Which side is morally better?

i can say that bfa there were some events but i can’t say why they were in the first place, how can i even explain why both factions did what they did if it doesn’t even make sense.
Too much doylist answers, almost no watsonian ones.
Its like, blizzard can release once upon a time a video where anduin in pure German does a Hitler speech addressed to gnomes, it won’t make sense but anduin is evil now, lol.

I already addressed that

Garrosh did nothing wrong :imp: Should do the same to stormwind >:)

Holy crap I get it now xD

teldrassil was a legitimate target of war!


Buy it or sail the high seas I don’t care, but read it. Unlike you I can actually prove my facts with lore. I am still waiting for the “Vulpera didn’t know about the war” part of the quest text.

Erevien for all the times i said i would put you in a straight jacket xD I apologize. I get it now.

I could mention things that humans have done, such as colonizing Drust lands, but if we talk about the morale between both factions, it is undeniable that the alliance has better morale, this being one of the reasons why, for example, they did not kill the interned orcs. .

I could as well… and i could as well mention of two faced doubled moraled we are… For own interest…

Truth be told I don’t think there are any -real- good guys in this story… and we are all just tagging along for the ride.

The problem is that many of the questionable things you mention were committed during wars started by the horde, where they committed atrocious crimes against the alliance. xD

I see a clear double standard.

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yes… that was exactly what i was talking about… horde and alliance.

The fact is that the purpose of the thread is to debate who has better morals. And the op has provided totally biased data.

Hence the result of this entire debate.

The goal is to expose why the Op is wrong.

The neutral side is morally better. Such as murlocs which you kill for XP.

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Yes but burning it down was wrong. Alsowe werent at war at the time. It was needless aggression by sylvanas to fuel the jailer

I just read this and I must respond:

Theramore was not in horde territory, it was founded by survivors of Lordaeron and it did had a civilian population, it was not a military base.

the city was built at the same time as Orgrimmar.

With increased military presence when it was attacked

Normal, it was under siege.

You would.

It was one mage

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I fell asleep for a couple of hours and its almost like the whole EU forums fell asleep with me. Almost no new posts across the board<.<

A lot of horde forces also died at the wrath gate due to putress betrayal