So if talking about purge of dalaran, what would be better options to handle the act of treason by sunreavers and also secure passages to alliance cities, so no more sunreaver could go into said darnassus or ironforge and do something bad there? Maybe Jaina could ask Aethas kindly without violence about the actors names and then hunt these down and send these agents to prison
Yeah like I said the lore is written overwhelmingly in the Alliance favor… But my entire point this entire thread was that just -sometimes- The alliance do bad stuff too. Thats literally all am saying.
That just because the horde is evil. Doesn’t make it alright for the Alliance to answer with evil in return. And proclaim them selves the saints afterwards…
I think thats what the OP of this thread is all about and asking this entire time.
I could go into all the reasoning as too why both garrosh and jaina both saw their reasoning behind doing what they did. And I could call them justified.
But if I did I would be calling them both justified acts of war as you Alliance do. And I am not about to do that…
Cause I don’t believe a war was even called for in the first place.
Aethas knew what was going to happen and chose to remain silent. Literally “My faction will be stealing a nuclear weapon to annihilate you all and I will just stay quiet about it”. Why would anyone trust that guy?
Show me this So Aethas was just lying straight up Jainas face when she confronted him then?
Its literally in wow wiki I copy pasted a few posts above.
Are you using the right wowwiki though?
Or the one from Wish?,from%20the%20city%20of%20Dalaran.
PS Dude wtf the same exact thing is written in link you posted. I mean cmon.
Also do I really need to go and do the quests again only to have to screen shot the dialogue boxes?
No you don’t but your narrative of Aethas being aware conflicts directly with your intention to paint him as complicit. When the following text afterwards writes…
‘‘the Horde’s voice in the Kirin Tor, was tested as the Horde began attacking the Alliance and the war increased in ferocity, a conflict in which his brethren in Silvermoon were a part of.[8] Aethas began to push for Silvermoon and the blood elves’ withdrawal from the Horde,’’
So yeah you say he was aware but you write it as if he was complicit and an active supporter and a part of it…
According too the pedia it self he clearly wasn’t.
Your painting a picture that just didn’t happen.
You guys are trying to paint the Sunreavers as all a active part of what happen. When Blizzard went out of their way to show you lore about the culprits who did it.
So if he wasn’t compliant, why didn’t he warn Jaina before the theft happened?
He was compliant why did he try to draw the Blood elves out of the horde all the same?
You know what would have helped doing that? Warning Jaina about the theft before it happened.
so what Jaina should do in this case? Like could she just ask Aethas some questions about the actions of sunreavers and then if he was saying that he did not wanted this to happen, and provided with the names of the agents who did that, maybe then Jaina could just try to close off the passages to ally cities and imprison these agents? How the situation could be handled, especially if Jaina would actually acknowledge Aethas and tried to act as civil as possible to sunreavers. Otherwise if he was silent all the time, she needed to perform investigation to find out who did that and imprison these
Tuth be told… I think both me and Amon are going off of the Wowpedia here and writing our arguements to counter each other…
But there is no way the lore was written ‘‘just that dumb and plain’’ We are missing the Horde part of the chain here. And propably some book lore too witch I know is a fact.
Cause the Sunreaver who betrayed Dalaran was for a fact first mentioned and written in the Warcrimes book.
He appeared in game later.
Why would anyone trust him?
Jaina: So you knew this thing would happen and you decided to not tell me?
Aethas: Yea.
Jaina:But now after the fact and Garrosh has yet another nuclear weapon you will happily point out the ones responcible?
Jaina: Why didnt you point out the ones responcible before the theft though?
Do you see how sus that is?
Still it doesn’t qualify to outright mini genocide in dalaran the Jaina performed so called “purge” of Dalaran
Anyway We are looping so hard now…
It does when they refuse to surrender.
I am sorry… I don’t mean to ignore you… But amon is more than enough for my plate right now I feel like she covers your ‘‘sides’’ arguements well enough… I am sorry… I cannot forum debate several people at once.
I am just a bad forum pvper truth be told. But Im not molten who runs on Nukeclear cold fusion and can just debate a hundred people at once. I just don’t have that energy in me.
Question does Vulpera taste like chicken?
Not Skullfox. Too become immune to poisons he has taken small amounts of poisons to attain immunity over a long time span.
Take a bite of Skullfox and you will experience a septic shock.