Yes it was… and your response was that at least the orcs where tricked into a deal with the legion.
Soooo you didn’t know how those events took place and you fabricated events that suited your narrative, is that a correct assumption of the events that took place?
In world of warcraft the horde started the war in cataclysm-mop, and then in BFA.
Before WoW, they started 1° and 2° war.
4 wars between the horde and the alliance, alway started by the same faction.
BuT mUh CaRaVaNs…
No it aint xD I stuck to the lore the game gave me… And the narrative and context that it did… Unlike you? I never filled in the blanks with wishfull thinking and what I wanted too be the truth.
But… but Taurajo!!!
Old news.
leave it too the alliance too fill in the blanks with what they want too be the truth and call it the lore later…
I mean it’s okay to discuss lore, but taurajo camp and vulpera caravans can’t literally have any concrete conculsion, because they are written this way, there is no answer who’s wrong because even blizzard doesn’t have it in mind, all warcrimes from both sides are baits for forum wars
Oh ok then. Can you please point me in the direction where the orcs were threatened by the Legion and given the choice of serve or die?
Sure I can… And omg do i really have to do this guys? Please? xD this dudu
Like do I really have to tell you the lore about how the legion corrupted the orcs and approached Draenor? Do I really?
technically you can say there were no choice, i mean they would’ve been slaughtered either way no matter the outcome
Amonet asks precisely for a plotpoint where orcs were given some choice, there wasn’t really as far as i remember
Orgrimm Doomhammer, an uncorrupted orc, took control of the horde at the end of the first war and eliminated the shadow council. Even so he decided to end the first war invading Stormwind and start the second.
Wish wow had a /wiki function like guild wars 2 has… omg… I really have too tell these guys all this lore now just to win some forum arguement.
because he was stuck between anvil and hammer and didn’t think of even a possibility of finding peaceful way like thrall did, he knew that humans won’t grand his horde any mercy and he can’t return to draenor because it was destroyed.
But let’s ignore such nuances and force narrative that you personally like, sure
And here is where you are wrong my friend. Camp Taurajo is explained if you play both factions. The Horde get the Alliance side killed Taurajo, meanwhile on the Alliance side you get the full story. That it was planned to be overtaken and the civilians evacuated but the soldiers that went on that mission just pillaged and looted despite the orders given by their captain and we as Alliance had to go there and kill and/or arrest said soldiers.
Can’t have a conclusion because it’s a world quest and we have no context of what led to the said burnings. Did the Vulpera provoke or did the Alliance just go “yolo I’m in a mood for fried rat”.
Also that is besides the point. The argument I am having is did the Vulpera know that Alliance and Horde are at war.
Clear. and instead of trying diplomacy (which they didn’t even try) they decided to finish the work started by Guldan and also attack races that had not been involved in the first war, such as dwarves and gnomes.
you are clinging to burning nails
I mean you are the one claiming that the orcs were threatened… I am just asking if you can point me to where it said to be so.
One thing you can know for sure… is that that the campaign both alliance and horde alike… happen before the world quest… You take from that what you will. As you always do to make your self feel morally good.