Which side is morally better?

when i said this? i remember only saying that draenei are at fault for sucesses of legion as much as other enslaved by legion races if not more, because eredar generals were the most succesful out of all demons. and i remember how you were malding over this

That… wasn’t a claim? Thats literally what happen? What are you trying to say?

The Draenei are not to blame for a dark Naaru destroying their ship and crashing on Draenor.

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“orcs are not to blame for becoming target of legion and becoming it’s slaves”
uuurrr tuuurn
With this kind of conversation we can came to conclusion that you can’t brand everything evil or good, there are grey areas too

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its like these rules they apply only apply to the horde xD but when the Alliance does them. they are blissfully ignorant.

And once again, many of their worst crimes were committed once they freed themselves from the yoke of the legion/Guldan.

Idk outland isn’t as small of a place. Also keep in mind that Draenor at the time was still not Outland it was dying but it was still inhabitable, it was after the 2nd war when Ner’zul tried to open more portals to try and conquer other lands that all turned into flying islands.

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But it wasn’t what happened, there is literally a book detailing how the orcs got tricked into serving the Legion, they didn’t get thretaened by them and they didn’t choose to fight another day.

They were comitting many good things too, so? I mean most of their crimes is legion’s legacy that they slowly getting freed from, garrosh were victim of legion in a sense too.

Most of the outland is barren land, the only somewhat livable place was nagrand

If i would’ve been leader i wouldn’t consider dying land as good condition to live, nevermind that orgrimm didn’t had complex of atoning for sins like thrall had, the reason why horde settled in durotar was due to thrall feeling that barren land is what horde deserves

And your making a huge point wether they where being threatened or tricked?

Like after all the arguements with me? This is a point that matters in our arguements? Why?

Terrokar seemed fine, so was Zangarmash if we are talking Outland. If we are talking corrupted Draenor there might still have been more places before half the planet got sucked into the Twisting Nether.

He refuses to discuss. Hes deluded himself into thinking were still guldans horde from 50 years ago.

It didn’t cost them much to start a new war in BFA, even if the leader was not an orc.

In any case, if we argue about who has better morals, with all the above it is more than clear that the horde is not the correct choice, no matter how much you want to justify all their actions.

I’ve completely given up on moltensage ages ago… But Amon is not that lost by far.

i don’t consider bfa as good place to discuss motivation or any lore, it doesn’t make sense from start to finish. I literally don’t know how to do it, and knowing that half of the plotpoints were due to afrasiabi having conflict with writing team i don’t know how to immerse myself into discussion. it’s just a bullcrap
Also technically war was arranged by forsaken

Because Sylvanas’ horde was much better… xD

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Absolutely, because I agree context matters, and this is context. Also you are the one claiming


Absolutely no where was it written, said or shown that the orcs got threatened by the Legion. Which means that you made it up, or to put it more politely “you filled in the gaps with your head cannon”. This is literally what you are accusing me of doing and pretending you are not doing. Got it now?

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the more you guys keep replying and denying literally any possible wrong doing of the Alliance… Not gonna lie… I am kinda starting to understand Erevien… Like I just wanna disagree with you just because now.

Is that why you make up context where blizzard made none? Is that how much you believe in it?

Absolutely it was. And I wont even bother to fill in the blanks for you this time… Just trust me bro there was. cause I said so.

For now, it’s canon lore. I also don’t like the development of the faction war they did.