Which side is morally better?

Aaaand you missed the entire point of the saying ‘’ The sins of the horde does not excuse the sins of the alliance’’

Your basically just saying ‘‘Uhh yeah they doo!! We can be as evil as we want if the horde was evil first!!!’’

Like a freaking five year old child.

I will begin to be fair, after the horde freed itself from Guldan and the yoke of the legion:

Doomhammer take control over the horde, kill the shadow council, but he decides to keep the invasion of Stormwind.

Doomhammer decides to start the second war against human, but in his search for resources, he also invades Kazmodan and besieges Gnomeregan, even though these races did not fight the horde in the first war. They wanted to take all of the eastern kingdoms.

Years later, the Warsongs begin an invasion of Ashenvale and instead of abandoning the place, they decide to go to the end and drink Mannoroth’s blood again, voluntarily.

In Cataclysm Garrosh decides to start a new war against the alliance, because he wants to have control of Ashenvale and other fertile territories.

At the end he ends up using Ysharrj’s heart as a weapon of war, he not only declares war on the races of the alliance, but also on some races of the horde.

In BFA, the horde decides to start a new genocidal war, the purpose of which was to feed souls to the maw so that the Jailer could carry out his plans for the end of the universe.

Write me now the “grandiose crimes of the alliance”, so that we can laugh when we make the comparison.

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Yeah I am not arguing that Sylvanas and Garrosh did bad things. This entire time though ive been saying that the few times the Alliance are evil? Your all in such incredible denial

Are you all gonna explode or something if you admitted it?

You are putting the crimes of the horde on the same level with those that the alliance has supposedly committed xD

In fact, the same Op in this thread says that the alliance’s crimes are worse.

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I am literally not the entire time I am not… Read what ive been saying.

But it is disturbing though… So I guess an Alliance soldier just a free for all too evil town then? On any Horde civilian they encounter?

So Alliance I guess should just try to be peacekeepers, if any war started by horde they only fight it in their respective territories (if Ashenvale attacked - go repel invasion) instead of building war bases in barrens for example. Probably if alliance did not commit any crimes starting from Garithos, ye no one can ignore it if the alliance still thinks the horde is all the same as it was by Gul’dan, and if alliance only were playing role of protectors of their lands and Azeroth, then I guess Alliance would become actual good guys. And only if there is a threat of global extinction of entire Azeroth they may join rebellion for example with horde and take out the crazy leader like Garrosh

But I haven’t seen you respond to this, where they equate the alliance with the horde.

In your place you dedicate yourself to responding to all of us who say that not even jokingly can you compare what the alliance has done with what the horde has done.

They should at least not commit evil while saying they are peacekeepers at the same time… And then point moral fingers at the horde later.

Not much better than the horde… When your capable of all the evil they do in the name of peace? are you

This is like telling a country in Eastern Europe that is in war not to bomb the refineries and energy buildings of the country that is invading it. You don’t know how absurd you sound.

How do they expect them to win just by “defending themselves”?

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Thats not remotely the same :man_facepalming: What the hell…

Which I was saying: basically Alliance should mind their own business and only care about their legal territories (like Darkshore, Ashenvale, Dun Morogh etc) and join the wars without committing atroicities like horde does, so if horde burnes civilians, alliance probably should only take out the agents and generals who did the burning. And pretty much that’s it.

It is a war where one faction begins to invade the other. Adding the fact that the horde seeks not only to conquer, but to genocide the races of the alliance.

Your example was just so far out of the field and not remotely the same and comparable…

So if you do that, I repeat, you are giving the advantage to the horde. While the alliance loses civilian population, cities and lands, the horde would only lose soldiers, so they could recover more easily.

What you are saying is complete NONSENSE.

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My example was more than perfect to respond to the enormous nonsense you are saying.

On the other hand if full scale war started and one superpower invades territories of another and makes genocide, for me it feels rightful if the another superpower will invade the first superpower and try to take out the crazy leader who did it, like in bfa after teldrassil burning the forces of Alliance started to put Undercity under siege in order to battle Sylvanas

Should be noted that when both Sylvanas and Garrosh invaded the Alliance… they both believed that if they didn’t… the Alliance would dominate them and wage war on them sooner or later and reduce them to a poorer state. Delly conviniently leaves this out.

I’ll put another example. So the allied countries and the USSR should never have invaded Germany in the Second World War, and should simply have defended themselves on their territory and nothing more, to avoid committing possible crimes against civilians? (that were committed).

According to your comment, that’s how it should have been.

We cant do that delly… No real world politics or examples allowed.

Did that already and I was demoted severely…

Because they don’t interest you, since it destroys your absurd argument.