it written that the Vulpera didn’t know about the war (which is absolutely illogical), you assumed that they are oblivious because it wasn’t specifically written that they were clued in, that is filling in gaps with head cannon.

The Horde & Alliance has done more damaged then a legion of Demons.

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I am literally going by what blizzard lore has been added and given… You on the other hand are filling in the gaps by what they have not…

we are not the same bro…